Immortal Artifact

Chapter 15 Battle of Earth Immortal-level Masters

Chapter 15 Battle of Earth Immortal-level Masters

Kou Ba understood, and knew that this fight could not be avoided!If you can't hide, then don't hide. Kou Ba thinks that he has never been afraid of anyone, even if there are three people on the other side, so what?Why is Kou Ba afraid?

Suddenly something floated in front of Kou Ba's chest, it looked very dark and irregular in shape, it looked as big as a football.

Xiao Hansheng was very surprised when he saw the weapon Kou Ba took out, so he quietly asked Kou Laner next to him: "What weapon did the senior take out?"

Kou Lan'er actually couldn't figure out what kind of weapon it was, and she didn't know what grade it was. She only knew that this ugly thing was very powerful. Half of the reason why her father achieved such achievements at such a young age was due to this weapon. on things!

In general, Kou Lan'er couldn't explain this thing clearly, so she had to say to Xiao Hansheng: "I don't know either!"

When Li Xiao saw Kou Ba take out that thing, he was also very cautious, knowing that this dark thing is not easy!Li Xiao looked at the other two with serious expressions.

Li Xiao laughed at himself, is he afraid of this young man?

Yes, in the eyes of Li Xiao and the others, Kou Ba is a young man!The three of them have existed in the cultivation world for tens of thousands of years, and the longest one is close to 10 years. Kou Ba is only a few thousand years old at this time, but his achievements are comparable, and his aptitude can be seen at a glance.

The reason why the three of them are eager to kill Kou Ba is that Kou Ba has extraordinary aptitude. If he is allowed to grow up, he may surpass himself. He will either be killed by Kou Ba, or immediately ascend to the fairyland.But they also have some understanding of the situation in the fairy world, so they won't be so stupid and go to the fairy world.The best way is to kill Kou Ba.

Since the three of them wanted to kill Kou Ba, there was nothing to say, and each took out their own weapons.

In addition to Li Xiao's Giant Spirit Immortal Sword, there is also Yue Xingjian's first-grade immortal weapon Tianjue Sword and Zhang Ji's first-grade immortal weapon Ink Pen, and they attack Kou Ba at the same time!

Li Xiao turned into a sword with his body and attached it to the giant spirit sword. The giant spirit sword is no longer that big, only the size of a normal sword. At this time, the sword exudes a fierce aura, so he wants to go straight to Kou Ba's brain, Kou Ba Seeing it, he pushed his right palm horizontally, and knocked out the black thing the size of a football.

And Yue Xingjian took advantage of this opportunity to wield the Heavenly Jue Saber, "with a Tianjue in hand, cut across the Tianya Road".The words at this time reflected this sentence, Yue Xingjian twisted his body and wanted to chop Kou Ba horizontally.

And Kou Ba was also prepared, and kicked Yue Xingjian's wrist with his foot horizontally. After hearing a 'bang', Yue Xingjian backed away, and Kou Ba took the opportunity to back away, dodging Zhang Ji's ink pen.

What Zhang Ji used was his famous stunt "Ink Pen Dance Spring and Autumn", and the infuriating energy that was as black as ink went towards Kou Ba. With a sound, sparks appeared on the Giant Spirit Sword, and each impact of the dark object left small pits on the Giant Spirit Sword.You must know that the Giant Spirit Immortal Sword is a fairy weapon, although it is only the lowest of the fairy weapons, it is not easy to leave traces, let alone leave small holes.

Every time there was a collision, Li Xiao felt that he had bumped into an extremely huge mountain, and he felt as if he could not breathe. This feeling made him very uncomfortable!

Li Xiao raised the Juling Xianjian horizontally, and the body of the sword grew rapidly, and it was ten miles long in an instant, and he jumped onto the hilt of the Juling Xianjian. On the top of his head, he wanted to completely defeat Kou Ba with the momentum of Mount Tai.

At this time, the dark object returned to Kou Ba's hands, and Yue Xingjian and Zhang Ji jumped aside when they saw Li Xiao's formation.

The giant sword is already on Kou Ba's head, and it is in danger of falling anytime!

But at this time Kou Ba wasn't panicking at all, the dark thing was floating above Kou Ba's head, without any intention of getting bigger.

At this time, it feels like an elephant is going to trample an ant to death!

But is Kou Ba really an ant?

Obviously not.

I saw Kou Ba muttering something in his mouth, suddenly a dark golden light flashed.With the flash of golden light, the world suddenly fell silent, and the dark thing became the protagonist of the world.

The golden light flashed more and more frequently, and there was an aura of destruction in the heaven and earth. It seemed that there would be a demon who wanted to revive and destroy the world.

As the golden light gradually stabilized, a weird character appeared.But at this time, a phantom of a huge spear suddenly appeared in the sky. The appearance of the huge spear made the people present feel overwhelming and suffocating.

From the moment the huge spear appeared, it began to crazily absorb the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth, and the body of the spear slowly condensed into a solid body, turning into a white spear hundreds of meters long.

As the giant spear tore the aura of heaven and earth, a phantom of a giant hand appeared on the body of the huge spear holding the spear.

Li Xiao, who was above Kou Ba, realized that he could no longer let the spear absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and maybe a complete person would appear. Under such circumstances, it was unknown whether he could walk out of the Wuling Mountains alive.Therefore, Li Xiao didn't wait any longer and decided to act immediately.

I saw Li Xiao commanding the ten-mile-long giant spirit sword to slay Kou Ba. Kou Ba didn't hesitate anymore when he saw this, and also commanded the huge spear to rush towards the giant spirit sword.

The two weapons met in an instant, and I saw the two weapons fighting in the air. They didn't feel clumsy because of their huge size, but they were very dexterous.

In the process of the two weapons fighting, Xiao Hansheng was also so fascinated by watching, and felt that the battle they only saw was very beautiful.

At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in Xiao Hansheng's mind, "This kind of battle is flashy and nothing to watch. But the dark thing used by the middle-aged man is very extraordinary, it seems to be a relic of chaos." The official gentleman's sword who spoke .

Xiao Hansheng was very surprised when he heard Junzijian's words, and said: "I think they fought very fiercely, very powerful!" Xiao Hansheng couldn't answer Junzijian, and suddenly asked: "What is the relic of chaos?"

Jun Zijian replied casually: "The so-called fierceness is just an appearance. The most important thing is to understand the Tao, and the power of the Tao is the right way. As for the relics of chaos, I don't know much about them. I only know that they were created before the world opened. The things that were born, and these things are hidden in the world, or there is nothing strange like ordinary things, or can swallow the sun and the moon, or can be transformed into a human form to cultivate into immortals, all of which are different, but these chaotic relics can It is called an immortal artifact because it is immortal."

Xiao Hansheng was a little confused, so he immediately asked: "What is the power of Tao?"

Gentleman Jian said quietly: "Tao has its trajectory, and what people practice is to find the trajectory of Tao, but the trajectory is hard to find. Those who find the trajectory of Tao must be punished by heaven. There are three thousand Taos, and nine are in the Come on, divide it into nine palms, and call it the king!"

Now Xiao Hansheng was even more confused, there were too many things he didn't understand.Just as he was about to be questioned, Jun Zijian sighed, "The Tao is so deep that I can't fully understand it!" After finishing speaking, he stopped talking.

Seeing this, Xiao Hansheng didn't ask any more questions, but the confusion in his heart deepened.

After thinking about it for a while, I stopped thinking about it and concentrated on watching the fight between Kou Ba and Li Xiao.

At this time, Li Xiao laughed and said: "This thing is nothing more than that, I will take your life today!" Li Xiao roared: "The Hengtian Sword's Mount Tai is overwhelming!"

After finishing speaking, the thick scissors slashed at Kou Ba!

Kou Ba sneered, suddenly, Kou Ba spit out a strange voice, the dark thing seemed to sense it, the spear suddenly shone with golden light, and the person who was shooting it couldn't open his eyes, and suddenly the golden light disappeared again, and a black air flow appeared on the gun to hold the gun Wrapped around the body, the white spear turned into a piece of pitch black, and the momentum suddenly increased dozens of times, and the hand holding the spear gradually solidified, gradually condensing into a phantom of a person in the void

Xuying gave off a thick mountain-like breath, but Xuying closed his eyes at this time. With the crazy absorption of heaven and earth spiritual energy, Xuying also opened his eyes slightly, as if the supreme master wanted to revive.

The people present also opened their eyes wide, watching the changes in the phantom.

At this time, Li Xiao's giant spirit sword slashed at Xuying with the momentum of Mount Tai.

And Xu Ying seemed to feel the danger, suddenly Xu Ying opened his eyes and looked at Li Xiao.Li Xiao looked into Xuying's eyes, and felt that he had entered the chaotic world, where there was an endless killing atmosphere, and he saw corpses up to millions of miles lying on the ground of the chaotic world, humanoid Corpses, beast-shaped corpses, and so on.

At this moment, Li Xiao was sweating coldly, he didn't expect such a world to exist!

And the people present only felt that there was a supreme troll staring at them, as if they were the rulers of all the world. Under the threat of phantom, everyone dared not look at him, and lowered their heads one after another!

And the only person present who didn't bow his head was Xiao Hansheng.

At this time, Xiao Han was sweating profusely, but there seemed to be a force dragging him in the sea of ​​consciousness, preventing him from lowering his head, and the green sun in the Immortal Mansion shook violently, as if it had life.

Seeing Li Xiao's Giant Spirit Immortal Sword strike, Xu Ying swept the huge spear across, and the collision between the two erupted with bursts of sound that resounded through the earth, shaking the ground and changing its color.

And amidst the explosion, there was a sudden scream, and it was Li Xiao.

Li Xiao fell from the sky, spitting out a big mouthful of blood, and the giant spirit sword also fell back to Li Xiao, bleak and dull!

And the phantoms are also getting dimmer, as long as there are still faint ones, they will disappear soon.

However, at this time, Xu Ying looked at Xiao Hansheng, showing a look of happiness, sadness, anger, and hatred, which was very complicated.

And Xiao Hansheng also felt Dao Xuying's gaze, and looked at him quietly.

Suddenly, the phantom disappeared.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng didn't know the movement of Xuantian Mansion. In the Tianbing Pavilion in Xuantian Mansion, the sun floating in the sky exuded a dazzling green light and was shaking. head.The weapons of Tianbing Pavilion trembled and knelt down towards the green sun, and only a few of them did not surrender to the green sun, among which there were Daoba and Junzijian.

As the phantom disappeared, the green sun gradually stopped shaking, and the green light gradually returned to calm.

When Daoba and Junzijian thought of the origin of the fragments, they were shocked for a while, and then connected with the dark thing that could cause the fragments to vibrate, they had the idea of ​​wanting to take them for their own, but after a while they calmed down, because the dark Although the objects are extraordinary, they are still too weak for them.

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