Immortal Artifact

Chapter 28 Calamity

Chapter 28 Calamity

Xiao Yun and Li Su's couple changed from old to young and beautiful. Everyone in the village was shocked and wanted to become younger. Many people wanted to enter Xiao Hansheng's courtyard every day.However, Xiao Hansheng arranged a wind wall, whenever someone wants to come in, there will be a gust of wind to blow them out without hurting anyone.

This time, there was an even more continuous stream of visitors, they only regarded Immortal Xiao as testing their sincerity.So try harder to get in.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng smiled wryly, and he couldn't bear the enthusiasm of the folks!

"It seems that I am no longer fit to stay in this place." Xiao Hansheng sighed secretly.

Two days later, when Xiao Hansheng was having dinner with his family (Xiao Hansheng's parents hadn't had a bigu yet), he said to his parents: "Father and mother, I'm leaving this place and going to the outside world."

At this time Li Su stopped what he was doing, and sighed: "I knew you would leave this place. When you returned to normal for me and your father that day, I knew that this small mountain village would not be yours For the stage, you need a wider space."

After finishing speaking, I was secretly sad.And Xiao Yun who was at the side said: "You woman, Xiaohan is so promising, you should be happy, so don't cry. Xiaohan is a fairy now, so naturally he can't stay in this small place."

Xiao Hansheng didn't know what to say.

On the night of this day, Xiao Hansheng flew out of the village alone, heading for a wider stage.Before Xiao Hansheng left, Xiao Hansheng left a letter and some pills and formulas.

The letter wrote: "My son is not filial and cannot accompany you to the end of your life. Please forgive me. I have left some elixir here, which is enough for the two elders to cultivate to the long live state. In addition, I have left a few pills of washing sutras and cutting the marrow , one of which must be given to Xiao Hu's father, and tell him for me: Since I can survive, brother Ahu will definitely survive, let him practice hard, and wait for Xiao Hu to come back! Xiao Qing's parents, when Xiao Qing comes back, the two elders are probably dead, so please give them these two pills. As for the fact that I am a fairy, don't spread it outside, remember this matter. My son will I come back to see you often, the elders take care, and my son respects you."

After Li Su read the letter, tears were streaming down his face, while Xiao Yun beside him could only sigh...

Xiao Hansheng left the small mountain village and headed towards the east of Qionglan Continent.In the process of Xiao Han's flight, when he found that there were more and more people, in the process of walking these few days, he saw more people than everyone he had seen before.Xiao Hansheng sighed: "So there are so many people in this world!"

Xiao Hansheng traveled nearly [-] miles to the east, and finally saw the first city. Xiao Hansheng accelerated his flight and landed at a place more than a hundred miles away from the city. He didn't want others to think he was a fairy.

Not far from Xiao Hansheng's landing, a pair of people and horses appeared, and the person walking in front shouted: "He Wu... He Wu..." The voice was neither slow nor slow, and it was very long and distant.

Xiao Hansheng looked up, but there was a flag hanging on the car, on which was written: "Weiyuan Escort Bureau." Xiao Hansheng thought to himself, it turned out to be an Escort Bureau, but Xiao Hansheng didn't understand why he shouted "Hewu... Hewu...".At this time Xiao Hansheng was not familiar with the environment here, so he had to find someone to ask, and the dart walker must know a lot.So Xiao Hansheng walked forward.

When Xiao Hansheng walked to the front, those people suddenly drew out their big knives, their eyes wary of themselves.At this moment, a hale and hearty old man came forward on horseback, cupped his hands to Xiao Hansheng and said, "Little brother, please."

At this time Xiao Hansheng didn't know how to answer, so he stood there awkwardly.

The old man looked at Xiao Hansheng in a daze, and said, "I don't know what the little brother is doing? We belong to the Weiyuan Escort Bureau. For the sake of being friends, how about letting us go? We can give you some compensation."

At this moment, a young man rode over to the old man and said, "Uncle Zhong, what's the matter?"

Uncle Zhong smiled and said, "Master, this is a friend on the road."

The young man raised his hand and whipped his whip towards Xiao Hansheng, and said with a sneer, "A kid dares to rob Weiyuan Escort Bureau, don't he want to live?"

At this moment, Uncle Zhong flew up suddenly, picked up his sword, and grabbed the young man's whip with his left hand. Then he jumped on the horse and said to the young man in a low voice: "Master, this little brother dares to kill you!" A person who robs Dao must have a deep background, we should not use weapons!"

The young man immediately cupped his hands and said, "Uncle Zhong is right, I was reckless!"

Uncle Zhong said with a smile: "Master, if you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing good about it."

Immediately, the young man turned his horse back.However, the moment he turned his head, he revealed a sinister smile.

When Xiao Hansheng heard the conversation between the two, he immediately understood that they misunderstood that he was a robber.

Immediately, Xiao Hansheng walked forward, cupped his hands to the old man, and said: "The old man misunderstood, I lost my way here, and there is no one around to ask, so I took the liberty to disturb, old man, please don't blame me."

Uncle Zhong looked at Xiao Hansheng, and found that he didn't have any internal martial arts cultivation, and he was also very honest, without the murderous spirit of a person who robbed the Tao.From this point, Uncle Zhong believed in Xiao Hansheng.

Uncle Zhong asked, "Little brother, where are you thinking?"

Xiao Hansheng said: "I wanted to go to the city ahead, but there were four roads in front of me. I didn't know which one to take, so I hesitated here. Fortunately, I met you."

Uncle Zhong nodded. There are exactly four paths here, but those who don’t know will never know which path to take.Uncle Zhong pointed to the somewhat steep road ahead, and said, "This is it."

Xiao Hansheng thanked Uncle Zhong, and when he was about to go forward, he heard Uncle Zhong say: "We are going to that city too, let's go there together. Recently, this road is not smooth, and strong people often come out to rob the road. I'm afraid you are alone Can't walk through."

Xiao Hansheng bowed deeply to Uncle Zhong and said, "More old men!"

Uncle Zhong said: "Now you can only go forward with the escort team, and there is no horse for you to ride."

Xiao Hansheng said: "It's okay, I can go by myself."

Afterwards, Uncle Zhong said to the people next to him, "Let him in."

People around were convinced of Uncle Zhong and let Xiao Hansheng in.

Xiao Hansheng followed the bodyguards forward, listening to these bodyguards chatting and laughing on the road. After walking for about two or three hours, it was slowly getting dark, and only one bodyguard shouted loudly: "Everyone stop, rest today , keep your spirits up, we will arrive in Blackcorner City tomorrow!"

So everyone sat down and rested, and a small number of people gathered together to form a patrol team to prevent some unexpected things from happening.

Xiao Hansheng looked around and found that the convoy had lined up for nearly a mile.It seems that the scale of this delivery is still very large.

Everyone set up simple tents and sat on the ground to chat.They talked about it all over the place, and some people said that they had seen a real fairy when they beat them, and said that the fairy's fingers would suddenly ignite fire, and suddenly produce water droplets, which was really powerful.

After Xiao Hansheng heard this, he secretly laughed.However, he told these bodyguards how powerful those 'immortals' are.

The crowd laughed.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng suddenly remembered a question, and asked a bodyguard next to him, "When I first saw you, why did you keep shouting 'He Wu... He Wu...'?"

The escort took a sip of wine, smashed his mouth, and said: "'Hewu...hewu...' is the jargon of our escort agency. Every time we send a dart, we hope to go smoothly. The thieves show their favor and make friends with the Jianghu. The word "He Wu" is connected with Hei Wu, which means "Shen Fist Invincible Zhang Hei Wu". Zhang Hei Wu is a famous figure in our bodyguard agency. His pair of Shen Fist is invincible in the world. Shenquan made Zhang Heiwu gain a lot of friends. Shouting "Hewu" means that I am Zhang Heiwu's friend, please be merciful to friends on the road.

Xiao Hansheng nodded, it turns out that there is still this talk!

Xiao Hansheng chatted with them, but he was happy and at ease.While they were chatting in full swing.

Suddenly, many people fell silent, their eyes fixed on a carriage.

I saw the door of the carriage opened slowly, and a delicate woman leaned out.

At this time Xiao Hansheng also saw the woman's appearance, Xiao Hansheng couldn't help secretly praising: "What a beautiful woman?"

"Beautiful and beautiful." This is Xiao Hansheng's feeling for this woman.

At this moment, a burst of piercing sound came.

Uncle Zhong moved his feet inside and shouted: "There are thieves coming, everyone should immediately prepare and stand in formation."

In an instant, the person who was chatting and laughing just now showed a murderous look and looked ahead vigilantly.

Here, I only heard the sound of '噗,噗', but someone was shot by an arrow, and the person who told Xiao Hansheng what is 'He Wu' just now was also shot by an arrow, and his face turned black in an instant One piece, the arrow is obviously covered with poison!

At this time, Uncle Zhong shouted again: "Everyone, be careful, the sword is poisonous!"

Arrows shot over densely, those who were lucky were not shot, and those who were unlucky would not survive for a while.

Occasionally, arrows were shot at Xiao Hansheng, but obviously these arrows could not do any harm to Xiao Hansheng.

After shooting the arrows for a while, the enemy also appeared, but they were all masked, so it was not clear who was who!

The young master of the Escort Bureau suddenly shouted: "No matter who you are! Die to me."

After finishing speaking, he circulated his internal energy and held the Qinggang sword to fight the enemy.Seeing that there were many people in that place, the young master of the escort agency rushed there, regardless of his own safety.

Seeing that the young master was in danger, Uncle Zhong had no choice but to help the young master by himself.Uncle Zhong drew his sword, and a cold light flashed, instantly taking the life of one person.

Uncle Zhong brandished his long sword and stood in front of the young master, just as Uncle Zhong was struggling to fight the enemy.He felt severe pain in his waist, Uncle Zhong suddenly turned his head and saw the dagger in the young master's hand stuck in his waist.

Uncle Zhong looked at Li Tianqi in disbelief, and asked with difficulty: "This is...why?"

I only heard the young master of the bodyguard bureau say with a ferocious face: "Damn you!!"

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