Seeing Boss Jin recovering, I nodded secretly, "Boss Jin, I'm going to rent the room next to me, you go back to your hometown and bring your daughter to live here, so that we can take care of each other .”

"Thank you, thank you!" Boss Jin knelt on the ground excitedly: "My subordinates will serve the guild master until death."

"Very good!" I walked over to help Boss Jin up, which was exactly what I wanted. With his daughter by my side, I no longer had to worry about Boss Jin's betrayal.

Everything was settled, Boss Jin went back to his hometown to pick up his daughter, and I quickly contacted the landlord next door to rent the house, finally solved the problem of Boss Jin, and I happily continued to go to work.Since I caught the leader's handle that day, the unit has stopped a lot in the past two days, and I am happy to be at leisure.

Looking at a table of delicious golden lotus at noon, I felt my stomach screaming, calling me to feel like holding chopsticks, so I became a puppet of my stomach, picked up the chopsticks, picked up the bowl and was ready to eat. The three girls next to me looked at me. All the monkeys pursed their lips and smiled anxiously.

Dong dong, there was a knock on the door, and Qianqian got up to open the door.

"Who is this? I'm here to eat at noon." I didn't care so much, I picked up the chopsticks and ate first.

"Second brother, you are too unkind. You don't even greet my brother when he comes." The door opened, and the second son walked in.

"Second son, what's the matter?" I asked while eating.

"It's nothing, I just think the food made by the beauty is delicious, so I'm going to come over to eat." The second son was not polite, and sat down on the bench.

"Come on, Brother Er Zi." At this time, Wang Xin had already gone to the kitchen to serve the second son a meal.

"Thank you, cousin, it's better to stay here with the second son. Yilai stretches out his hand to eat and opens his mouth." The second son picked up the bowl and ate faster than me. Could it be that this guy was just released from the cell.

The wind swept away, and soon a large table of delicacies entered our stomachs, and it felt so refreshing to touch the round belly.

"Second son, tell me, what's the matter?" I still don't understand this kid's personality, he sticks with his girlfriend all day long, so he rarely comes to my place.

"Second brother has good news for you. This Saturday, our college students will hold a reunion. The place is at the Pacific Hotel in the provincial capital. It is the best hotel in the province. If you don’t say anything about food, it’s worth a thousand bucks.” The second son said enviously, that place is where the rich go, and poor people like us feel it’s a luxury to visit it.

"What kind of good news is this? I'm not interested in this kind of class reunion. It's just a group of rich people showing off their wealth to us and the poor." I looked at the excited second son, pursed my mouth, and poured cold water on it. I am not interested in this, too lazy to be hit.

"Come on, brother, let's go see the world too, how great is the free lunch." The second son looked fascinated, it seemed that this kid was a bit masochistic.

"No, I already agreed to go shopping with Qianqian and the others on Saturday to buy clothes." Recently, I made money from boxing and I am going to add clothes to the four girls. After all, they have been with me for so long and haven't given them gifts yet.

"You will regret it if the second child doesn't go. Let me tell you that the goddess in our class is also coming. You don't want to go see her? I know you have been secretly in love with her for many years." I really want to give him two kicks, so I said it in front of Liu Hui and the others, making it clear that I should sleep on the floor at night.

The goddess in the second son's mouth is Murong Qingcheng, who is the class beauty of our class and the school beauty. She is notoriously cold and beautiful. Therefore, no man dared to confess her love in the four years of college. Of course, there are crowds of people who have a crush on her. I am one of them. I have low self-esteem and can only look at her from a distance behind her. I don't even have the courage to speak to her.I heard that this girl entered the entertainment circle after graduation and became the most famous singer today. She is known as the Ice Fairy. She has always kept herself clean, so there have been no scandals about her in the entertainment circle. This can be regarded as a flower in the entertainment circle. Strange, I didn't expect that she would come to this class reunion, which made me a little excited.

"They're all old classmates who haven't seen each other for several years. You should go and have a look. Second son, where did you say you got together?" Female boasting, isn't this killing me?

"Sisters and sisters, cousin, let me tell you that Murong Qingcheng is very beautiful. If you see her, you will also like her. She is the master of both men and women. When I was in college, countless people dreamed of her name." Second son, this guy Talking excitedly, saliva flying around.

"She's really so beautiful? Then do you miss her in your dreams?" Liu Hui glanced at me with a half-smile, which made my heart shudder.

"Of course, but I haven't read it, but I heard my second son read it. I tell you that my second son likes this Murong Qingcheng." I secretly kicked this kid a few times, but this kid is the head of a wooden fish, it made me mad.

I looked at the women whose faces were gloomy, and felt that I was about to suffer, so I hurriedly said, "Don't listen to Er Zi's nonsense, it's nothing, that Murong Qingcheng is not as beautiful as he said." I was embarrassed smile.

"Then do you think it's that Murong Qingcheng who is beautiful or our sister Qianqian who is more beautiful?" This little girl Liu Hui is only against me. The pot doesn't open and lift the pot, so it's not obvious that she is poking my soft spot. Hmph, sooner or later she will give this little girl Lesson learned.

I straightened my face, and quickly sat up straight and said, "Of course my Qianqian is more beautiful, but Murong Qingcheng can compare with you."

"I don't know if some people mean what's in their hearts. Don't think that we'll spare you if you just say a few nice words." Liu Hui directly pulled Qianqian over to form a united front.

"Qianqian, don't listen to Er Zi and Liu Hui talking nonsense, that's all in the past, I only like you now." Looking at Qianqian with red eyes, I felt a little at a loss and didn't know what to say.

"Second son, I was killed by you this time!" I angrily kicked second son secretly.

"Second brother, why are you kicking me? I haven't finished yet." The second son seems to have been out of order for a long time, and he needs to loosen his bones.

"Second son, I just learned two powerful moves in the past two days, let's go and practice." I pulled the second son to go out and prepare to teach this guy a lesson.

The second son shook his head, "I'm not going, I'm going back. Your sister-in-law is still waiting for me at home. The second son remembers that I will come to you on Saturday morning, and we will go there together."

I secretly compared OK to the second son.

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