Chapter 2017 becoming a father

Xiao Hansheng chatted with the little fat boy for a while, and found that the little fat boy is a very simple child, who doesn't seem like someone who has experienced many things, so Xiao Hansheng tentatively asked the little fat boy, "Do you know Shishen Ling Xuantian? Show me Tell me about your experience."

However, the little fat boy looked blank, and asked Xiao Hansheng: "Who is Ling Xuantian? What is Shishen?"

The little fat boy asked back, Xiao Hansheng was speechless immediately, because he really didn't know who Ling Xuantian was?What is Shishen!I had no choice but to answer: "He is my master, and he is dead now."

The little fat boy suddenly exclaimed: "I seem to have some impressions of Ling Xuantian. His body seems to be huge and towering. But it seems that he is dead now!" After speaking, the little fat boy looked a little sad.

However, it didn't take long for a smile to appear on his face.Still a child at heart.

Xiao Hansheng asked, "Then when did you find yourself conscious?"

The little fat boy lowered his head and thought for a while, shook his head, and said crisply: "I don't know, it's just that when I woke up, I was in an ocean, and I only felt a force entering my body Inside, I became conscious without knowing it. Then, I turned into a human form and wanted to go to the outside world, but the seal in that broken place was so strong that I couldn't get out." The little fat boy's tone was a bit resentful at this time.

The little fat boy continued: "I couldn't go out, so I wandered around and found a place called 'Tianbinge Pavilion', so I went in to play. But when the weapons saw me, they wanted to eat it as if they saw delicious food. I, I had to run desperately, and suddenly found the green sun in the sky at this moment, I felt very kind. I ran to the green sun. Then the green sun shone brightly, as if warning those weapons, when I went out At that time, those weapons did not dare to eat me. After playing in that place for a while, I felt bored, so I went back to the sea to find a giant fish, hid it in, and fell asleep until you woke me up. "

After hearing so much, Xiao Hansheng also guessed that this should be the main body of "Dan Dao Bao Lu". When Ling Xuantian was not dead, "Dan Dao Bao Lu" had not yet produced spiritual consciousness, and it should be in that piece of pill sea later. , "Dan Dao Bao Lu" absorbs Dan Qi, and the spirit art in "Dan Dao Bao Lu" works automatically, so he also practiced himself into a 'living pill'.I just don't know what level this 'living pill' is.As for why "Dan Dao Bao Lu" and "Ji Tian Que" feel very intimate, Xiao Hansheng can't guess.

The little fat boy burst out laughing suddenly, and said: "I don't want to go back to that place anymore, I want to go outside, and I don't want to stay in your dark purple palace anymore.

Xiao Hansheng thought about it, and decided to let the little fat boy out. He didn't want to be a child abuser, but he had to make an agreement with the little fat boy for three chapters.

Xiao Hansheng looked down at the fat boy, and said to the little fat boy: "You can come up with it if you want, but we need three chapters of the law. In order to better formulate the rules, you need to tell me about your situation."

The little fat boy was very happy, he could finally come out, and immediately said: "Okay!"

"An expert of what realm can see through your true body." This is very important, "Dao Baolu" is the foundation of one's life, if an expert finds out and takes it for himself, wouldn't he be caught blind?It's better to ask clearly.

The little fat boy tilted his head and thought about it: "No one can tell if you don't reach the God Realm, and there are not many people who can see it in the God Realm. As long as you don't meet top experts, you will be fine." After Xiao Hansheng listened, he relaxed Take a breath.How far away is the God Realm!Don't think about it.

"Then what level of master can you deal with now?" In Xiao Hansheng's view, such an awesome birth, you should do something awesome. Sweeping the human world is not a problem, right? ! !

The little chubby boy smiled shyly, "You see, I'm so young, I can only deal with experts beyond the fairyland."

After Xiao Hansheng heard it, he was about to bleed. With such a powerful background, he can only deal with opponents below the fairyland.

At this time, the little fat boy saw Xiao Hansheng's face, but said bluntly: "I can practice!"

After hearing this, Xiao Hansheng's face became better.

Well, after the above confirmation, Xiao Hansheng immediately set the rules, "I can let you go out, but you must abide by the following rules:

First, you have to listen to me, and you can't show your strength casually.

Second, you have to practice hard and try to help me.

Third, you have to recognize me as your eldest brother.

Xiao Hansheng thought of so much for the time being.

After listening to the little fat boy, he hesitated in his heart. If you want to recognize him as the eldest brother, he is not as old as me!So he shook his head fiercely and shouted: "You are not as old as me! You call me big brother."

With a 'bang' sound, Xiao Hansheng tapped the little fat boy's head with his middle finger, and said with a smile: "Look at your appearance, you're a little kid, you're my big brother, you haven't been weaned yet."

The little fat boy felt aggrieved, and nodded helplessly, "Okay, you are my big brother."

At this time, Xiao Hansheng said happily in his heart, a super thug with unlimited potential!

With a thought in Xiao Hansheng's mind, the little fat boy appeared in Xiao Hansheng's room. At this time, the little fat boy was bouncing around, not to mention how happy he was.

Suddenly, the little fat boy jumped onto Xiao Hansheng's shoulder, kissed Xiao Hansheng, and shouted: "Brother, I love you so much."

Xiao Hansheng touched the remaining saliva on his face, and shouted in his heart: "I'm not good at this!"

After a while, the little fat boy who jumped down jumped up again, Xiao Hansheng thought that he was going to kiss himself.Immediately to hide.

But Xiao Hansheng is not so lucky. You must know that the little fat boy can defeat the masters in the fairyland. For a rookie like Xiao Hansheng, the little fat boy immediately pushed Xiao Hansheng.

Xiao Hansheng just wanted to yell loudly: "Indecent... Molested..." But the words came to his lips, and he swallowed them again. Could it be that someone came and let others see that he was molested by a little fat boy?Then I won't be able to meet people in this life.It seems that letting the little fat boy out was a mistake!

The little fat boy chuckled and said, "I haven't given you the spirit art to refine the living pill yet. This is always a problem. Now that it's settled, I don't have to worry about it in the future."

After finishing speaking, he raised his fat little finger and pointed at Xiao Hansheng's head, one picture after another flowed through the depths of Xiao Hansheng's mind, and he would never forget it.

After a while, all four spirit arts were passed on to Xiao Hansheng.However, the Ling Jue was not completely passed on to Xiao Hansheng, only part of it was passed on.Devouring Jue taught 83 moves, Swallowing Jue taught 110 moves, Yunling Jue taught 73 and [-] moves, and Kun Jue taught [-] moves.

The little fat boy withdrew his hand and said, I have taught you the magic tricks for refining the living pills, now you can refine the seventh-rank living pills.

When your cultivation level improves, I will naturally tell you the deeper level of spiritual art.

At this time Xiao Hansheng finally sat up, fortunately, he is just a child, he does not have that habit!

At this time, Xiao Hansheng had been staying in his room for nearly half a month, and he hadn't come out yet, which made Kou Laner's little girl very anxious, no one would play with her!

Kou Laner is a high-ranking little princess here, so she has developed a rather savage character. The servants have suffered from Kou Laner, so they don't want to get too close to the little princess, maybe they will be teased by her, so they can hide Kou Laner just hid.

Now Kou Lan'er is looking forward to Xiao Hansheng coming out quickly and playing with her.

But Kou Lan'er made up his mind to prevent Xiao Hansheng from discovering his true nature, fearing that Xiao Hansheng would stop paying attention to him.

So Kou Lan'er sent a maid early and told her to wait for Xiao Han to be born at the door.

This time it was hard for the maid, Xiao Hansheng stayed in the house for half a month, and the maid waited outside the door for nearly half a month, the maid didn't dare to scold Kou Lan'er in her heart, so she had to scold Xiao Hansheng all over.

After Xiao Hansheng knew about it, he probably only felt that he had suffered an indiscriminate disaster!

"Squeak...cheep..." The door that hadn't been opened for half a month was opened, and the bright sunshine couldn't wait to get into the room, illuminating Xiao Hansheng's face.

Xiao Hansheng felt a burst of warmth, and his mood instantly improved.

Seeing Xiao Hansheng open the door, the maid said respectfully, "Master Xiao is up? My princess is here."

Xiao Hansheng glanced at the maid and said, "I'll go right away."

After finishing speaking, he stepped out of the gate, and a child behind him also followed Xiao Hansheng.

The maid was surprised when she saw it.

Although the maid was strange, she didn't ask! ,

The maid walked forward and led the way for Xiao Hansheng.

The three walked through the promenade, turned around the rockery, and saw Kou Laner watching a few maids fighting, applauding from time to time, it seemed that Kou Laner was quite excited.

The maid immediately walked forward and whispered to Kou Lan'er, "Young Master Xiao is here."

Kou Laner immediately looked at Xiao Hansheng with her beautiful eyes, and immediately smiled in surprise: "Xiao Hansheng, you finally came out."

Xiao Hansheng nodded immediately, "I have a little feeling when I am practicing, so I am immersed in it..."

Before Xiao Hansheng could finish speaking, a crisp voice came from behind Xiao Hansheng: "Hello Miss!"

What Kou Lan'er saw was a naive child appearing behind Xiao Hansheng, and she was pleasantly surprised immediately: "What a cute child!"

After sighing, he asked, "Who are you, can you tell my sister?"

The little fat boy twisted his body, showing an embarrassed expression: "He is my father"

After finishing speaking, the little finger pointed to Xiao Hansheng.

After hearing what the little fat boy said, Xiao Hansheng staggered, raised his hand, and pointed at the little fat boy, "" Xiao Hansheng was speechless in a daze!

Kou Lan'er was also shocked after hearing this, and didn't know what to do. Suddenly, she seemed to have realized something and said, "Could it be you and Mei'er? Look at the child, he's only about two years old."

Kou Lan'er broke her hands and calculated, and exclaimed: "You were with Meier when you were 13 years old..." After finishing speaking, she shook her head, as if she couldn't accept it.

Xiao Hansheng held back for a long time before uttering a few words: "He is not my son, I don't have such an abominable son."

And the little fat boy's face turned into a look of grievance, and he cried: "Father, you don't want me?"

Xiao Han had the urge to slap the little fat boy hard, but he held back.

The little fat boy surrounded Xiao Hansheng all the time, and kept calling: "Daddy, daddy, don't you want me?" The little fat boy's voice broke the hearts of the listeners.

Kou Lan'er couldn't help but shouted at Xiao Hansheng: "You are too cruel, how could you treat your son like this!?"

Xiao Han twitched his mouth, unable to say anything.

Kou Lan'er hugged the little fat boy and said lovingly, "Your father doesn't want you, I want you!"


Kou Laner snorted at Xiao Hansheng twice, but ignored him.And the little fat boy grimaced at Xiao Hansheng, looking proud.

At this time, Xiao Han was mad with hatred! ! !

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