Chapter 22 The first practice of living panacea

Xiao Hansheng carefully studied the medicinal effects of spirit grass and spirit fruit, and with the book on alchemy sent by Kou Ba, Xiao Hansheng already had a more detailed understanding of alchemy.

Therefore, Xiao Hansheng decided to start alchemy, and chose to refine the most low-level Bigu pill.Xiao Hansheng has never, never practiced alchemy, so first practice with the lowest level of alchemy, people can't become fat with one bite!

So Xiao Hansheng took out the Geng Huo Cauldron, and Nascent Soul spit out the cold fire, which is the flame needed to refine Bigu Pill, and this kind of flame can be emitted in the Nascent Realm, which is still a piece of cake for Xiao Hansheng in the early stage of Taoist Realm.However, the refining of Bigu Pill does not require any high-level flames, low-level flames can allow oneself to practice the ability to control flames.

Refining Bigu Pill only needs mortal spirit grass, which is a widely distributed spirit grass, but it contains slightly higher energy than ordinary crops, and it is the best spirit grass for refining Bigu Pill.

Xiao Hansheng took out the Fan Lingcao from the Qiankun bag and put it into the Geng Huo Ding, only to see that the Geng Huo Ding automatically assisted alchemy.The Geng Huo cauldron was rolling, turning all the spirit grass into balls, and the elixir of Bigu Pill was about to be ready, and the ordinary Bigu Pill was about to be completed soon.But for Xiao Hansheng, it is meaningless to refine ordinary panacea, so Xiao Hansheng recalled the starting style of Yunlingjue recorded in "Dan Dao Baolu", according to the meridian route run by the starting style.In an instant, Xiao Hansheng felt that the spiritual power output by his Nascent Soul was greatly increased, and it rolled along the running meridians, and slapped the output spiritual power on the Geng Huo Cauldron through his palm.

The Geng Huo Ding instantly transmitted the spiritual power to the Bigu Pill, and the Bigu Pill seemed to become more active immediately.After reading it, Xiao Hansheng was a little overjoyed, it seemed that he was going to succeed!

However, Xiao Hansheng hadn't been delighted for long, and felt the crisp sound of Bigu Pill, and the cold fire instantly turned Bigu Pill into ashes.The first pill that Xiao Hansheng refined just failed.

Xiao Hansheng thought that there is nothing wrong with failing for the first time, and no one can succeed in one go, so Xiao Hansheng was not discouraged.

Xiao Hansheng carefully analyzed the reason for the failure, and found that it might be that the spiritual power he output was too large, which made Bigu Dan unable to withstand such a large amount of energy, so it failed.

So Xiao Hansheng learned his lesson, and when refining the second Bigu Pill, he found that the output of spiritual power was greater again, and he failed again.

The third time, it was bigger again.

The fourth time, it was still big.


After countless experiments by Xiao Hansheng, he finally succeeded in the first form he sent out. At this time, Xiao Hansheng was quite pleasantly surprised.

Now that you have succeeded in the first formula, let's go to the second formula.

However, when the second form was photographed on Bigu Pill, it failed again.At this time, one day has passed, and Xiao Hansheng was exhausted, but Xiao Hansheng was very unconvinced, thinking that he must get out the second pose today.

Xiao Hansheng still failed many times.

Xiao Hansheng feels that there must be a rule to follow, but what is this rule?

Xiao Hansheng fell into contemplation, and Xiao Hansheng once again recalled the records in "Dao Baolu", Xiao Hansheng saw that the meaning of living pills is to have spirituality, not to increase the medicinal properties and spiritual power of panacea.

Immediately, Xiao Hansheng understood the meaning of it, and knew that he was wrong. The life elixir lies in the spirituality, not the size of the spiritual power.

Xiao Hansheng has found the crux of the matter, but at this time Xiao Hansheng is in a dilemma, so how can the panacea get spirituality?

Now Xiao Hansheng scratched his head and couldn't think of a solution, so he simply stopped thinking about it today.

So he ran to bed and fell asleep.Today, Xiao Hansheng is exhausted. After all, Xiao Hansheng has been outputting spiritual power today, without a moment's rest.

In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Hansheng cheered up and began to think about alchemy again.Xiao Hansheng couldn't figure it out by himself, so he used it to make alchemy himself, but every time he made alchemy, he ended in failure.

Every failure aroused Xiao Hansheng's unyielding character.

A month passed unknowingly. During this period of time, Xiao Hansheng seemed to be in a daze, and there was nothing else to do except alchemy.

Occasionally, Kou Lan'er came to play with Xiao Hansheng a few times, but Xiao Hansheng was so focused on alchemy and thinking about how to refine living alchemy that he ignored Kou Lan'er.

Kou Lan'er was very angry about this, and vowed that she would never talk to Xiao Hansheng again, but she ran back to find Xiao Hansheng within a few days.

On this day, Kou Laner came to look for Xiao Hansheng again. Seeing that Xiao Hansheng was concocting alchemy, he didn't notice that Kou Laner was here and was seriously concocting alchemy.

Kou Lan'er saw Xiao Hansheng's earnestness in alchemy, and admired Xiao Hansheng's persistence.Can't help but look at Xiao Hansheng, Kou Laner secretly thought: "The current Xiao Hansheng is still very handsome."

Suddenly, Kou Laner stomped her feet and thought to herself: "What am I thinking! I'm so ashamed."At this moment, two blushes appeared on Kou Laner's face.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng once again experienced the failure of alchemy, and couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

Seeing Xiao Hansheng's appearance, Kou Lan'er felt distressed, and said softly to Xiao Hansheng: "I just started alchemy, it's okay if I fail!"

Xiao Hansheng heard a voice, turned his head, and saw the face that hadn't faded from the blush, and asked, "What's wrong with your face?"

Kou Lan'er's shyness had not faded away, and when she heard Xiao Hansheng's question again, she felt very anxious, and hurriedly pretended to be angry, and said loudly: "I want you to take care of it!"

"This is the mortal spirit grass you need!" After speaking, Kou Lan'er threw the Qiankun bag on Xiao Hansheng's body and ran away.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng felt that this was the only way he knew Kou Lan'er!Kou Lan'er's voice just now made Xiao Hansheng uncomfortable!It seems that ever since she hit the little fat boy, Kou Laner has been sneering at herself!Kou Lan'er changed back to her original charming appearance, and she seemed very comfortable!

It's just that Xiao Hansheng wondered how Kou Lan'er knew that his Fan Lingcao was about to run out?

Xiao Hansheng couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it.

Xiao Hansheng thought to himself, "I haven't gone out for many days, let's go out now to get some air!"

Xiao Hansheng walked out of the room, and in an instant, fresh air poured into his brain, Xiao Hansheng felt a burst of refreshment at this time, and the boredom in his mood became cheerful under the soft sunlight.

Xiao Hansheng walked on the path and looked at the flowers blooming on the side of the road. The green leaves were dotted with red and yellow flowers, which looked very lively.

Just as Xiao Hansheng was walking forward, he saw Kou Ba on the rockery next to him, breathing in and out.Xiao Hansheng walked forward, "Is Uncle Kou still practicing?"

Kou Ba slightly opened his eyes, and said with a smile, "That's right. You might as well sit here and take a breath, and feel the aura carefully, whether it's playful, or irritable, or calm."

Xiao Hansheng nodded slightly, "Thank you Uncle Kou for your guidance."

So he also imitated Kou Ba's appearance, sitting cross-legged on the ground, breathing in and out.

Kou Ba also started to practice.

The two vomited on the rockery for an hour, opened their eyes at the same time, looked at each other and smiled.

Kou Ba asked Xiao Hansheng: "I see that your spiritual power fluctuations seem to be flawed, but I don't know why?"

Xiao Hansheng knew that Kou Ba was harmless, so he explained to Kou Ba: "These auras are not cultivated by myself. I got some pills in a valley when I was young, took them, and unconsciously, My cultivation level has been raised to the current level!" Xiao Hansheng did not tell Kou Ba about Xuantian Mansion, after all, the history of Xuantian Mansion is too big to let more people know, so he did not mention it.

Kou Ba nodded knowingly, and said: "Although taking pills can't make one's cultivation advance by leaps and bounds, after all, taking pills is not achieved by one's own hard work. When the cultivation base is low, it's nothing. Improving, but the foundation is not stable, which will bring you endless troubles in the future."

After Xiao Hansheng listened, he broke out in cold sweat, he really didn't think of it!

Xiao Hansheng bowed deeply to Kou Ba, and said to Kou Ba: "More advice from Uncle Kou!"

"How about it, you come here with me every day to breathe and breathe, to condense your spiritual power, what do you think?" Kou Ba said softly.

Xiao Hansheng nodded.

One day passed quickly.

The next morning, Xiao Hansheng came over early, and Xiao Hansheng was still very concerned about the unstable foundation.

Kou Ba also came over at this time, and said with a smile: "You came very early!"

Xiao Hansheng smiled helplessly.

When Xiao Hansheng was about to enter the state of cultivation, Kou Ba said: "Don't be too busy, I have a condensed exercise, which I will teach you now. The name of this exercise is Chilian Jiuzhong, which is my basis. This thing comes from comprehension." After speaking, he took out the dark thing.

Xiao Hansheng was stunned, he didn't expect it to be this thing.

Seeing Xiao Hansheng's appearance, Kou Ba was also quite moved, and said with a smile, "This thing has an extraordinary history, and I still can't figure out what kind of thing it is."

Xiao Hansheng nodded deeply, it is indeed so!This thing looks dark and dark, and it has no shape.However, under the attack of the fairy weapon, it does not fall behind, and the image of the phantom is even more terrifying.

Kou Ba pointed to Xiao Hansheng's forehead, and taught Xiao Hansheng Chilian Jiuzhong.

After Xiao Hansheng read the running method of "The Nine Layers of Red Training", he found that there are nine different running veins, and after running all of them, it can be counted as a week of running.Therefore, Xiao Hansheng sat cross-legged on the ground, and operated according to the operating route of "Chilian Jiuzhong".Seeing Xiao Hansheng, his body gradually glowed red. Xiao Hansheng's body seemed to be boiling, and Xiao Hansheng's body trembled violently.After a while, Xiao Hansheng's body returned to normal. After a while, his body glowed red again, and his body trembled more violently. After nine repetitions, Xiao Hansheng finally finished running "Red Training Nine Layers" for a week.

After practicing "Nine Layers of Red Training", Xiao Hansheng let out a deep breath, "What a domineering technique!"

"Red Practice Nine Layers", as the name suggests, red is red, and nine layers means nine kinds, which means to continuously run nine different veins in your body.

Xiao Hansheng consciously entered the Purple Palace, and found that the Nascent Soul was a little smaller than before, and his spiritual power was much more refined.Xiao Hansheng was filled with joy.

When he was about to thank Kou Ba, he found that Kou Ba had disappeared.

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