Chapter 13 Xiao Hansheng Plays

When the two were bounced back, Kou Laner suddenly got up and spit out blood to feel better. The Huanhua sword also fell beside Kou Laner, without any luster.As for Chen Qi, it was a lot worse. At this time, Chen Qi wilted on the ground, but the spirit sword he used had been broken in two!

Chen Qi struggled to get up, it seemed that anyone could kill Chen Qi!Kou Laner also sat up!

Chen Qi looked at Kou Lan'er and said, "I admire you, the only one who can defeat me in the way of swordsman is the one from the Sword God Sect!" After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes!

Xiao Hansheng and the other two also stopped fighting, came to Kou Laner's side, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Kou Laner shook her head and said, "It's okay, thank you for your sword!"

Xiao Hansheng shook his head and said, "You're welcome!"

Yue Zishan and Xiao Ran also came to Chen Qi, but neither of them spoke.The relationship between the three of them was not as good as imagined, they only got together for the sake of killing Chu Fei, so naturally they didn't care about Chen Qi's life or death!Of course, Xiao Ran would not just watch Chen Qi die, after all, he came with him, and if Chen Qi died, he would not be able to escape his relationship, so naturally he would not cause such trouble!

At this time, Yue Zishan stepped forward and said with a smile: "Sister Lan'er, you should just let your hands go, you are not my opponent now, I don't know how to hurt you, I can't bear it!"

Kou Lan'er looked contemptuous, not even interested in talking to Yue Zishan.

Seeing this, Yue Zishan had nothing to say.Then he said, "Sister Lan'er, be careful."

Kou Lan'er knew that she couldn't escape, so she said to Xiao Hansheng next to her, "You'd better go!"

Xiao Hansheng shook his head firmly and said, "I won't leave!"

Kou Laner smiled sweetly, "You really are a fool!"

Xiao Hansheng didn't speak, but the Flying Dragon Sword appeared in his hand!

Xiao Hansheng walked forward and stood still.

Seeing Xiao Hansheng walking forward, Yue Zishan looked at Xiao Hansheng with great interest, and said with a smile: "Human boy is so loyal, how can such a meager cultivation level want to be a hero to save the beauty?"

Xiao Hansheng said lightly: "I don't know if you are loyal enough, but I won't watch you kill her."

Yue Zishan said: "I won't kill her, she is my Lan'er sister after all, but I will kill you" After speaking, a smile hung on his face, revealing his white teeth!

After finishing speaking, he was right and shot at Xiao Hansheng!

Yue Zishan didn't have any skills against Xiao Hansheng, so he directly attacked Xiao Hansheng with fierce palm power. For Yue Zishan, taking Xiao Hansheng in the simplest and fastest way is the best way! .

Seeing the palm force coming, Xiao Hansheng couldn't block Yue Zishan's palm force, so he jumped away.However, Yue Zishan's palm strength was like a tarsal maggot, and he continued to attack Xiao Han.

Yue Zishan sneered, "Could it be possible to avoid my pursuit?"

Xiao Hansheng saw that he could not dodge, so he used the flowing water swordsmanship to spread it out. There were streams of flowing water in front of him, protecting his body, and the palm force was compatible with the flowing water. Only then did he guide the palm force to his side, but he could only step back step by step.

Xiao Hansheng couldn't help being startled secretly, and said: "This man has such profound skills."

But Xiao Hansheng knew, "I can't retreat!" He had to grit his teeth and insist!

After all the palm power of Yue Zishan was exported, he had lost all spiritual power.

Yue Zishan said with a smile, "Little guy, I'm in a better mood now, I'll give you another chance to let you go!"

Xiao Hansheng still shook his head.

Yue Zishan's smile gradually faded, and he said coldly: "Since you are not flattering me, don't blame me for being rude."

Yue Zishan suddenly shouted, "Tui Tian Palm's Intangible" palm force suddenly exploded, and where the palm force passed, there were bursts of groaning sounds. At this time, Xiao Hansheng was unable to gather his spiritual energy, so he had no choice but to hold the flying dragon sword in front of him. Gathering the last aura, the flying dragon sword exudes a misty red light.

The power of the palm suddenly exploded, and Xiao Hansheng was ejected hundreds of meters, and with a puff, he spit out a big mouthful of blood, and the red light on the Flying Dragon Sword disappeared completely. Sluggish, but at this moment the 'jelly bean' suddenly exudes aura, rushing towards Yuanying.Immediately, Nascent Soul's condition improved somewhat.

Seeing that Xiao Hansheng had no fighting strength, Yue Zishan rushed towards Xiao Hansheng, wanting to kill Xiao Hansheng completely.

Xiao Hansheng felt ruthless in his heart, and at worst, he would explode the Flying Dragon Sword again.

As he said that, Feilongjian felt his heart and floated up, aiming at Yuezishan.

When Xiao Hansheng was about to recite the mantra of exploding the Flying Dragon Sword, he heard a loud laugh from behind, "Boy, you are very good!"

As he said that, a rough man walked over from behind him, casually threw a elixir to Xiao Hansheng, and said, "Take it, it will be very good for your injury." Then he gave another elixir to Xiao Hansheng At this time, Kou Laner was pleasantly surprised, "Uncle Fei, why are you here?"

The brutish man Chu Fei did not answer Kou Lan'er's words, but looked at Yue Zishan, and said in a deep voice: "Yue Zishan, are you ashamed to bully a boy who is in the early stage of Taoism with your cultivation in the middle stage of Ascension Realm?!"

When Xiao Hansheng saw Chu Fei's appearance, he knew that it was that rough man. Hearing what he said, he couldn't laugh or cry, "Didn't you also bully me, a boy who entered the Dao realm! You're so embarrassed to say it!" Xiao Hansheng turned his face The urge to spit.

When Kou Laner heard it, she covered her face and smiled!

Chu Fei didn't feel anything, his face wasn't red and his heart was beating, and he looked very righteous!

Yue Zishan's expression changed when he saw Chu Fei coming.Although the three of them came to kill Chu Fei, when they actually saw Chu Fei, they were still very nervous. You must know that before he was born, Chu Fei was already famous in the cultivation world. I caught up with him, but my heart was still inexplicably nervous!

Seeing that Yue Zishan didn't speak, Chu Fei became a little impatient, and said, "Are you talking or not? Your father is not a good person, and you are not a good person! You are really better than blue!" Chu Fei's words Not without sarcasm.

Yue Zishan's face changed drastically, and he suddenly said: "Chu Fei, I respect you as an elder, and I won't care about you. Otherwise, I will be rude to you!"

Chu Fei laughed straight, "You're welcome, then come on. I really want to spank your ass for your elders."

Yue Zishan was furious at this moment, "Slap yourself on the butt? It's so majestic!" Yue Zishan looked at Xiao Ran and Chen Qi.At this time, although Yue Zishan was angry, he hadn't lost his mind, knowing that he alone was no match for Chu Fei.

Xiao Ran and Chen Qi also stood up. Chen Qi's cultivation had recovered [-]% at this time, and he was ready to fight.

When Chu Fei saw the three of them, he knew that they were probably here to kill him.But the three of them are here, so what? !In Chu Fei's eyes, the three of them are just children with good strength, how can they beat an adult?

Chu Fei shook his head disdainfully, the three of you go up together!

The three of them looked at each other and nodded!

Each took out their own weapons.

Chen Qi took out another spirit sword and said, "This sword is the Wind and Thunder Sword, my real weapon, and the Ninth Grade Spirit Sword."

Xiao Ran took out a fan and said, "This fan is a Mountain and River Fan, a Ninth Grade Spiritual Artifact."

Yue Zishan also took out his own weapon, which was a feather-shaped weapon, and said: "This is the life-threatening feather, my natal magic weapon, a ninth-grade spiritual weapon."

After Chu Fei saw it, he smiled and said, "Your weapons are all pretty good. It's pretty good to have such weapons at this age."

Chu Fei looked around and saw that Xiao Hansheng's weapon, the Flying Dragon Sword, was still lying on the ground!Then he said to Xiao Hansheng: "Little brother, lend me your sword!"

Without waiting for Xiao Hansheng's consent, he grabbed Xiao Hansheng's Flying Dragon Sword!

Xiao Hansheng thought to himself, "You are really self-conscious!"

Chu Fei didn't look at the three of Yue Zishan, and said with a smile: "I won't bully you, just have the same weapon level as you!"

After hearing this, the three of them trembled, "Does he have a more powerful weapon? A first-grade fairy weapon?" None of the three dared to imagine it.

Yue Zishan was also very puzzled, thinking: "I didn't hear that Chu Fei has a first-grade fairy weapon?" If he knew that Chu Fei had a first-grade fairy weapon, how dare he come to kill Chu Fei?

Clearly, though, now is not the time to hesitate.

The three of them knew that to deal with Chu Fei, it was impossible not to try their best, otherwise they would be defeated by Chu Fei one by one!

As soon as Hajime made a move, the three of them showed their unique skills.

Chen Qi roared, "Broken Mountain Sword's Broken Sea" and saw that the sword energy turned into a sea, boundless.

Xiao Ran also roared, "The wind of the mountains and rivers gathers the clouds" rumbling, the boundless wind comes, and the boundless clouds dance with the movement of the mountains and rivers fan!

Yue Zishan also yelled, "The phoenix returns to heaven and the phoenix dances!" I saw a fiery red phantom suddenly appearing on a feather-like spiritual weapon, as if there was the sound of birdsong, the phantom danced along with it!

After Chu Fei looked at it, he smiled at Yue Zishan and said, "Sure enough, you are worthy of being a descendant of the Phoenix. Although the blood is so thin that it doesn't look good, its power is extraordinary after all." After looking at the other two people, he also smiled and said, "You two are not bad, either. It is extraordinary to be able to cultivate so far at this age!"

Yue Zishan sneered and said, "Stop talking nonsense and die!"

After speaking, the three major attacks came together.

Chu Fei wasn't talking either, he just paid attention to Qi Lai!

After all, the strength of the three of them is only two realms smaller than their own!

Holding the flying dragon sword in his hand, Chu Fei silently channeled his mana, only to see phantoms of black dragons appearing on the flying dragon sword, walking on the sword, as if he wanted to get rid of the control of the sword god.

Suddenly, the black dragon phantom broke free from the sword, and three appeared, about 100 meters long.Three black dragons wrapped Chu Fei, and the dragon body danced around Chu Fei, baring its teeth and claws, trying to break free from Chu Fei's control.

In the process of dancing, the body of the black dragon also gradually became bigger and thicker, and it didn't stop until it reached more than 500 meters!

Seeing this, the three knew that Chu Fei could not be allowed to brew mana.

The three suddenly said, "Go"

Chu Fei also released the three black dragons to meet the move of the three people!

The moves of the three of them faced the three black dragons.

The black dragon changed like a dragon ball, trying to swallow the sword energy that turned into the sea, the gathering of wind and clouds, and the phantom phoenix!

During the fight, Xiao Hansheng on the side was stunned, "It's incredible, can the moves be fought like this?" Xiao Hansheng secretly compared with Xuantianfu's sword and sword fight, and found that the four people in front of him were fighting , although it looks very exciting, but after the comparison, I always feel that it is not as good as the sword fight. Xiao Hansheng can't say why, but he has this feeling!

The fight between the four is still going on, but it seems that Chu Fei is still able to do a job with ease, without the slightest sign of fatigue, while looking at the other three, Yue Zishan and Xiao Ran have already appeared thin beads of sweat, while Chen Qi is big. I was sweating.

Chu Fei suddenly said: "Little guys, I won't play with you anymore!"

Chu Fei said: "Broken".With a sudden sound, the black dragon turned into a sharp sword and went towards the vital parts of the three of them.The three of them fought desperately.But how could Chu Fei, who suddenly exploded, be broken so easily?

The three of them couldn't withstand the black dragon's sword-shaped attack, so they bounced back suddenly, and the three of them vomited blood.

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