Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 56 Entering the Assassin's Hall at Night

"Wang Xin, where is the headquarters of Killer Church?" I thought for a while and asked Wang Xin. I don't know much about the distribution of forces in this city, let alone where their headquarters are.

"Brother Yuwen, why are you asking this?" Wang Xin asked nervously as soon as he heard my question and knew that I was going to the Killer Hall.

"It's nothing, I want to go there and see if I can rescue the kid." I said flatly, as if going to the Killer Hall was a trivial matter.

"Brother Yuwen can't do it, you can't go, that killer blood knife is a famous master." Liu Hui also immediately stood up to object.

"It's okay, I'm not going to fight with them, I'm just going to have a look." I replied casually.

"That's not okay, brother Yuwen is too dangerous." Wang Xin immediately dissuaded him.

"No objection is allowed, I have to go and see tonight." Seeing that the second daughter was endless, I turned to say seriously.

"That's fine, Liu Hui and I will go with you, so we can rest assured." Wang Xin and Liu Hui walked up to me, as if following you, I knew they were concerned about my safety.

I nodded, "Okay, the three of us will go to the dragon's pond and tiger's lair tonight."

Killer is a mysterious and powerful existence, synonymous with cold-blooded and ruthless. It has existed for thousands of years. They are like a killing machine. I'm going to go to this ghost place today.

The Killer Hall is located in an old courtyard in the city of H. Under the leadership of the second daughter Liu Hui, I turned left and right through the old alleys, and finally came to this place. This place is too hard to find. If it wasn't for Liu Hui and the others leading the way, I really wouldn't be able to find this ghostly place.

The Hall of Assassins is a place that makes countless people feel intimidated, it is a gloomy place, but when I got there, I couldn't believe my eyes. It doesn't look like a Hall of Assassins, but it is more like a villa where ancient dignitaries lived. The breath is filled with the taste of a scholarly family.

Two huge wooden doors tightly closed the courtyard, and nothing could be seen inside. According to Liu Hui and the others, this place used to be the general's mansion, but now it has become the headquarters of the Killer Hall. I have to say that God is very good at joking, vaguely Only the two huge stone lions in front of the gate can see its former might and glory.

Why!Such a unique place makes it difficult for me to connect it with the ghostly thing of the killer.In fact, it’s normal when you think about it. It’s the 21st century now, and it’s a civilized society. Naturally, no gang can exist in the world openly, just like our Ax Gang built in a villa on the mountain, and the Black Tiger Gang built in an office building. , and the Qinglong Gang was built in a cave even more exaggeratedly.

"This is the headquarters of the Killer Hall?" I looked at the ancient garden in front of me in disbelief, and asked the second daughter Liu Hui.

"Yes, I won't remember wrongly." Liu Hui replied with certainty.

"Very good, I'll go in and have a look, you just wait for me outside." I whispered to the second daughter and prepared to go in and have a look.

"No, brother Yuwen, we have to go with you!" Wang Xin pulled me and refused to let go.

"Xin'er is obedient, I'll come back as soon as I go, everything will be fine." I kissed Wang Xin lightly on the forehead, comforting her.

"Brother Yuwen, I want it too." Liu Hui also jumped and ran over to bring her face closer.

"You two wait for me outside obediently. Be obedient and don't rush into the Assassin's Hall. It's dangerous inside." I kissed Liu Hui's red cheeks and solemnly entrusted the second daughter.

"Since you know the danger and go alone, we will worry about you." Wang Xin hugged me tightly and choked up.

"I know, but I'm a man, and I have the obligation to bear all this alone." I looked at the tall fence in the other garden, and replied righteously.As a man, he should be self-reliant. A man must face any difficulties alone.

The second daughter looked at my somewhat thin back, but he was so tall in their minds, it was such a man who gave them the warmth of home, thought of everything for them, but never for himself, what? He had to bear the danger alone, and the two daughters couldn't help crying quietly.

Saying goodbye to the second daughter, I jumped into the Assassin’s Hall. The walls of the General’s Mansion are built high, at least seven or eight meters high. Ordinary people can’t climb over the wall and enter the hospital. Fortunately, I have studied Xuanyuan’s body skills in the past two days. , I learned two or three moves, and there happened to be a move of vertical ladder in it. I didn't expect it to come in handy today.

Entering the mansion, according to what Liu Hui and the others said, it is divided into five courtyards, east, west, north, and middle, and the east courtyard is directly opposite the gate. It is more likely that the prisoners will be locked in the four courtyards. The place where the master and his personal guards live is very dangerous. Don't go there. Fengshen and Liu Hui have mentioned the blood knife of the hall master. This should be a master. I would like to meet him if I have a chance, but today I am here to save people. Yes, I won't bother him anymore.

Sneaking into the east courtyard, it's quite spacious, with a large courtyard in the middle, surrounded by dozens of houses, and there was noise from the two houses in the middle, it seems that there are people inside, I sneaked over and listened. There were about a dozen people chatting inside, and of course the topic was women.

"Xiao Liu heard that you just married a wife, why are you still here?" one of the black-faced men asked.

"Brother, you don't understand, how can wild flowers smell like wild flowers?" Another man interjected, and let out a lewd smile, and the others also followed suit.

"Xiao Liu, tell me how your new daughter-in-law is?" the black-faced man asked again.

"What else can I do? Women are all the same. They have two mouths. They just want to find someone to pass on to their offspring." Xiao Liu spoke humorously.

"Brother planted so soon?" Another interface asked.

"How could it be so fast, you think I'm a pig with feet." Xiao Liu kicked the boy.

"Stand aside, little hairy boy, is he still a virgin?" A middle-aged man kicked the young man.

"Don't look down on me, I'm going to bid farewell to my virginity today." The young man was very unconvinced.

"Okay, brothers, remember to pick a virgin for this kid, so he won't be at a disadvantage." The black-faced man glanced around and shouted.

"Okay, anyway, we brought back a lot of women this time." The rest laughed loudly.

"I heard that the Lord of Heaven is not here these few days, so we brothers just let go and have fun." Xiao Liu slapped the table excitedly.

"How did those boys go in for so long, don't kill people, then let's play a fart." The black face

The man looked inside anxiously.

"That's right, let's go take a look." The others also stood up.

Through the conversations of these people, I know that they have captured a group of women and brought them back for their pleasure. I listened carefully, and sure enough there were many women crying. What a fucking group of prostitutes and shameless, even It's a bunch of scum, it's a pity that I'm here to save people this time, otherwise I really want to rush in and kill these shameless people.

And through their conversation, I also know that their hall master is not there, so it will be much more convenient for me to do things, and I can rest assured to save people.

"Who are you?" At this moment, I suddenly realized that there was a masked person next to me. She should be a woman, and suddenly there was another person beside me for no reason. Then I must be decapitated now.

The woman glanced at me without saying a word, and continued to turn her head to stare at the room, but I always felt that those eyes were very familiar, but I couldn't remember where I saw them.

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The fourth update is here, I hope everyone will pay more attention to this book, support Zuo Jun a lot, and cast your precious votes!


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