Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 77 Shampoo 6 Beauties

Boom, the sound of kissing the human body and the ground, I let go and threw this kid out the door. The kid cursed a few times, I stared at him, and hurried away with his tail between his legs.

I clapped my hands and walked back into the room. At this time, the beautiful woman who washed her hair had already put on her dress and skirt again, "It's okay, everyone continue to do what you should do."

"Second brother, why are you stealing my limelight again?" The second son walked up to me quietly, like a resentful woman.

"Second son, you see all the beauties are looking at you, hurry up and introduce yourself." I pushed the second son, and this boy blushed when he saw more than one beauties.

"Well..., hello everyone, my name is Erzi, I came to see the beautiful women, oh no, I was wrong, I came to get a haircut, this is my brother Yu Wenxiang." Looking at the beautiful woman, she stuttered and spoke fluently.

Seeing the bear look of the second son, the beauties couldn't help but burst out laughing, and the room was filled with spring, breaking the embarrassment and dullness in the room.

"Two handsome guys, please sit down!" The next beauty called us to sit on the barber chair, and it was obvious that she should be the eldest sister among the six beauties.

"Thank you for your life-saving grace. My name is He Jie. It's a pleasure to meet you. In order to thank you for your life-saving grace, we will cut your hair for free today." After speaking, He Jie and another beauty picked up the hair clippers and began to cut our hair.

"Sister He, I have a question, I wonder if it's okay?" Looking in the mirror at He Jie who carefully cut my hair, not to mention that the craftsmanship is really good. The good looks in other places may be an illusion. Anyway, people are beautiful and everything looks good.

"Young Master, feel free to ask anything." He Jie is a very easy-going person, and he speaks very softly, which makes people feel comfortable.

"I really want to know how beautiful and talented people like these sisters come to this small place to get a haircut. It shouldn't be difficult to find a lighter job." I asked very puzzled, and my arms accidentally touched I licked the plump breasts of the beautiful woman, which almost didn't make me feel good.

He Jie deliberately pretended not to notice, but from her pretty red face, she could still tell that she felt it too.

"Actually, my sisters and I used to be models. After working for several years, we couldn't bear the dirty business in this industry, so we washed our hands and came here to open a barber shop to make a living. Although the income is not high, But as long as we sisters are together, we are still very happy every day." He Jie recounted quietly, from her desolate expression, I saw her tired of the world and dissatisfied with the society. This is the darkness of society. Even if you are a beauty or a hero, you have to give in.

"Actually, it's good for you to be free, but you are a group of women, and it is inevitable that someone will trouble you." I smiled and explained to each other, no wonder all of them are so beautiful, they are all models. .

"Yeah, we also like this kind of unfettered life."

"Sister He, I have a proposal."

I thought for a while, turned my head to look at He Jie and said, this turn of the head made He Jie very anxious, originally my superb hairstyle was gnawed off a piece, it looked so ugly, He Jie was so anxious Foot down.

"Sister He, don't be in a hurry, just give me the whole brick shape." Looking at the anxious He Jie, I felt quite embarrassed, it was all my mistake.

"My lord, is this okay?" He Jie said with some concern.

"It's okay, you can do it as you like." I said indifferently, it's just a hair anyway, at most it will be done again in two days.

"Well, what did you propose just now, my lord?"

He Jie stood in front of me and bent over to trim my front hair. The beauty was close at hand. Smelling the alluring body fragrance, I took a few deep breaths, "It smells so good!" I muttered softly.

"My lord, what did you say?" He Jie asked with a blushing face, it seemed that Xiao Nizi heard me clearly.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking that you lack protection power, why don't my brother and I protect you, but we have to charge some protection fees."

I looked He Jie up and down, she has a really good figure, she is worthy of being a model, when she bends down, she can almost have a panoramic view of both hemispheres, and the deep gully makes me a little confused.And her elastic thighs rubbed against my knees from time to time, I was a little reluctant to move away, I really wanted to put the beauty in my arms and touch it, but it was just a thought, if I really did it, I would be the same as just now That pervert is no different.

"Protection fee? My lord, you see that our store has very few people, so I'm afraid we can't afford to pay too much." He Jie said with embarrassment, her face flushed.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. My protection fee is very simple, that is, I can cut our brothers' hair for free every month." I smiled frankly and said casually.

"Ah, that's no problem. Even if you don't help us, we will cut your hair for free in the future."

He Jie was a little overjoyed when he heard the conditions I put forward. In fact, they always wanted someone to protect them. After all, they are a group of women opening a shop, so naturally there will be many perverts who want to attack them.

"Okay, that's it, it's a deal!" I clapped my hands and said happily.

"Young master, you are so humorous. Okay, let's make a deal."

He Jie pursed her lips and smiled, and the rest of the girls also smiled. Finally, someone was willing to protect them, and it was free. Just now they saw that the two of us have extraordinary skills. In fact, they wanted us to protect them a long time ago, but I am too embarrassed to speak, but now I will speak and they will be happy.

"Young master, we will invite you to our house for dinner some other day. Our sisters will cook some delicious food for you. Let me tell you, my sister Qian is very good at cooking. I guarantee that you will still want to eat it." He Jie said temptingly. .

After listening to her story, I was a little drooling, and I was a little bit looking forward to being a guest at a group of beautiful women's homes. I haven't tried it yet, it must be very cool.


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