Immortal Artifact

Chapter 328 Crisis Moments

Chapter 328

Xiao Hansheng's mistake aroused the vigilance of the zombie executives, trapped him, his face was gloomy, and he seemed to have a posture that he would not give up until Xiao Hansheng was killed.Please use to visit this site.

Xiao Hansheng collected his mind and stopped thinking about the great calamity in the mortal world.Although a catastrophe is imminent in the mortal world, he still has to save his life!

"It's so daring. It's unbelievable that a human expert came here. Judging by his appearance, he should be one of the few experts in the mortal world." Ying Long said quietly.

"Yeah! I didn't expect such a courageous figure in the hands of human masters. It's really amazing! It's just that he has no chance to get out alive." Hu Sandao looked quite regretful.The other two masters looked at Xiao Hansheng coldly with expressions on their faces.

Seeing that they did not intend to act immediately, Xiao Hansheng asked, "Are you sure that in the next ten years, Tao will weaken the protection of the mortal world?"

When Xiao Hansheng faced danger, he seemed particularly calm.His demeanor made the four zombie executives appreciate it very much, and they have no plans to do anything for the time being.Although they are not human beings, they are sentient beings after all, and they also have emotions, and they also have certain emotions that humans should have.

Ying Long didn't hide anything, and said: "This is indeed the news I heard with my own ears. As for whether it will become a reality, I can't say for the time being."

Xiao Hansheng nodded slightly, and secretly said: "He should be right! After all, this involves the operation of the Tao, and the Tao changes from time to time, so it is difficult to see. Naturally, it is impossible to guess accurately." Then, he raised his head and asked again: "I want to know the corpse, um, where is the unknown area that the Heavenly Corpse Emperor has been to?" [

Xiao Hansheng asked bluntly, with the attitude of breaking the casserole and asking the end.However, Ying Long did not hide anything, and told Xiao Hansheng directly, "As far as I know, the unknown area you are going to should be the depths of hell. After all, creatures from hell who want to reach the fairy world, or even the god world, will suffer Huge suppression, there is no way to survive. Therefore, the unknown area that the king leads to should be the depths of hell."

The reason why Ying Long told Xiao Hansheng these tests so happily is that firstly, he admired Xiao Hansheng; secondly, they thought that Xiao Hansheng would never escape, so it would be okay to tell him.

After listening to Ying Long's words, Xiao Hansheng fell into deep thought, "Guardian Nie once said that there are eighteen levels of hell. According to the combat power shown in the first level of hell and the second level of hell, the eighteen levels of hell must hide heaven and earth. The most powerful master in the world." Then, he thought of the cemetery where the gods are buried in the tomb of the gods, Zixiao Palace, Tiangong and various mysterious places.

"What is the relationship between these?" He also remembered that several powerful innate gods were released from Zixiao Palace.There is also the cemetery of the gods, where the innate gods are buried, and there is also a heavenly palace.Although he didn't explore Tiangong deeply, he could also deeply feel the mystery and power of Tiangong.

Xiao Hansheng thought for a while, but didn't understand.However, this is also very normal, after all, these innate gods can split the mortal world and destroy the mortal world at will.Now, they have fallen to the mortal world in groups.How could he easily guess the secrets in it? !

"Fortunately, Guardian Nie once said that every level of hell has its guardians. I hope these guardians can ensure that the powerful people of the eighteenth level of hell will not come out to make trouble!" Xiao Hansheng secretly said.However, he forgot that the Xeon masters in hell are going to take action to block Tao's protection from the mortal world.Since the Xeon master has such courage, how can he care about the deterrence of the guardian?

Of course, Xiao Hansheng has such an idea, but it can bring him hope and motivation, and he can barely plan a way out for the mortal world.If there is no such hope, then there is no need to fight.

"Okay, you know everything you need to know. Now it's time to hand over your life to us!" Tian Xu showed a rusty sword in his hand.Then, Hu Sandao drew out his broadsword, Hu Ji took out his nine-section whip, and Ying Long used his bare hands.He responds to the dragon for the beast, and he is extremely confident in his physical strength, so he naturally needs the help of swords and soldiers.

Hu Ji took the lead, only to see the nine-section whip turned into a dragon and attacked Xiao Hansheng.When Xiao Hansheng saw it, he took out the fairy sword. This is a fifth-grade fairy sword, and it is also the top magic weapon in the mortal world.Without hesitation, Xiao Hansheng stabbed out a huge sword energy. This is the sword technique he mobilized all the spiritual power of the dual infant to stab out, and its power can be called terrifying.

In an instant, Xiao Hansheng's sword energy confronted Hu Ji's nine-section whip.The sword energy and the nine-section whip kept colliding, like the roar of a machine, and the sound shook thousands of miles.

Seeing that Hu Ji hadn't produced any obvious effect, Tian Xu stabbed Xiao Hansheng with a rusty sword.Xiao Hansheng was happy and fearless, and raised the fifth-grade fairy weapon and Tian Xu's sword to attack.The tip of the sword collided with the tip of the sword, the sword energy was like a horse training, and the fight was inextricable.This is really the tip of the needle.

As the number of fights increased, Xiao Hansheng suddenly felt the evil aura transmitted to his whole body through the fairy sword, making half of his body cold.

"This is the mutated corpse spirit, I didn't expect it to be so overbearing." Xiao Hansheng secretly said.However, he is not afraid, and runs the meridian.With a rumbling sound, the mutated corpse's evil spirit was easily crushed.

As time went on, Tian Xu became more and more shocked. Xiao Hansheng didn't seem to respond to his corpse's evil spirit, which had never happened before.

'Bang', Hu Ji's nine-section whip directly shattered Xiao Hansheng's sword energy, and he dodged to the center of the battlefield, wanting to fight Xiao Hansheng with Tian Xu. [

Hu Sandao and Ying Long looked at each other, and decided not to watch the battle, but to kill Xiao Han as soon as possible.While speaking, four top masters surrounded Xiao Hansheng, intending to kill him completely.Originally, any one of them was capable of killing Xiao Hansheng.However, this is the mortal world after all, protected by Dao, they dare not do it with all their strength, appearing extremely clumsy.

However, as they besieged Xiao Hansheng, Xiao Hansheng's danger level increased suddenly.Then, he looked around, but saw that the surroundings were surrounded by zombies, and it was impossible to escape.After all, the fight is so loud, how can the zombie army not hear it?

"Human master, you'd better capture it with nothing! If you surrender to us, we will consider transforming you into a zombie body and become a master in the king's hands. Otherwise, the only option is death!" Hu Sandao said indifferently, holding a big knife.

"Hehe, as a human being, how can I become a running dog of hell?! Needless to say, let's do it!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Hansheng took out the magic world cauldron and floated up and down on top of his head.Then, he poured teardrops into the magic world cauldron.With teardrops as a guarantee, his confidence soared and he decided to take the lead.

I saw the sword energy rippling out, forming a circle, sweeping across the four masters who besieged him.The four masters are also veterans who have been fighting for a long time, and they have already summoned up the spirit of corpses to deal with Xiao Hansheng's attack.

"Hmph, the trapped beast is still fighting! Then you go to die!" The four masters spoke almost at the same time.Similarly, the four masters also attacked and killed Xiao Hansheng at the same time.

Who can block their attacks of such intensity? !

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