Facing the increasingly severe situation, I knew in my heart that I couldn't continue to fight with the blood knife, "You stand aside, I will fight this old boy!"

"Then you have to be careful." The woman in red nodded and looked at me affectionately.

"If I die, remember to keep mourning for three years!" I whispered in the beautiful woman's ear.

"You're not allowed to say you're dead." The beautiful woman's embroidered fist hit her body, and the massage was also good.

"Don't worry, I won't die if I don't marry you." I secretly kissed the woman in red on the face. It was strange that she didn't resist. Damn, did she really fall in love with me?

The woman in red nodded to me before walking away, and retreated to the side with her sword, ready to plunder me.

"Remnant Shadow Step, Dragon Ting Triple Strike!" With two unique moves, I fought the blood knife for myself and for the beauty.

Faced with my life-threatening blood knife, I had to back away, just enough for me to rush out of the gate. I quickly grabbed the beauty in red and slipped out of the gate, facing the afterimage of me on the ground. , Blood Knife can't tell who is real and who is fake, so naturally there is no way to stop it.

"Boss Jin, hurry up and run with the child." When I got to the door, I saw Boss Jin standing there stupidly, so I yelled, grabbed another child and started running.

At this time Xuedao also chased out the door, just in time to see Boss Jin with us, and instantly understood that Boss Jin had betrayed Killer Hall.

"Come on, catch these people and kill them." Suddenly, a large group of killers surrounded us and blocked our way to the gate.

"Fuck, it looks like we have to climb over the fence again." I didn't care too much, I just pulled the two children, the boss Jin took a child, and the beauty in red fucked alone.

Facing the chasing soldiers like wolves and tigers behind us, we had no choice but to run wildly, and finally came under the tall wall. Facing the tall wall, I didn't hesitate at all, and jumped directly onto the wall.

"Boss Jin, throw the child to me." "Beauty, go outside the wall, and I'll throw the child down." As soon as I climbed the wall, I hurriedly shouted to the two of them, because I saw the blood knife rushing towards here.

Finally, before the blood knife arrived, we moved all the personnel out of the Assassin Hall. As soon as we left the Assassin Hall, I dragged the two children and ran out of the city again, and the two of them followed closely behind with the children.I expected that the Killer Hall would search the streets for us tonight, so I decided to hide outside the city for a while, and it would be safe to come back at dawn tomorrow.

We ran all the way to the ruined temple outside the city. We had to go to the ruined temple first to treat our own wounds. Otherwise, if we lost too much blood, we might not have people from the Killer Church come to us, and we would not be able to do it ourselves.

Xuedao chased all the way to the wall, but seeing that there was no one left, he had no choice but to punch the wall with hatred. Since he was seriously injured at this time, he didn't dare to continue chasing him. Tonight, he was always proud. It was a great shame and humiliation that a well-known master would fall into the hands of two unknown pawns, and even be betrayed by Boss Jin.Xuedao clenched his fists tightly. If he was allowed to catch these people, he would definitely smash them into pieces.

"Search for me, search the whole city, even if you turn over the whole city H, you have to find them for me." Xuedao yelled at the subordinates who came after him, and everyone rushed out of the gate. Destined not to be peaceful.

"How are you? Are you okay?" When I came to the ruined temple, I hurriedly supported the pale-faced woman in red and asked.

"It's okay, I just lost a lot of blood, just bandage it later." The woman in red walked towards the temple with my support.

"Boss Jin, please look outside for us now, let's go in and bandage the wound first." I was also very dizzy due to severe blood loss.

Handing a few children to Boss Jin, Boss Jin nodded and stood at the gate of the temple like a door god.

After arriving at the temple with the woman in red, because of the heavy humidity and cold weather at night, I quickly picked up some dry firewood and lit a fire. I felt much more comfortable under the light of the fire, and my face also had some blood.

"Go to the back of the stone statue and bandage your wound first. If you need help, just tell me." I looked at the dilapidated temple, and only the back of the stone statue could cover it. The bloody thigh, if I help to bandage there, then she will take off naked in front of me, thinking that I can't help being a little moved, please ask me for help, I prayed silently in my heart.

"No, I can do it myself." The woman in red glared at me, knowing that this kid had a lot of bad thoughts.

The woman in red has already gone behind the stone statue, and I sat beside the stone statue boredly, looking at the stone statue from time to time, but unfortunately I don’t know how to see through my eyes, so I can only swallow dryly.

How I wish for a gust of wind to blow out the fire. I heard that women are afraid of this, and I don’t know if it will work. I prayed secretly in my heart.

Huh... a gust of wind blows and blows out the fire in the temple in an instant. Suddenly the temple is pitch black and the wind is shimmering. It's so scary that even my hair stands on end.

"Ah...!" A woman screamed, and then I felt that there was another person in my arms. I touched his body, and it was naked. After touching the butt, I touched the thigh, it was so cool!Needless to say, the beauty in my arms must be a woman in red. I never thought that my dream would come true.

Today's fourth update is delivered, I hope you enjoy reading it, but don't forget to give Zuo Jun a recommendation and collection while enjoying it, don't be stingy if you don't spend money, thank you!


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