"The thing is like this, my wife and I are both rural people. That year when my wife was working on the mountain, she accidentally rolled down the mountain and broke her head. Since then, she has become so crazy, running around all day, leaving her alone I don’t worry about people wandering outside, and I can only wander with her all the way. We live by begging along the road. I was seriously ill, and I was taken to the hospital. The doctor said that it would cost thousands of dollars for hospitalization, but the two of us have money, and we were kicked out of the hospital in the end. I beg you, Miss, to give us some money so that we can be cured I will definitely pay you back." After listening to my question, the middle-aged man wept while telling the sad past of the two, and every time he said a word, he would look affectionately at the bewildered wife beside him.

After listening to the experience of the two, not only I, but also the four girls beside me have red eyes. What kind of steadfast love is this, a true love that will never change until death, even if the other party is crazy and can’t remember me? If you never give up, even if you are wandering all over the world and suffer all the white eyes, you will not regret until death, and you must carry on love to the end after going through all kinds of hardships. This may be the best interpretation of love.

Seeing this couple with tattered clothes and stooped bodies, I suddenly felt that they were no longer so small and humble. They were so worthy of respect and care. I reached out and took out the only 3000 yuan I had on my body and handed it to them. , I hope that I can do my best to help them, and I also hope that their road to love can be safe all the way.

"Thank you, son. Thank you for your life-saving grace. If you can't repay in this life, you will be a cow and a horse in the next life to repay your kindness." The man took the money and knelt down to me excitedly.

I walked over to help the man up. He is a respectable person, "Brother, I can only help you so much. I wish your wife a speedy recovery, and I hope you can go home as soon as possible."

"Thank you!" The man turned around and hugged his stupid wife happily, tears filled his eyes, "Wife, we can go to the doctor, I want you to get well soon, I can't live without your company in this life!"

But his wife just looked at him blankly, maybe she no longer remembered that the man beside her was her husband!

Looking at this loving and suffering couple, I quietly turned around and left with my four daughters. I was afraid that if I stayed any longer, I would be moved to tears. Even if others said I was stupid, I would have no regrets. Their love is forever!

"Benefactor, my name is Qian Daniu, what's your benefactor's name?"

When we walked a distance, a man's voice came from behind.

"My name is Yu Wenxiang. Take good care of your wife. We will meet again by fate."

I replied without turning my head, looking at the rolling river under my feet, I have so much tenderness in my heart, I don't know how the love between me and Qianqian will last?

When I came to the gate of Wal-Mart, I touched my wallet and suddenly realized that I was penniless, "I'm sorry Qianqian!"

"Brother Yuwen, it's okay, I can buy it myself tomorrow morning!"

"Hey, you forgot about us!" Liu Hui suddenly came over and said.

"Oh, I forgot, there is a little rich woman beside us!" It seems that this time I have to eat soft food again.

Walking into Wal-Mart and looking at the couples passing by, we seem to be the outliers here. Everyone else is in pairs, and I am the only one who hugs left and right. Naturally, I am not less envied by those men.

"Brother Yuwen is very happy, right? You see that you are among the flowers here!" Liu Hui took my hand and clasped her fingers playfully on mine.

"Yes, it's because of you little naughty ghost." I stretched out my hand and scratched the little girl's nose.

"But you should also pay attention to your image, and be careful that your sister Qianqian is jealous."

"It's okay, sister Qianqian won't care, right sister Qianqian?" Liu Hui stretched out his other hand to hold Qianqian's hand.

Qianqian blushed and nodded, she had always treated Liu Hui and Wang Xin's second daughter as her own sister.

Passing by the clothing store on the second floor, I remember meeting that beautiful goddess here last time, but unfortunately the beauty is no longer there, thinking that she has become someone else's mistress, I panicked in my heart.

"Brother Yuwen, what's the matter with you?" Qianqian asked concerned when she saw that my expression was not so good.

"Nothing, let's go!"

In the supermarket, I bought food and water for Qianqian on the road, and then I bought some supplements such as Golden Partner melatonin. I walked out of the supermarket and checked that the time was still early. It was only after six o'clock. I felt a little noisy Emotional belly, it seems that it is time to eat.

"Let's go, how about we go to KFC? I'll treat you, and Liu Hui will pay for it." I looked at the KFC advertisement in front of me, and the huge chicken legs on it made me greedy.

"Brother Yuwen, how can you treat guests like you? I have to pay for the treats." The little girl Liu Hui said that she had already walked into the shop.

"Little girl, let's go in too." I took the three girls and prepared to go in.

"Brother Yuwen, why don't we change houses, I heard that this place is quite expensive, and I also heard from my colleagues that there is something wrong with the chicken here."

Qianqian suddenly grabbed me and whispered in my ear.

"It's okay, you can't die if you eat it once. You haven't eaten this thing yet, have you? In fact, I haven't eaten it either. Let's go to learn more today."

Although KFC is not a high-end product, it is an ordinary bento in foreign countries, but for poor people like us, we can only look at it and swallow our mouths.

Entering the hall, looking at the room full of people, I am a little envious of the business here, I must be making a lot of money every day.At this time, a couple happened to leave after eating, so we hurried over and sat down.

"Come on, we've already made a reservation here." At this moment, a young boy came over and slapped the table and shouted arrogantly, look, this kid is only fifteen or sixteen years old, and he should still be in junior high school, but this The sloppy dress made me feel very uncomfortable. A boy also wears a bunch of pierced ears and earrings, which is awkward.

"Where is the brat going?" I didn't bother to talk to this kid, and just sat there.

"This uncle, don't toast or eat fine wine. Let me tell you that I still have a lot of buddies over there. Be careful if you can't eat and walk around."

The boy saw that I didn't want to talk to him at all, which made him very upset, if he hadn't invited a few beauties here for dinner today, he would have wanted to teach this naughty boy a long time ago.

The second update will be delivered on Wednesday, thank you all book lovers for your strong support for this book all the time, we all work together to top this book, and we have the cheek to ask you to collect and recommend, thank you everyone!


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