Poor boy hunting beauty and cultivation

Chapter 92 Poor ghosts and dogs are not allowed to enter

As soon as the five of us walked into the store, we saw that it was full of all kinds of high-quality jewelry, which was so beautiful that it made people's hearts flutter. However, the price is really scary. Tens of millions, it's too scary, my little heart is beating non-stop, I'm afraid I won't be able to earn even a single piece of jewelry here in my whole life.But those who can enter here are rich masters, and the famous brand clothes and jewelry bags on those people's hands are not ordinary, and they cost tens of thousands to say the least.

The waiter was a little happy when he saw us coming in, but soon lost his enthusiasm when he saw our clothes, and just asked indifferently: "Sir, miss, what do you need?"

"Hello, I want to see the ring." I also cut straight to the point, I was afraid that my heart would jump out of fright if I looked all the way through.

"Okay, look at the ring, please."

The service lady took us directly to the cheapest area with a cold face, seeing that these poor people couldn't afford expensive ones.

"Why are they so expensive?"

I muttered in a low voice, the cheapest ones here cost eight or nine thousand, and they don’t feel too good, and the better ones cost tens of thousands.

"Sir, if you want to buy cheap ones, you can go to the stall opposite, where you can buy one for dozens of dollars."

Hearing my muttering, the waiter said angrily, the people who come here are all dignitaries, and this is the first time she has seen such bumpkins.

"What's your attitude, don't look down on people."

When Liu Hui heard those words, she became furious. Fortunately, Wang Xin held her, otherwise she would have rushed over to join her.

"Don't hate to hear it. I'm telling the truth. This is not a place for poor people like you to come."

The waiter looked at us with contempt and replied contemptuously.

"Yes, a place like this should have a poor ghost and dogs not allowed to enter."

At this moment, a young man's soft voice came from behind, and the man spoke very arrogantly.

Hearing this voice is very familiar.I turned my head to look, and I didn't expect to meet a big acquaintance, oh no, it should be the big enemy Mr. Liu, this kid walked in hugging left and right.The so-called enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other, and he and I stared at each other.

"Boy, who do you call a dog? An exhibitionist."

I am also polite and directly launched a powerful attack.

"You..." I was so angry that Mr. Liu's face turned sour purple. This matter has always been a pain in his heart. Today, I brought up the old matter again, so naturally he was furious.

"I said what's wrong with you being a dog, boy, let me tell you that the poor must have the self-knowledge of the poor."

Mr. Liu has been looking at us contemptuously, with a condescending look.

"Yes, we are poor, but the money we use is earned by ourselves, unlike some people who use the hard-earned money of ordinary people, which is dirty."

Liu Hui hurried to help, and it was a powerful blow.

"Stinky bitch, you don't have a place to talk here."

Mr. Liu yelled at Liu Hui, which attracted the attention of everyone in the store. Everyone saw that Mayor Liu's sons all lowered their heads as if they hadn't seen them. No one dared to wear a tiger's beard on an acre of land in H City.

Liu Hui's face turned pale when he was yelled at by Mr. Liu, and he rushed over to beat the boy, but was stopped by the two burly bodyguards behind Mr. Liu.

"Waiter!" Mr. Liu roared, and the sales lady hurried over tremblingly.

"My lord, what are your orders?" This woman was so aggressive towards us at first, but now she looks like a little daughter-in-law in front of this boy.

"Drive these poor ghosts out!" The kid pointed at us, and everyone stared at us.

Being humiliated in public, I felt my face was hot, and Qianqian and the others were so frightened that they hid behind me.

"Yes, my lord." The waiter nodded and walked away, and a few security guards came in after a while, ready to pull us out directly.

Fuck, the Buddha still has three points of energy. I kicked my feet angrily, and the energy spread out from the center of me. Everyone looked at me in surprise.

"Let me tell you, I'm here to buy things, and I'm a customer. If you dare to do anything again, I'll sue you in court."

I pointed at the saleswoman righteously. This woman is so hateful that she is a dog and a ghost.

Frightened by my finger, the salesperson took a few steps back, and ran away crying, probably to find her boss.

"Haha, I'm afraid that you will sue the court, boy, let me tell you that even if you sue to the Central Committee, I will still not be afraid of you!"

Mr. Liu shouted arrogantly, he had never been afraid of anyone when he walked the white road, as long as he said hello, the people from the court would not crawl over.

"You..., very good, I remember you two father and son." I looked at the kid angrily, too arrogant.

"Young master is wise and powerful, and no one is your opponent." The two chicks next to Mr. Liu quickly praised him, and Mr. Liu nodded appreciatively.

"Waiter, are they all dead? I want to buy something."

I looked around the store, and the salespeople ran away and hid.

"Haha, boy, you are as poor as you are, can you afford the things here?"

I don't care about this kid anymore, this kid is still holding on to his braids relentlessly.

"Damn it, it's none of your business whether I can afford it or not."

In a fit of anger, I uttered a sentence of my hometown dialect, but this kid didn't understand it for a while, and could only look at me.

"My lord, what can I do for you?"

At this moment, a middle-aged man came over from the inner hall and asked politely when he saw us.

"Please show me the ring."

This person should be the manager here. This person's attitude is much better than that of the salesperson. I don't want to get angry because he is polite.

The middle-aged man handed me the ring, and I checked it over and over again. It was really beautiful, but the price was a bit scary, more than 3.

Qianqian looked at the price and pulled my sleeve: "Brother Yuwen is too expensive, let's go."

The third update will be sent on Tuesday, thank you all book friends for your strong support for this book all the time, we all work together to top this book, and have the cheek to ask everyone for collection and recommendation, thank you all!


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