Attracted by the beauty of this beautiful Moon Lake, everyone is enjoying their own peace and security. The scenery is beautiful at this time!

"Come on, come and see, come and buy, here are panacea for all diseases, and all kinds of magic tools to exorcise demons and demons." Just as we were enjoying the beautiful scenery of Moon Lake, a piercing shout wake us up.

We turned around and saw that there was a middle-aged Taoist next to him who was selling various medicinal instruments. This person was dressed in a yellow Taoist uniform and claimed to be a descendant of the Heavenly Master Sect. He traveled around today to sell some medicinal instruments. To change to a vegetarian meal, he danced the mahogany sword in his hand up and down from time to time, feeling quite a bit enlightened.

"Daozhang, how do you sell this elixir? How do you sell the magic weapon?" Countless people were moved when they heard that it could cure all diseases and exorcise evil spirits.

"It's not expensive, two taels of silver for pills, and five taels of silver for magic tools." The old Taoist god was there, and he looked like a magic stick no matter how you looked at it.

"But Taoist, what should we do if we don't have money? Do we accept RMB?" When those people heard that this man was denominated in silver, they became more convinced that he was a Taoist priest who ran out of the deep mountains and old forests.

"Oh, it turns out that the world has switched to RMB now, so just give it to anyone." The Taoist sighed and opened his mouth like a lion.

I thought that these people would turn around and leave when they heard that it was so expensive, but the fact is that countless people donated generously and did not hesitate to spend high prices to buy these so-called elixirs and magic tools.

It's so expensive and so many people buy it, I can't figure it out, what's wrong with the world?Is there really so much money that can’t be used up? Instead of giving it to these scammers, why don’t they donate it to the poor people in need? Don’t they see that there are still so many people in remote mountainous areas who can’t afford medical care and can’t eat enough? Can't afford to study?Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel heartbroken. Looking at the Taoist who seemed to be a master of Taoism, but secretly laughing secretly, I was even more annoyed.

"Taoist priest, can I try your elixir?" I walked directly to the opposite side of the Taoist priest, during which Qianqian pulled me many times, but I ignored it.

"Yes, try your elixir. I want to see if it can cure all diseases? I don't know if impotence can be cured?" The second son was also booing beside him, but when he said impotence, everyone had a look of embarrassment. Looking at him with contempt, even the second son's girlfriend hurriedly stayed away from the second son.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm a real man, how could it be impossible?" Er Zi immediately realized that he had said something wrong, but the more he explained it to others, the more he didn't believe it. The anxious Er Zi almost took off his pants to let everyone verify the truth body.

"Brother, how are you going to try it? Let me tell you that my elixir is very expensive." The Taoist looked at me a little panicked.

"It's very simple, as long as it can cure the injury on my foot in an instant, if it is really cured, I will pay you double the money for the medicine." I pulled up my trousers, revealing my wheat-colored calf.

The Taoist looked at my calf carefully, "Brother, you are playing with me, your foot is not injured at all, how do you ask me to heal you?"

"It's not easy." I directly pulled out the Xuanyuan Sword from the package, and slashed my calf with a sword, leaving a long wound, from which blood kept flowing out.

"Ah!" Seeing that I drew out the sword and stabbed myself, everyone screamed in fright, even Qianqian and the others turned pale from fright, and the Taoist priest was even dumbfounded by my ruthlessness.

"Okay, you're ruthless." The Taoist simply beat the bullshit pills and magic weapons on the ground into his pocket, and ran away with his pocket.

"Daoist, don't run away, you haven't healed my brother yet." The second son saw that the Taoist ran away, and immediately yelled at him.

"Cut, you think I'm stupid if you don't run." The Taoist ran even faster without looking back.

"Ah, my money!" At this time, everyone realized that this Taoist priest is a liar, so his elixirs and instruments are also fake. For money, these people's running speed is as fast as hundreds of thousands of dollars. Meter sprint champion.

"Second brother, are you okay?" The second son hurried over to support me, Qianqian and the others even wiped my wound carefully with a tissue, Liu Hui took out the bruise medicine that she carried with her, and gave it to me on the wound. After applying some, the bleeding soon stopped.

"Brother Yuwen, why are you bothering?" Wang Xin said distressedly while bandaging my wound.

"I just can't stand these people's deceit and deceit, and the hard-earned money of the common people is hard to come by." I looked at those people who had given generously just now, but panicked when they knew they had been cheated, and sighed deeply.

"Wow, my second son deserves this injury, why didn't I get such a good treatment." The second son looked at the girls who kept bandaging my wounds, feeling a little envious.

"Then you can get hurt like Xiaoxiang, and I can serve you like this." Er Zi's girlfriend looked at the fat on Er Zi's body, and must be thinking about where to stab him.

"Forget it, I don't have the courage." The second son shook his head quickly, really afraid that his girlfriend would stab him.

"Hmph, look at your ugly face, I can't expect you to be some kind of hero." Er Zi's girlfriend glanced at Er Zi resentfully, and Er Zi hurriedly lowered his head.

"Let's go, let's go to the lake to play, today to play by the lake, tomorrow we will go to the lake to play, what do you think?" I saw that the wound was also bandaged, and I gave the three girls a thank you look. Everyone suggested.

"Okay, I heard that there are many beautiful scenic spots on and around the lake." Liu Hui immediately agreed, and the rest of the people also nodded, and they decided on the plan for the visit.

A group of us walked towards the Moon Lake. At this time, there were already couples walking by the lake, and the two daughters, Liu Hui and Wang Xin, were envious. Now they are still single, and the second daughter I was not shy and ran over directly and took one of my hands, but moved Qianqian aside, and I gave Qianqian an apologetic look.

But the second son felt very uncomfortable when he saw it, and he babbled there for a long time. Why is the treatment of the same man so far away? Not to mention the second son, even the couples passing by saw our strange combination. I have made countless men envious. There are three beauties beside me. I am afraid they all want to kick me away and replace them with themselves. However, the price of this envy and jealousy is the anger of their girlfriends. seedling.

Walking with the three girls under the big willow tree by the Moon Lake, it is very comfortable and comfortable. Maybe this is the life that all men dream of, hugging the beautiful women on the left and right.

"Look at the bridge over there." Wang Xin pointed to the stone bridge across the lake and shouted in surprise. After speaking, Wang Xin and Liu Hui happily ran towards the stone bridge.

"I remembered, that stone bridge is called Magpie Bridge. Do you see that the stone statues look like magpies? According to legend, this is the bridge where the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl met. Later, after the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl passed away, the Magpie Bridge fell into the world. Since then, it has straddled the Moon Lake." Qianqian carefully looked at the stone bridge for a while, and then slowly explained.

After listening to Qianqian's words, the second son and his girlfriend ran to the Magpie Bridge in surprise, and I looked at Qianqian, "Why don't we go to the Magpie Bridge to have fun, and let's have a meeting like the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl."

But Qianqian shook her head, and said softly with some sadness: "I don't want to meet Brother Yuwen only once a year, so I will die of missing love."

"Fool, this is just a legend, besides, I will not allow anyone to separate us." I gently hugged Qianqian into my arms.

"Brother Yuwen, if I'm not around someday, I hope you can live a good life." Qianqian turned to look at me with red eyes, eyes full of affection.


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