Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 45 Breakthrough and Breakthrough

Facing my sudden attack, would the undefeated myth Jin Bupo really be crushed by one blow?Everyone is waiting with bated breath for that moment to come.

Just when I was in sight of victory, Jin Bupo suddenly raised his head and gave me an evil smile. His whole body was completely out of breath, and my heart skipped a beat. Needless to say, he was always pretending. I didn’t expect him to be so smart. I also have miscalculations.

"Brother Yuwen, be careful!" At the same time, the second son, Liu Hui and Wang Xin also saw that Jin Bupo was cheating. Qianqian and Jinlian knew something was wrong when they heard the second son's shout, and they were too scared to open their eyes.

But it's too late to say anything, I've come to Jin Bupo's attack range, now I only have a chance to fight, I don't believe that my Xuanyuan Zhenjing third-level skill can't break through his defense.

Dang, I poked Jin Bupo's chest with my two fingers with sufficient movement skills. It felt like I had poked a copper wall and an iron wall. I patted it, and then I flew to the fence next to the Wutai like a kite with a broken string, and when I bounced off, my bones were almost broken, my whole body was numb and I had lost consciousness.

For a while, the court was silent, and even those dozing people woke up from their sleep, with their eyes wide open. I didn't expect the situation to change so quickly. I, who had the upper hand, suddenly lost my life. They couldn't come back to their senses, but when they saw me lying motionless on the ground, they all rushed to the stage madly, but they were all stopped by the casino staff.

Jin Bupo looked like a king who had returned from victory. He folded his arms and looked at me coldly, as if my death had no effect on him. "I gave it back to you, boy. This is what happens when you offend me."

The blood has stained my body red, and I am lying in the pool of blood like a dead person without any movement, only Qianqian and their mournful cries are still calling me to wake up.

At this moment, I am not actually dead, but just in a coma. In the coma, I saw a golden giant sword. It looked very similar to my Xuanyuan Sword, but it was countless times bigger. A sacred and inviolable aura, it is like a king who dominates and kills, standing in this world, at this moment, strands of golden energy are being released from the giant sword, and these golden energies are swimming in my major veins , repairing my body that was about to be broken, I took a closer look at the golden giant sword that was actually in my middle dantian, it was really strange when there was such a powerful existence in my body, I tried to drive it, but it completely ignored me.

In fact, the human body has three dantians, which are the upper dantian Tianling acupoint, the middle dantian Tanzhong acupoint, and the lower dantian Qihai acupoint. People who practice martial arts usually refer to the lower dantian Qihai acupoint as the dantian. I have never heard of anyone Able to practice middle dantian and upper dantian.

I can feel that this golden giant sword is not malicious to me. Every time I am in the most danger, it is releasing this golden energy to repair my body. I can clearly feel this golden energy blending into my true self. My true qi will be stronger after being in the air, and it will be much easier to hit those unopened acupuncture points with this golden energy, but unfortunately I can't control the golden giant sword, otherwise I will be able to break through soon Acupuncture points all over the body.

Well, as my body was repaired by the golden energy, my consciousness returned to my body. I opened my eyes and looked at it. At this time, the referee was about to raise Jin Bupo's hand, presumably to announce the opponent's victory.

"Slow down, I haven't fallen down yet!" I stood up again, feeling pretty good, although I was a little dizzy due to excessive blood loss, but due to this serious injury, I also broke through to the fifth floor of Xuanyuan Heart Sutra, yes, I jumped two levels in a row , Thinking of the golden giant sword I saw in a coma, I quickly sank my thoughts into my dantian, but I didn't see anything, the dantian was in chaos, and I didn't know if the golden giant sword really existed.

Seeing that I miraculously stood up, all the people wiped their eyes in disbelief. Is this still a human being, who can still stand up after suffering such a serious injury.

"Immortal Xiaoqiang, Immortal Xiaoqiang!" The loud voice of the audience seemed to pierce the sky, I waved to the audience, and the second son and the others saw that I stood up again, their joy was beyond words, and Jin Bupo looked at me again. Standing up, I frowned slightly.

"Well, you're not bad, so you're the one to play." Jin Bupo was surprised when he saw me standing up again, but it was just a surprise.

"Really, I let you down, don't worry, I will make you pay back twice." I also fought back without showing any weakness.

"No, it's not enough to just talk about it, you have to have the real ability to talk big." Jin Bupo shook his finger and said disdainfully.

I didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so I launched an attack directly. I don't believe that I can't break your defense with my fifth-level skill.

Bang, Jin Bupo wants to repeat the old trick, how can I let him do what he wants, this time I temporarily changed the striking part, and stabbed him on the waist, although he didn't penetrate, but he was also moved by my sword energy. Injury, the wound was bleeding continuously and wet the clothes.

"Yes, you are the first person to make me bleed. It seems that you have improved again. I will take it seriously next time. I hope you will not let me down." Jin Bupo put his bloody finger in his mouth and licked it All of a sudden, Zou frowned.

"I really want to know, what did you mean when I was in a coma? We don't seem to know each other. When did I offend you?" Although I was unconscious at the time, my ears could still hear hear.

"Damn you, boy, you forgot what you did so quickly." Jin Bupo looked at me very displeased.

"What do you mean I did to you, you are a big man, I am not interested in you." Thinking of having an affair with such a big man, I feel like throwing up, does this guy have a habit of cutting off his sleeves?

"You..." Of course Jin Bupo knew what was going on in my heart, and almost vomited blood out of anger, "You kid just wanted to wipe it off after taking advantage of it, but I'm here to kick Xiangxiang and seek justice."

Hearing Jin Bupo mention Xiangxiang, I finally understood, could it be that Xiangxiang is this guy's lover? If that's the case, it seems that he should seek revenge from me. Xiangxiang, I couldn't help thinking of her proud figure and her comfortable private parts, and my saliva drool all over the floor.

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Readers, don't go away, Zuo Jun has a third update today, so stay tuned for more excitement in the next episode!


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