I will make a temporary update tonight, and I will make it up tomorrow night. Please rest assured that Xiangshuai has a personal matter. I'm sorry everyone.

(Smiling proudly at Jianghu) From uploading to the present, Xiang Shuai would like to thank the readers who have supported all the time. Xiang Shuai knows that readers may feel that the article is relatively slow at first, and has not reached the main text.

After careful consideration, Xiangshuai decided to temporarily update tonight, and will definitely make up later. I said that there will be no less chapters a day. I hope all readers will forgive me.

Recently, the click-through rate has been declining, favorites and recommendations are not included, Xiangshuai feels a little lost, but please rest assured, readers, Xiangshuai will never give up because of a little setback Shuai's first work, if you can give up even the beginning, you really can't write any more in the future.

Xiangshuai only asks readers to help Xiangshuai to break through the click-through rate, favorites and recommendations, so that (Smiling Proud Zhuanghu) breaks out once, just once. It is interesting, the text is more fluent, and the ending is more perfect.

Let's fulfill Xiangshuai's little wish!In the future, I will create more classic works for you to enjoy, and I hope you can always pay attention to Xiangshuai in the future.

Wen Tianyu looked at the frustrated Xiangshuai and said slowly: "Xiangshuai, don't let yourself fall because of one failure, I believe everyone will help you through this difficult time."

Seeing Wen Tianyu's kind comfort to him, Xiang Shuai sighed softly and said, "Thank you, Wen Tianyu, for the support and companionship you and all the readers have given me all the time, I will never forget it until the sea dries up."

"You must cheer up, for my world, for everyone's concern, you can't just sink down like this, I believe you can do it." Wen Tianyu encouraged Xiangshuai with pride.

Xiangshuai smiled helplessly and said: "My current click-through rate is so low that I have reached the stage of exhaustion. Without click-through rate, it means that I have lost motivation, and without motivation, it means that I have no vitality. If you want to There is only one way to cheer up, and that is to pass on the skills of all readers to me, so that my click-through rate will explode here, and my strength will reach its peak."

Wen Tianyu felt a little sad when he saw Xiangshuai saying that. "It's all for me, for making me perfect, for my world, but you have made me perfect, and what about you?"

"Don't say any more," Xiangshuai said with blurred eyes. With weak eyes, he stood up slowly with his weak body, and looked up at the endless blue sky. At the end of the sky, he seemed to see all the readers talking to him Waving and howling, "Xiang Shuai, you have to support me, we have never been far away from your figure, and we have been silently cheering for you behind you."

Xiang Shuai looked at the support and cheers from the readers at the end of the sky, and suddenly his eyes brightened, his face became rosy, and he seemed to have renewed motivation.

Xiangshuai laughed and said, "Thank you for your support. I already have the inspiration to create the perfect Jianghu. It belongs to our Jianghu, with our happiness, our memories, and all the things we have experienced. Suffering, although it is suffering, but we are happy."

Wen Tianyu saw Xiangshuai in the distance, saw that he had found himself again, and felt relieved and happy for him, a smile could not help appearing on his face, he saw his figure shaking slightly, and then disappeared in the same place.

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