Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 80 This Man Is Attractive

"How is Fengshen's leader of the Black Tiger Clan?" After I was excited, I thought for a while and asked again.

"The leader of the Black Tiger Gang, Liu Han, is a master." Fengshen's eyes sparkled, and he replied affirmatively.

"How does that compare to the Blood Knife?" I asked again.

"It's incomparable. Xuedao is a top-notch master in this city, and few people are his opponents." When it comes to Xuedao Fengshen's expression is frustrated, it seems that he has also suffered losses in his hands.

"That's good, Fengshen, please prepare me a mask that is the same as the one worn by Silver Fox." As long as I don't have a blood knife, I should be able to escape with my sixth-level skill.

As soon as I asked for a mask, everyone looked at me in surprise, and Fengshen said to me solemnly: "Master, do you want to break into the Black Tiger Gang alone? I advise you not to go, the guard force of the Black Tiger Gang It’s not comparable to Killer Hall, it’s full of cameras and infrared rays, and there are all kinds of traps, no one dares to enter.”

"It's okay, I'm just going to try it, I won't force it." I stopped their persuasion, but no one would believe that I was just going to try it with my firm look.

"Hey! Be careful yourself, you are the leader of our gang, your safety is related to the future of our entire gang." Fengshen didn't say anything more, just asked.

I nodded, the matter has been decided, and my second son and I are about to leave. Now I suddenly feel that the time is so tight, as if I am like a wind-up clockwork that cannot stop for a moment.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that we were about to leave, Fengshen suddenly seemed to remember something, and suddenly stopped me.

"Fengshen, do you have anything else to do?" Judging by Fengshen's solemn expression, he should have something else to tell me.

"Guild Master, I forgot to tell you just now that October [-]st is the first day of gangster gathering in this city. You should prepare well."

"Underworld Gathering? What is it?" I looked at Fengshen suspiciously. I have been in H City for several years, so why haven't I heard of it.

"The so-called underworld gathering is..." Fengshen introduced it to me in detail, and I finally understood that this underworld gathering is to re-divide the sphere of influence in City H, which is very important to any gang.

"As the leader of the Ax Gang, you don't want to embarrass our gang." Thunder God said with a cold face, obviously wanting to embarrass me.

"You don't need to worry about this, as the leader of the gang, I will naturally perform my duties well." I snorted coldly, feeling extremely annoyed, "Is Fengshen okay?"

"It's okay, H city is not peaceful recently, helper, please pay attention to your own safety." Fengshen said with concern, every time the underworld gathering is the most chaotic time in H city, ordinary people dare not go out at night.

I nodded, "I will, let's go." After speaking, my second son and I left this oppressive place.

Yushen stared at my receding back with dazed eyes. For the first time, she realized that she had lost her sight. The original weed had grown into a big tree so quickly. Once Fengshen gave this little man an evaluation, and now he has to admit that Fengshen is very accurate in seeing people. Maybe the Ax Gang can really flourish under his leadership.

"I found that this little man has suddenly become very attractive, and I like him more and more." Dian Shen said a little nympho.

"You can be a mother at your age, don't dream about it." Looking at Dian Shen's nympho, Lei Shen felt a little uncomfortable, so he directly took her for a spin.

"What's wrong with my old lady? Haven't you heard of a third-year female holding a gold brick?" Dian Shen said unhappily with his eyes widened. She hates people saying that she is old, which is also a common problem of all women.

"But the leader seems to have a girlfriend." Yushen sighed and interjected beside her, with a worried expression, she didn't know who she was missing.

"What's so good about that kind of young girl? I can snatch the boss over with a hook of my finger." Dian Shen stood up and stretched, showing off his perfect figure, exuding the mature charm of a woman. The two men stared straight at each other.

"Let's go, I have to go back to my beauty sleep." Dian Shen turned and walked directly outside, and there was the sound of high heels touching the ground in the corridor.

When I got home, I sat alone on the sofa and thought quietly. The four girls obediently didn’t bother me when they saw that I was thinking about problems. The current situation is really not good for our Axe Gang. We are at a disadvantage regardless of manpower, material resources or white power. Even if I succeed in pretending to be the Silver Fox, I can only suspend the crisis of the Ax Gang, the key is to become stronger myself.

Dongdong, I went directly to knock on the door of Boss Jin and Liu Wuying, and I decided to ask them to do some things, which is very appropriate for them to do in their current capacity.

"What's the matter, Chief?" The two walked out of the room and rubbed their sleepy eyes. They didn't expect them to go to bed so early, so they really felt at ease.

"Come here." I called the two of them into my room. It is really inconvenient to talk outside, so I have to be careful that the walls have ears all the time.

I ordered Jin Lian to make a cup of refreshing tea for the two of them to wake them up, and then I said seriously: "Boss Jin and Liu Wuying, I have a task for you to do now, I hope you can do your best. .”

"No problem, we will do our best to share the worries of the leader." The two immediately promised that the two of them were very bored after being idle for the past two days, and it was just right to have something to do.

"That's good, you are all in the underworld, I think you should be very clear about the underground power of City H, now you two are free to play, try to subdue the small gangs in this city as much as possible, if you are not soft, come here If you need any help, just tell me, but there is one thing that must be done secretly, and you must not spread it out.”

I glanced at the two of them, and said to them seriously, my idea is very simple, although these small gangs are not very strong individually, they can't stand up to a large number, if they can be integrated, I am afraid that the Ax Gang will have to stay away , and now no one knows the relationship between the two and the Ax Gang, so as to avoid alarming the enemy.

Today's fourth update is delivered, book lovers, remember to give this book a big boost!


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