Walking into the hall is like entering another space. The dreamy starry sky and the blue ocean seem like a lifetime away. My second son and I turned our heads and looked around. There are endless novelties.

"Hey! Finally let me catch up with you." Just as we looked around, this guy ran over panting. This kid is really thick-skinned.

Murong Qingcheng took a look at him and then turned his head away. Seeing Murong Qingcheng's attitude looking forward, he smiled awkwardly, and then gave me and my second son a vicious look.

"Fairy, please, we booked Tianlaijian." Qianqian took us into the elevator and walked to the karaoke hall.

Entering Tianlaijian, a huge TV screen appears in front of you. The shocking sound makes people sing, and the flashing colorful lights often arouse people's desire to dance.

"Wow, there are still dice here." Erzi picked up the cover on the table, and there were three dice inside.

Looking forward, he picked up the dice and shook it at me, "How about it? Let's play two games, and they just haven't arrived yet."

"I'm not interested, I never take part in gambling." I directly refused.

"Are you scared?" Looking forward, he looked at me provocatively.

"The second son bet with him, I'm afraid of getting caught." The second son roared uncomfortably from the side.

"That's right, if you're a man, you bet with me." Looking ahead, he continued his aggressive tactics.

"How do you want to bet?" I looked forward indifferently.

"It's very simple, we compare size, [-] in a game." Looking forward said very arrogantly.

"I have no money." I said very bachelorly. Maybe 1 yuan is nothing in the eyes of rich people like him, but in the eyes of us poor, [-] yuan is my half-year salary.

As soon as I said I had no money, I looked forward and immediately felt happy. This is what he wanted.

"It's okay, you can just take off your clothes if you lose." Hearing that I have no money to look forward, I was very happy, and I thought, hum, boy, you just wait to make a fool of yourself in public, and see if Murong Qingcheng will be with you again This kind of poor ghost is together.

This kid is really insidious enough to want me to make a fool of myself in front of beauties in public. He has endless money, but my clothes are limited, so I will suffer a lot.

Seeing how arrogant this kid is, since this kid is so ignorant, then I'll make you cry when you lose. I'll see how much money you have, "Okay, I agree."

"My second son can't, this kid is obviously uneasy and kind." The second son quickly persuaded me.

"It's okay, buddy won the money and treat you to eat mutton." Looking forward, this kid is really desperate. I wanted to let him go, but this kid insisted on coming to me to hit me, so I can only reluctantly to accept.

Maybe I didn't dare to gamble with this kid before. When I was in college, I heard that this kid was very slippery and did such crooked ways, but I was a good student. I only read and ate and slept every day. My experience in this area Of course there is no comparison.

But it’s different now, after all, I’m already a master of martial arts, and at our level, I can tell the number of the dice by listening to the sound, and I can easily change the dice in the Gu through internal energy, so This kid will lose the bet with me.

Looking forward at this kid's confident expression, I don't know where his confidence comes from. Fortunately, this kid doesn't know martial arts, so it just makes this kid suffer from being dumb.

"Then we'll start." Looking forward, as if seeing me taking off my pants and being ashamed in front of a beauty, I smiled lewdly.

Seeing the kid's expression, the second son didn't get angry. He really wanted to rush up and beat the kid up. They used to fight a lot in college.

Murong Qingcheng looked at Qianqianwang and me with a strange expression, it seems that this little girl should know some twists and turns.

"It's okay, just shake it whatever you want, I can win you all the time." This kid still wants to play psychological warfare with me, how can I be afraid of him.

Pa, shaking in a haphazard manner for a long time, looked forward and buckled Gu vigorously on the table, looking at me with an arrogant expression.

"You kid, why are you pretending to be mysterious, open it!" The second son shouted angrily from the side.

"Go away that brat, don't you see that the adults are doing business?" Looking forward, he pushed the second son aside, and almost made the second son so angry that he made a move on the spot. Fortunately, I stopped the second son.

In fact, I have already heard what time this kid is, isn't he just a four-five-six, arrogant ass, and sometimes he will cry, "It's okay, go ahead, at worst, it's three-six."

"Boy, you are too ignorant, do you think three sixes are so easy to shake." Looking forward at the ignorant me, he knew that I had never participated in gambling, so he completely bullied me as a layman.

"Boy, I'll let you see who is the God of Gamblers today." Looking forward, he opened the lid of the gu, and sure enough there were three dice lying quietly inside, exactly four five six and fifteen o'clock.

"Why are you scared? I'll tell you that it's very difficult for you to surpass me with my points." Looking forward, he really swayed, and it was still fifteen points, and he became even more arrogant.

I was relieved to confirm that the points of looking forward were the same as what I heard. After all, I have never tried listening to the number, and I don't know if it is accurate.

I picked up the Gu tube and shook it casually, then put it on the table.

"Haha, I see that you are an idiot in this area. You think you are a master, and you just want to beat me by shaking it a few times." Looking forward, I can't even shake the Gu tube, and I became even more rampant.

"I really don't know how to play this stuff. You've seen it all. My little brother is willing to bow down. I wonder if I can give you a discount..." I pretended to be at a loss, and let the kid have a good time first, and he might cry later when.

"Hmph, don't think I'll let you go if you admit defeat, you just wait and run away naked." Looking forward heard that I wanted to admit defeat, and became even more rampant.

"Brother Qian is right, take off!" The people who came in later also booed, they were all a bunch of fucking dogs with power eyes.

The second update will be delivered on Sunday, thank you all book friends for your continued support for this book, let us all work together to top this book!


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