Chapter 321

"Brother Xiao, it's been a long time!" Yue Ziqun came across the space and smiled at Xiao Hansheng.Please use to visit this site.

"Well, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Xiao Hansheng was not surprised by Yue Ziqun's arrival.

The two just looked at each other quietly, without any anger.However, Qingyan could feel the powerful aura constantly entangled, collided, and fought in the void, and they seemed to be engaged in a world-shattering battle.

This scene did not last long before disappearing.

"I heard that you have already ascended to the realm of middle immortals, but I didn't expect you to appear in the realm of beasts. It's really surprising! I think you should already understand the secret of ascension! Why don't you share it with the monks in the ordinary realm, Wouldn't it be good to give them hope of ascension?" Yue Ziqun stared at Xiao Hansheng with burning eyes.

After hearing this, Qingyan and Emperor Feng were all shocked, and stared eagerly at Xiao Hansheng.Their realm has reached the limit, but they can't soar, which makes them extremely troubled.Originally, some time ago, many young masters from the Zhongxian world descended to the realm.They also arrested several people and tried to ask Ming the secret of Ascension.However, the young masters who came down from the Zhongxian world didn't understand the reason, which made them extremely desperate.Now that he heard that Xiao Hansheng had been to the Middle Immortal Realm, he naturally wanted to get a glimpse of the secret of ascension.

"Hehe, when it comes to the secret of ascension, I know almost everything. But, I need you to tell me two things!" Xiao Hansheng put forward his request.It was a secret that he left the realm of comprehension, Yue Ziqun shouldn't have known about it, but he didn't expect Yue Ziqun to know it very well.However, it is not unusual for Yue Ziqun to know this secret.As long as he inquires carefully, he will know the details inside.

"Oh, brother Xiao, what two things do you want to know? As long as Yue knows it, he will know it and say it." Yue Ziqun said with a smile. [

"Well. First, I want to know the whereabouts of Xiao Hu, Kou Laner, Rou Ran, and Rou Meier; second, I want to know the current situation in the cultivation world." Xiao Hansheng said in a deep voice.

"All the characters you asked about are in my hands. But don't worry, they are all good, and I won't hurt them. As for the situation in the cultivation world that you want to know, I have been in a closed state, and I don't know too much However, I have heard that Tai Shiba personally took action to find the base camps of Xiaomeng, Zhenyuanxianmeng and Mumeng, and carried out a huge siege on them. This battle was extremely tragic, and almost all the masters died Death. It seems that at the last moment, Guo Tianya made a strong move and repelled Tai Shiba's attack, saving the last hope of the three major alliances." Yue Ziqun did not hide anything, and told Xiao Hansheng all the information he knew.

"Tai Shi Ba, the time for you to settle such a big enmity is not far away." After hearing this, Xiao Hansheng said in a cold voice with an extremely gloomy expression.

"Brother Xiao, I have already told you two things. Now, you should also tell me the secret of ascension?!" Yue Ziqun said.

"Before I tell you the secret of ascension, I need you to prove that all the people in your hands are safe. Otherwise, why should I trust you!" Xiao Hansheng sneered.

"Xiao Hansheng, don't push yourself too hard. I've already told you everything. If you don't tell me, I'll kill you. At that time, I'll tear your soul out, and the so-called secret of ascension will naturally disappear. I know." Yue Ziqun said coldly.

"So, you don't intend to know the secret of ascension?!" Xiao Hansheng didn't like Yue Ziqun, so he didn't need to abide by the so-called benevolence, righteousness and morality.

"Since you want to die, then go die!" Yue Ziqun was furious.He had never suffered such humiliation, so he naturally hated Xiao Han deeply.Therefore, he made a bold move and hit Xiao Hansheng with the strongest blow.

Suddenly, the void changed drastically, and it seemed to evolve into a vast chaos.This scene is so horrifying, it has never happened before.

"Sure enough, you are worthy of being born into the world with great supernatural powers, and you can actually cast a phantom of chaos. And what my Feng Clan can cast is only the phantom of the ancestor of the phoenix, how can it compare with the phantom of chaos?" Emperor Feng Said without emotion.

"Brother Xiao is right. Yue Ziqun's potential is unparalleled, and it would be an unimaginable disaster to fight against him!" Qingyan said leisurely with a calm expression.

While speaking, a green lotus swayed with the wind. Although it was an illusion, it was full of power.

"Xiao Hansheng, you just surrender! This is the realm of chaos that I opened up. When it evolves to the extreme, it will replace chaos. I am destined to become the master of chaos!" Yue Ziqun was full of vigor and majesty.

"Really? Although the Chaos Realm is strong, it can't stop me!" After that, Xiao Hansheng mobilized the vast power of the Chaos God Soil and projected it down, confronting and colliding with Yue Ziqun's Chaos Realm to see who is stronger .Although Xiao Hansheng couldn't enter the Chaos Divine Soil, it didn't mean he couldn't use the power of the Chaos Divine Soil.

When the chaotic phantom behind Xiao Hansheng formed, the green lotus also swayed and turned into an umbrella supporting the sky, majestic. [

"Well, they can all imprint the chaotic phantom, which is absolutely impossible!" Emperor Feng said in a low voice.However, he also had to admit that Xiao Hansheng's potential was comparable to that of Yue Ziqun.

"It turns out that Mr. Xiao also has a great backer, who can compete with Yue Ziqun!" Qingyan covered her mouth, a little inconceivable.Immediately, she secretly made up her mind, "No matter what happens in the future, I will follow Xiao Hansheng firmly. I have a feeling that his future is limitless."

The two chaotic phantoms kept fighting each other, as if the chaos had just begun.I saw thunder and lightning formed in the area of ​​the confrontation, trying to cut through the world and become a world alone.

However, the two chaotic domains only lasted for a moment before disappearing.They don't have enough power to maintain the chaotic phantom.

When the Chaos Realm disappeared, both Xiao Hansheng and Yue Ziqun were panting heavily, no distinction was made between them.Immediately, the two masters began to recover their spiritual power, and saw the spirit energy rushing into their bodies like a falling cloud.In this battle, the two will directly share the spirit energy between the heaven and the earth equally, without distinction.Then, they quit work at the same time, staring at each other.

"I have to admit that you are very powerful, and I can't do anything to you yet!" Yue Ziqun said in a deep voice.

"Hey, you can't do anything to me, but that doesn't mean I can't do anything to you!" Xiao Hansheng grinned.While speaking, Xiao Hansheng directly lifted the palm of the Tianbei, and saw the black symbols shining continuously in the void.Suddenly, a huge black monument was formed, as high as ten thousand feet, and its power was unparalleled.

Since Xiao Hansheng discovered the mystery of Tianbei Palm, he tried to communicate with the Tianbei of Yuxu Palace.Unexpectedly, this really made him successful, and he could use part of the power of the Tianbei.

When Yue Ziqun saw the power of the Tianbei, his expression changed drastically, and he immediately performed the Dao technique.Suddenly, a powerful breath was born, and gradually turned into a big man supporting the sky, trying to stop the crushing of the sky monument.

When the time is right, the Tianbei will be crushed, destroyed and swept away.Yue Ziqun held the sky with both palms and struck upwards.The big man who supported the sky he condensed also stretched out his arms, trying to resist the crushing of the sky monument.

With the powerful force tearing each other apart, a space crack of millions of miles is formed, devouring the surrounding planets and even everything.

"Ah!" Suddenly, Yue Ziqun couldn't bear it any longer, and vomited blood.The condensed big man supporting the sky dissipated suddenly, and the phantom of the sky tablet was about to collapse.

Before the stele landed, Yuezi fled in a crowd, "Xiao Hansheng, wait, I will kill you someday." Emperor Feng did not dare to fight against the stele head-on with immortal emperor-level combat power, so he had to flee with flowers .

Xiao Hansheng looked at the direction of Yue Ziqun's escape and sneered.

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