Immortal Artifact

Chapter 10 Injured

Chapter 10 Injured

Xiao Hansheng returned to the vermilion gate by the same route, stretched out his hand to open the gate, but found that it was still blocked, Xiao Hansheng had no choice but to recite the formula Ling Xuantian gave him.

After reading, the gate of Xuantian Mansion opened automatically, Xiao Hansheng thought it was still very miraculous.

Xiao Hansheng couldn't wait to go out, wanting to see that beautiful figure, his heart became hot, even more excited than he was getting Ling Xuantian's inheritance!

When the vermilion door slowly opened, I thought I could see your beautiful figure, but when I went out to take a look, I was dumbfounded.

Because at this time, what Xiao Hansheng saw was the vast mountains, green and lush, where was the nameless valley where he had lived for nine years?

Xiao Hansheng walked out, but found that the Dongfu behind him found that the Xuantian Mansion behind him had disappeared.However, Xiao Hansheng knew that Xuantian Mansion must still be nearby, so he silently recited the formula Ling Xuantian passed on to him.

Suddenly, Xuantian Mansion turned into a ray of light and entered his sea of ​​consciousness.

Xuantian Mansion also quietly floated above the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng didn't want to take out the fragments of "Ji Tian Que", because he knew that it was impossible to obtain such a skill easily, and Xiao Hansheng didn't have that desire either.

This is Xiao Hansheng's greatest desire is to find her in his heart as soon as possible - Rou Meier.

But Xiao Hansheng who just came out of Xuantian Mansion had no idea where he was now.

Xiao Hansheng didn't know where he was now, so he took out a seventh-grade spiritual weapon from Xuantian Mansion - the Flying Flower Sword.The power of this sword is not bad, and I am afraid that it will have to go through fierce competition in the realm of self-cultivation.In the realm of comprehension, it is not like Rou Meier can take out ninth-rank spiritual weapons-Rou Shuijian, the peak eighth-rank medicine refining cauldron.It also reflects from the side that Rou Meier's status in Sky City is not low.

Xiao Hansheng looked at the Flying Flower Sword in his hand, and couldn't help but think of the Heavenly Bing Pavilion in Xuantian Mansion. The swords and swords, I don't know what level of weapons they are. Since they can generate self-awareness, they must not be mediocre.Xiao Hansheng tried to use his consciousness to connect with the knife and sword, but the sword tyrant directly forced Xiao Hansheng's consciousness back, and laughed wildly: "Your cultivation is too low, you don't deserve me!" The consciousness forced to retreat, but it was not respectful, and persuaded Xiao Hansheng: "You still don't want to be too ambitious, what kind of weapons you use with what kind of cultivation base. The weapons here will not be willing to be driven by you, so you still Don't worry about it. But when you encounter any danger, I will also consider helping you!"

After finishing speaking, Jun Zijian ignored Xiao Hansheng.

Xiao Hansheng is very helpless, even a weapon can be so arrogant!

Xiao Hansheng saw that he couldn't get the weapon, so he had no choice but to give up and calm down.

Xiao Hansheng couldn't see Rou Meier for a while, so he suddenly wanted to go back to the village and meet his parents.Counting the time, I haven't seen her for nine years, and I don't know what happened to my parents.

Xiao Han was born with the thought of going back to see his parents, so he got out of hand and wanted to see his parents immediately!

If Xiao Hansheng wants to go out of this forest, he must know his position, so Xiao Hansheng plans to walk in one direction to see if he can find someone, so that he knows how to get out of this forest!

Xiao Hansheng's thought-moving, light and agile art, this is the only flying tactic that Rou Meier gave to Xiao Hansheng, and it is also the most basic tactic.That is to say, only people below Longevity Realm will use the formula.

Although this formula is very basic, for practitioners who are already in the early stages of Taoism, ordinary formulas will also exert unusual power.

Then I saw Xiao Han turned into a streamer and flew forward.

Xiao Hansheng hadn't been flying for a long time, and suddenly a streamer intercepted Xiao Hansheng.

He only heard a voice laughing and laughing in front of Xiao Hansheng.

Xiao Hansheng stopped, stayed in the cloud, saw a rough man in front of him, and asked the person in front of him: "Why are you blocking my way?"

The brutish man in front laughed loudly and said, "How dare you, a little doll who has entered the Dao realm, be so arrogant that you are about to break into the territory of the king of the Wuling Mountains? Don't you want to live?"

Xiao Hansheng looked at the rough man and asked, "What is the king of the Wuling Mountain Range?"

The brutish man was taken aback, "You don't know the King of the Wuling Mountain Range?"

Suddenly, the rough man shouted loudly: "If you don't know exactly, I will kill you to eat meat. The taste of human meat is still good!"

After finishing speaking, the rough man attacked Xiao Hansheng!

I saw the brutish man moving forward, raising his huge fist, and he was about to greet Xiao Hansheng.Xiao Hanshen hastily took out the Flying Flower Sword, and stabbed at the rough man's fist.

Seeing the sword stabbing towards him, the rough man didn't take back his fist. He immediately turned his fist into a palm, trying to grab Xiao Hansheng's flying sword, and the other pair of hands wanted to hit Xiao Hansheng's body.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng was a little flustered, because Xiao Hansheng had almost no experience in fighting people, and when he competed with Rou Meier, Rou Meier would not hurt him.

This also created Xiao Hansheng who has extremely poor adaptability.

Xiao Hansheng couldn't help it, so he had to use his other hand to turn it into a fist and collide with the rough man.

When the brutish man saw it, he yelled, "You're really a kid looking for death!"

Xiao Hansheng flew back upside down with a scream. At this time, Xiao Hansheng was seriously injured.

If Xiao Hansheng's adaptability is better, he should avoid the fist of the rough man, instead of confronting the rough man head-on. You must know that the strength of the rough man is much higher than Xiao Hansheng!

Seeing that Xiao Han was seriously injured, the brutish man said with disdain: "A fledgling kid dares to trespass on the king's territory in Wuling Mountains. I'll see if I will kill you."

After finishing speaking, I will end Xiao Hansheng's life.

Xiao Hansheng knew that if there was no way, his life would be in danger, his brain was running rapidly, and he wanted a way to get along and get out of the predicament!

Suddenly, a beautiful figure appeared in Xiao Hansheng's mind, remembering the performance of that figure when he crossed the tribulation, he suddenly had a way!

The brutish man walked towards Xiao Hansheng, smiling contemptuously as he walked.

Xiao Hansheng recited the formula silently, and the Flying Flower Sword floated in front of Xiao Hansheng, and suddenly turned into a beam of light and stabbed at the rough man, who had no fear of it.

Reach out and get the Flying Foil Sword in your pocket!I thought in my heart that this sword is quite beautiful, and it would be very good to give it to the adult's daughter, haha.

Thinking about it is so beautiful, I almost laughed out loud.

But when the rough man was proud, he heard Xiao Hansheng say a word!


Suddenly the Flying Foil Sword emits fiery light and fluctuations of aura

The flying sword exploded.

Xiao Hansheng took this opportunity, endured the pain, and turned into a streamer to escape.

The brutish man didn't expect that this fledgling boy would come up with such a trick, he thought to himself that he was really careless, but he didn't expect that he would capsize in the gutter.

The rough man is at the center of the explosion of the Flying Flower Sword. Although the strong man is strong, it is a seventh-rank spiritual weapon after all!

After a while, the brutish man walked out from the center of the explosion of the Flying Foil Sword. His clothes were gone, revealing his toned upper body. However, his body was already stained with blood, and there were no less than a hundred wounds of various sizes on his body. It looked terrifying, but despite the fact that there were many wounds, the injuries were not very serious.

At this moment, the rough man grinned and said, "Very nice boy!"

Relying on the self-explosion of the Flying Flower Sword, Xiao Hansheng escaped from the pursuit of the rough man.

After escaping, Xiao Hansheng passed out on the ground due to serious injuries, unconscious.

"Second Young Master's strength must be invincible in the Wuling Mountain Range, and the Second Young Master will definitely sweep the entire Wuling Mountain Range." A flattering voice floated in the air.

A voice continued: "That's right, the second young master is the most talented person, and it's no big deal to sweep the world in the future!"

"Haha...haha...haha...that's the young master, but he's a genius! Haha..." An arrogant voice appeared on a young man who seemed to be only in his 20s, with an evil smile on his face, his nostrils turned upwards, The appearance of looking down on people.Followed by two people, bowing their heads, complimenting the person in front from time to time!

This young man is called Yue Zishan, he is the grandson of the Great Elder of Sky City, and he is also a well-known genius in Sky City, but he is slightly inferior compared to his elder brother.Followed by Yue Zishan is his servant, this time Yue Zishan ran out secretly, wanting to prove that he is no worse than his brother!I also want to do something big and go back, so I have come to the Wuling Mountains!

The person behind saw Yue Zishan's appearance, and complimented him: "That's that, the only ones who can compare with the second son in Sky City are the eldest son and Princess Meier."

Yue Zishan's face darkened when he heard the people behind mention Princess Meier, "That bitch is back, if it wasn't for the protection of the elder brother, I would have killed her a long time ago!"

The two behind looked at each other without speaking!Because they knew that the young man in front of them would not allow others to speak ill of Princess Meier.If you say yes, others say you can't!

Yue Zishan shook his head and said with an evil smile, "Forget it, don't think about it, let's hurry up and finish that matter!"

At the same time, in a palace deep in the Wuling Mountains, that is the palace of the king of the Wuling Mountains.This palace has been around for more than nine years. When this palace came down, all the demon cultivators of the Wuling Mountains gathered here.Demon cultivators with low cultivation levels also moved in this direction, because the deeper the Wuling Mountain Range, the more beneficial it is for cultivation. This also explained that Xiao Hu took a group of small families for more than 30 miles. No reason to run into any danger.

In the palace of the King of the Wuling Mountains, there is a girl in palace attire, with big eyes rolling, she looks quite weird. This girl is the daughter of the King of the Wuling Mountains, named Kou Lan'er.

Kou Lan'er was tired of staying in this palace for a long time, and wanted to go out to play, but Kou Ba, the king of Wuling Mountain, did not allow his daughter to go out.Because Kou Ba knew that although he was invincible in the Wuling Mountains, he was much weaker compared to the city of the sky. He was faced with running away at any time and taking his precious daughter with him, so Kou Laner was not allowed to leave at all. this palace.

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