Breaking up in love is very painful, but time is indeed a good medicine for heart disease. After nearly two months of painful struggle, I finally realized that the house is so important to marriage, so I tried my best to cheer up and started the journey of looking for a house. But the pity was poor, so he had to find a second-hand house with a small area. The decoration was very simple, and it was still on the top floor. For this reason, he was burdened with debts, and officially embarked on a debt repayment journey and became a house slave. one of the.

But there is one thing that is very gratifying to me. I remember that on the first day I moved into my new home, I miraculously met a fairy-like beauty in the community. She had a tall figure, a delicate face, and shawl-like hair, like white jade. With that beautiful lily skirt and crystal-like high heels, I felt my heart was captured by her, and my heart was beating non-stop. I thought my heart that was dead because of a broken relationship turned out to be Rejuvenated for her, like a seed in spring, it can't wait to get out of the ground.

I was extremely nervous, she was so beautiful and holy like a goddess, I was like a toad on the ground, and I was the kind who ate one meal and seldom rested.A sense of inferiority surged in my heart, making me lower my head in despair, and she did completely ignore my existence, and passed me directly, leaving only a faint fragrance, I Couldn't help but took two deep breaths.

I can only laugh at myself, how could people like me if there are a lot of paupers like me on the street.But one thing I think I am very lucky, I miraculously found that she entered the building opposite me, although I don't know which floor she lives in, which room, but at least life has a new motivation and hope.

Although going to work every day is very busy and tiring, at least at night I have a new yearning for life. Every night I will habitually stand in front of the balcony window, carefully look at every room opposite, looking for Her figure, maybe I am not very lucky, my balcony is facing the kitchen and bathroom of the opposite building, maybe she doesn't cook at all, I can't find her figure.

But one thing is worth gratifying, because I often meet her downstairs when I go to work in the morning, watching her gradually disappearing figure, seeing her dressed up beautifully and smiling often, I will also very happy.

Spring has passed, and time has entered summer in a blink of an eye. On this hot summer night, I went to the window to look at the window after dinner early as usual, but this day I had an unexpected harvest.After nine o'clock in the evening, I found that there was a long-haired woman taking a shower directly opposite my house. Although the space left by the window of her bathroom was very narrow, I was able to confirm that she was a woman through the gap. a beautiful woman.That Lingling's figure, white jade-like skin, and delicate face at a glance, could she be the goddess I've been looking for all along.It's a pity that the window only saw such a narrow slit, and I couldn't see her whole picture, so I couldn't be sure that she was the one I was looking for, but I found that I couldn't help but love this peeping to death, and I even felt myself It's wicked, but I still look forward to this moment every day.Time flies by in my daily expectation, but I still can only watch her back silently, I don't have the courage to confess to her.

This morning, I got up early to go to work as usual, and I was still lucky to meet her when I came downstairs, but today I always feel that she is very different from the past. The black tight-fitting miniskirt outlines her snake-like slender figure, slender and sexy jade legs, coupled with the bottomless cleavage, and the shameless jade ball, I think even the four beauties of ancient times , or Su Daji who fascinated King Zhou of Shang was nothing more than that.

My heart skipped a beat for no reason. Is she going to meet her boyfriend today? She is dressed so beautifully. How I wish she was dressed for me at this time. Unfortunately, I am so inferior that I can't even look at her. I dare not watch it for long, let alone express my love to her.

Maybe God really likes to punish me, and actually made my guess and dream come true. One week later, that afternoon, when I came home from get off work, I found her holding a man's arm. The two were talking and laughing, so happy.

The man was tall and handsome, he looked like Pan An, and he should be the kind of prince charming that all women dream of.Coupled with the fact that the girl is as beautiful as a fairy, I have to admit that the two of them are really a good match when they walk together, and I think the golden boy and the jade girl are nothing more than that.

A nameless jealousy made me furious. The goddess I had been secretly in love with for so long was snatched away by this Cheng Yaojin who broke out halfway. Jealousy has already put me on the verge of going berserk. The so-called evil comes from the guts. Today I have to let this little boy suffer a little bit, there is a price to be paid for robbing my woman.

I directly lowered my head and walked towards the two of them. When I was about to get close to the little boy, I rushed forward and gave him a hard push with my shoulder. Under the stunned expressions of the two of them, I didn't even move my head. Go, finally let out a bad breath in my heart, and my heart is secretly refreshed.

"Stop!" Just as I was secretly swearing that the little boy's family would die, there was a loud voice from behind him.

Cut, if you tell me to stop, I will stand. Doesn't that make me lose face, and I don't bother to talk to you.I walked quickly to the corridor without looking back.

"Boy, I think you are looking for trouble on purpose. Since you don't have to drink fine wine for toasting." Just as I was about to enter the aisle, that little boy rushed over from behind, grabbed my collar and lifted me up. I tried my best to get out of his clutches, but even with all my breastfeeding strength, I couldn't see his hand loosening a bit. It's over, I think I kicked the iron plate this time. This kid must be a practicing family. After earning some face in front of me, I didn't expect to be pinched like a kitten and couldn't move in the end.This time I lost my face, a deep sense of powerlessness, a deep shame, made my face turn red, and I completely lost my fighting spirit.

"Forget it, Su Ning, don't be as knowledgeable as such a small person." The goddess ran over and said, but her words hurt my ears so much, it turned out that I was just an insignificant person in her eyes, I bowed my head deeply.

"Hmph, boy, I'll spare you this time. Next time, put your eyes on the bright side and hit my hand again, and I'll pull your skin off." The little white face threw me straight away, and I fell several meters in a row.

I stood there quietly, pouring out all the mixed feelings in my heart. I watched their backs silently until the two gradually disappeared in the corridor.

Although I still peeped at the girl in front of the window tonight as scheduled, she is still beautiful and moving, but thinking that my beloved girl will be hugged by another man tonight, calling that man her husband affectionately, and even that happened The last thing I want to see is a relationship, my heart is like being stabbed by a bayonet.

I was very irritable, so I asked some of my best buddies, they were all suffering brothers and sisters together, we all went out to eat barbecue and drink beer at night, tonight I would not come back drunk, although I did not lose love, because I was just single It's just lovesickness, but I feel more painful than losing love.

Tonight, my friends and I drank very high and played very high. I will use alcohol to anesthetize myself, and I will use madness to forget my pain. I don’t know how much I drank and what I said, but In the end, I still fell down, and I don't know when I was sent home by my friends.

Tonight I had a long, long dream. I dreamed that my beloved was still so beautiful. I also dreamed of her taking a bath in front of the window. Then they slowly overlapped into one person. I tried to reach out and hug her. , but she went to snuggle in the arms of another man, and finally the two happily embarked on the wedding hall. I cried for the second time tonight, and it was the second time I cried since I was broken up.

I didn’t see her again for the next few days, and the window opposite didn’t turn on the lights at night. Maybe she went to live at her boyfriend’s house. For a while, all the strength in my body seemed to be drained, and I was in a daze all day long. , always insomnia, with panda eyes all day long, my colleagues joked that I went on a date with my lover at night.I was also lazy at work and couldn't concentrate. For this reason, I was often criticized by the leaders. I found that my life and work suddenly became a mess.

Seeing that I suddenly became like this, my friends kept comforting me, and whenever they had time, they would gather together with brothers. Of course, they mainly wanted to make me happy, and they asked me countless times why, but I I didn't know how to open my mouth, so I just shook my head silently.


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