"Look, second child, beautiful woman, I dare say this is definitely on par with Murong Qingcheng, it's like fire and ice." The second son suddenly retracted his head and almost fell to the ground.

When I heard the second son say that there is a woman who can match Murong Qingcheng, I was also aroused by it, and I stuck my head out of the window to have a look.

As soon as I saw this woman, my whole body was petrified, and the second son shook me hard several times, but I didn't respond.

"Second brother, I didn't expect you to be more nymphomaniac than I am, and you were stunned by a beautiful woman. How is that girl beautiful?" The second son kept spitting and talking non-stop.

I nodded, and I had to admit that this woman did have the beauty of Murong, and she also had the beauty of a city, but one was as pure as a jade girl, and the other was as hot as a goblin.And I still know this woman, she is the neighbor of my opposite window, and she is also the goddess I used to want to peep day and night, but I didn't expect her to reappear after disappearing for such a long time.

I saw a man and a woman coming down from the big run at this time, the woman was the charming woman opposite, and the man turned out to be a middle-aged man in his 50s or [-]s, with a wide body and a fat body, he looked like a high-ranking official, the two of them When they parted, the woman kissed the middle-aged man on the face.

Suddenly my heart ached. Isn't she with that handsome young man? Why is she getting involved with a middle-aged man again? Could it be that she has become someone else's mistress? Why does she despise herself like this?

Soon Daben drove away, and the goddess also disappeared at the end of the community.We also got out of the car one after another, but I was in a trance, and Qianqian and the others didn't know what was going on. According to the second son, I was seduced by a beautiful woman.

This kid can't spit ivory out of a dog's mouth, so I kicked this kid's ass.

When I came to the door of the house, I saw a man and a woman standing in front of the door. The man was Boss Jin, and the woman should be his daughter. Didn’t it mean that his daughter was only 15 years old? Why didn’t she look like that? The figure, the soul-stirring eyes, and the delicate face, are no worse than the four girls around me. The second son's nympho looks can explain the problem. Now I believe what Boss Jin said. From his daughter You can know that his wife must also be a big beauty, no wonder Xuedao will hit his wife's idea.

"Wow, second son, so what you said is true, you are really the father of a beautiful woman, I like it." The second son immediately became excited when he saw the beautiful woman.

"Second son, keep your voice down, let me tell you, don't make any wrong decisions, that girl is only 15 years old, not yet a minor." I hurriedly warned the second son to avoid embarrassment for a while.

"Oh, I should have said it earlier, but it's okay to take a look. I didn't expect to be so beautiful at the age of 15, so it won't be a disaster for the country and the people in the future." The second son told him that it was nothing.

"You can do whatever you want, but I'm afraid his father won't let you go. Do you know who her father is?" I deliberately planned to scare this daring guy.

"Who is it, isn't it the bearded man next to him? I'm not afraid of him." The second son said proudly.

"You're really not afraid, I'll tell you, that's the gold-medal assassin Jin Boss of the Assassin Hall." I whispered to my second son.

"Ah!" The second son heard that Boss Jin almost fell to the ground in fright. This guy immediately pretended to be a gentleman and kept his eyes fixed.

"Boss Jin, how are you father and son?" I walked over with everyone, and I shouted from a distance.

"Thank you for your concern. We are fine. This is my daughter, Jin Xifeng." Boss Jin introduced his daughter to me.

Not to mention that Jin Xifeng is really beautiful when you get closer and look at her, she is like a beauty, if Boss Jin didn't say that she is his daughter, we would never have believed that such a rough man would give birth to such a beautiful daughter.

"Xifeng, this is the gang leader Yu Wenxiang." Boss Jin also introduced me to his daughter. I don't know why I always feel that Boss Jin has strange eyes, as if he is trying to trick me.

In fact, Boss Jin’s idea is very simple. The reason why he introduced his daughter to me is that he hopes that I can help him take care of his daughter in the future. The daughter is the only relative he can’t let go in this world. If he can entrust her to me to take care of her , he was relieved, even if he went to heaven to find his wife someday, he would not have any more worries.

"Brother Yuwen, hello, I often heard my father say how good you are, and I finally got to see you today." Jin Xifeng had a bit of a heroine's demeanor from a family of martial arts, and she extended her small jade-like hands generously.

"Hi, I'm glad to meet you too." Girls are easy to let go, and an old man like me has nothing to let go of, so I reached out and shook Jin Xifeng's hand, it was cold.

"Come on, Boss Jin, let me introduce these friends of mine to you. This is Xiao Li Fei Dao Liu Wuying. Like you, he plans to hang out with me in the future." Wuying introduced: "Brother Wuying, this is Boss Jin, the gold medal killer of the Assassin Hall, but now he has washed his hands and changed to mix with me. If you get to know each other, we will be brothers in the future.

This time it was the turn of Boss Jin and Liu Wuying to be surprised. They didn't expect that I not only subdued such a master as him, but also failed to repay one. This person is really not simple.

"The gold medal killer, Boss Jin, has heard his name for a long time, and he has admired him for a long time!" Liu Wuying clasped his fists together, feeling like meeting ancient knights.

"Xiao Li Fei Dao Liu Wu Ying, I have heard of his name for a long time, and I finally see him today, I have admired him for a long time!" Boss Jin also clasped his fists and laughed.

"Brother Yuwen, just now I heard what Boss Jin said about the lord, what does it mean?" I didn't expect Liu Wuying to be very careful, and even remembered what Boss Jin said casually.

"Hehe, Brother Wuying, I forgot to tell you, but I am actually the leader of the Ax Gang." I replied with a faint smile.

"It turns out that you are the leader of the Ax Gang. No wonder I always feel that you are not simple, but as the leader of the gang, why would you go to the casino to fight? It stands to reason that you should not be short of money, right?" Liu Wuying asked suspiciously.

"That...hehe, actually, I was bored and went to the casino to find experts like you." I made up a random excuse to prevaricate, but I can't say that my gang leader is useless.


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