Merry Boy

Chapter 125 Another big head

"How is it possible." Zhang Xiaowu stared at him, and Zhang Xiaowu kept lewd, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "I just have a lot of things in the past two days, otherwise I would have come to see you, Aunt Hua. " After saying that, he raised his greedy big palm and stretched it towards the towering snow peak.

"Hmm." Before Zhang Xiaowu could land his big palm on the snow peak, Aunt Hua hurriedly pushed her body forward, and the big white rabbit on her chest also fell to the center of his palm suddenly, and at the same time issued a Low-pitched humming and exhorting sounds.

"Should I wipe it? In such a hurry." Zhang Xiaowu, who was almost startled by Aunt Hua's actions, opened his mouth halfway, staring at the slightly closed eyes of Sao, who was enjoying himself, for a moment. , swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and thought to himself: Okay, since this is the case, then I, Zhang Xiaowu, will do my best to satisfy you, hum.

"Hey." With a soft drink, Zhang Xiaowu hugged Aunt Hua into his arms, then walked steadily forward to the edge of the bed, and threw her up, as if due to too much strength, this Sao, the woman is a burst of oops.

Regardless of her screams, Zhang Xiaowu skillfully took off her t-shirt, stepped directly on top of her soft body, and was about to take off her blouse, but was stopped by a pair of soft white hands down.

Body tensed, Aunt Hua grabbed Zhang Xiaowu's wrist with both hands, and after swallowing a mouthful of perfume, she asked softly, "Xiao Wu, tell the truth, don't you want to have an affair with your Aunt Hua? "

"Eh..." With his mouth half open, Zhang Xiaowu pondered for a moment, then laughed quickly, "How is it possible, these two days, the students insist on gathering at my house, so it is really hard to spare time, if it weren't for today If you come to me, it will be really hard for me to get out."

A little dubiously nodded, Aunt Hua pouted her red lips and smiled, "Don't lie to me, Aunt Hua only recognizes you as a man in her heart now, if you leave me, Aunt Hua will really have a bad life in the future. Know how to get on with it."

Fuck, it's not that serious, is it?After coughing dryly, Zhang Xiaowu said with a dry smile, "Stop making trouble with Aunt Hua, Uncle Hua is only going out to work now, and he will come back after a while, how can you still say that you only know me as a man?"

Damn, you are a man who goes out to work, and you are not a widow like Mrs. Chun. As for making yourself so pitiful, don't you just want me to poke in it more when you want me to fuck you, just say no.

Even though he thought so, Zhang Xiaowu didn't dare to say so.

Looking at Zhang Xiaowu who was riding on her body, Aunt Hua put on a pitiful look on purpose, with tears in her eyes, she shook her head and sighed, "You don't know, Xiao Wu, your Uncle Hua only plays with that kind of pretty girls outside. , Now I really have no interest in me at all, I remember one night last year, your Aunt Hua and I took off our clothes and posed in front of him, for half an hour, his dick didn't get up."

I fuck?With Aunt Hua's exquisite figure with bumps and convexities, Naiko is big, her buttocks are raised, her skin is smooth and elastic, and her complexion is also very beautiful. This, how can I say this is a top-quality animal? Even if a woman can't arouse a man's desire and desire, then, is that man still a real man?

Seeing the doubts on Zhang Xiaowu's face, Aunt Hua shook her head and sighed, "Xiaowu, you are still young, when you grow up and head to the city, then you will understand everything , Girls over Flowers and young women outside are all incomparable to us in the village."

"Er..." With his mouth half open, Zhang Xiaowu's eyes fluctuated, and he didn't know what to say for a while, but, for the sake of Aunt Hua being so pitiful, this time, let her have a good time. Come on, it's a good thing to do.

"Xiao Wu." Just when Zhang Xiaowu was about to make a move, Aunt Hua said softly again, "Xiao Wu, Aunt Hua doesn't want to possess you, Aunt Hua just wants you to come and visit me within a week All right, okay?"

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, although I couldn't give her a definite answer, but at this moment, there was no other answer, so I nodded and said solemnly, "Okay."

Twitching her jade nose that was a little sour, Aunt Hua nodded with a sweet smile on her face, "Okay, Xiao Wu, Aunt Hua, I will definitely cooperate with you with all my strength, let you reach the peak, and feel extremely refreshed."

"En!" Nodding his head fiercely, Zhang Xiaowu finally put his hands on the tall white rabbit, kneading and pinching violently through the white T-shirt!

"Hmm..." With slightly closed eyes and half-opened rosy lips, Aunt Hua slowly moaned and moaned, while sticking out half of her sweet tongue and twirling it around her mouth non-stop. The method is to make Zhang Xiaowu's crotch stand upright!

Zhang Xiaowu lifted her T-shirt up, and after Aunt Hua took it off, revealing a pink lace bra, she gasped and said, "Xiao, Xiaowu, don't use this bra..."

"Don't worry, I won't tear it apart for you." Before Aunt Hua finished speaking, Zhang Xiaowu took off the pink bra gently, and it was estimated that it would be torn by her again this time. She won't wear it next time.

Seeing the plump flesh and balls protruding from Aunt Hua's chest, Zhang Xiaowu couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes, his body began to tremble slightly because of the throbbing, and he couldn't help grasping it with his hands. It landed on the Naozi who was like a cannonball.

"Oh..." Constantly rubbing and rubbing, traces of unique and wonderful feelings entered into the bodies of the two of them, stimulating every nerve, so refreshing that even Zhang Xiaowu yelled .

Bending down, Zhang Xiaowu grasped Naiko with both hands, and at the same time put his dry lips on Aunt Hua's red lips, and his big tongue went straight into his mouth, entangled with the little sweet tongue like a little lover, "Tsk tsk..." sounded.

Aunt Hua's two white hands were not idle either, she quickly swam to Zhang Xiaowu's bulging crotch, untied his belt very skillfully, until she took out the golden cudgel that had been bound for a long time, It's warm and feels good.

"Xiao Wu, your second child is getting older..." With Zhang Xiao Wu's big mouth clenched tightly, Aunt Hua could only murmur a sentence that she couldn't hear clearly, and at the same time her two little hands kept moving. He put it on his burning stick and fiddled with it.

"Big, how big is it?" Reluctantly pulling his big tongue out of his sweet mouth, Zhang Xiaowu straightened up, and asked while panting for Aunt Hua's belt in a panic.

Slightly raised her head, Aunt Hua stared at the long spear in her hand that kept nodding in her beautiful eyes, swallowed a sip of fragrance liquid, and panted, "It seems, it's getting bigger again, with one head..."

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