Chapter 332

When the Buddhist sages first appeared, they suppressed the zombies with peerless power so that they could not harm the world.The zombie was also very unwilling, roaring to the sky, and at the same time shot, the exhausted corpse's evil spirit condensed into a ghost head, and opened its bloody mouth, trying to devour the goddess.

The goddess showed a faint smile, and tilted the glass bottle slightly, only to see a drop of rain falling.As the raindrops fell, they turned into exhausted rainwater and poured down.As the rain became more and more dense, it seemed as if the corpse-like aura that enveloped the star had been washed away by the rain, and it became brighter and clearer again.

When these raindrops hit the zombies, they burrow directly into their bodies.Then, the sizzling sound continued, corroding their bodies.They struggled and roared, trying to get rid of the erosion of raindrops.However, all this is difficult to achieve.

As the raindrops became more and more dense, the zombies on this star suffered a serious blow, and some of them were even turned into ashes by the raindrops, completely disappearing.

A long time passed, and the army of zombies completely dissipated, leaving nothing in the world.Until now, only Hu Ji, Hu Sandao, and Ying Long are still persevering.At this time, they were full of resentment, and they just wanted to kill Xiao Hansheng and Chi Ran completely.However, they knew that they had no chance.While still able, they decided to return to hell.

As the goddess wiped away all the corpse's evil spirit from this star, the sky and the earth became clear and bright, with a glance of thousands of miles.Suddenly, Xiao Hansheng discovered the space channel.I saw that the evil spirit of the corpse continuously invaded the mortal world through the space channel. If it is not blocked, this star will be occupied by the evil spirit of the corpse again in a short time.

The skins of Hu Ji, Hu Sandao, and Ying Long have already festered, and they are in the state of zombies, which is particularly terrifying.They looked at Xiao Hansheng and Chi Ran, showing resentment, then turned around, stepped into the space channel, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Hansheng and Chi Ran watched them leave, but they couldn't stop them.When Xiao Hansheng moved his teardrops, he had exhausted all his spiritual power, and there was no longer any power that could stop them from leaving.The same is true of Blazing.His golden mace looked mighty, but in fact it had exhausted all its power, and it was nothing more than a show.When Chi Ran was about to use the golden mace, he didn't react at all. [

Xiao Hansheng and Chi Ran could only watch Hu Ji, Hu Sandao, and Ying Long return to hell, but there was nothing they could do to stop them.However, this is nothing, after all, they have completed the set task.

As the zombie army was completely wiped out, the figure of the Goddess disappeared immediately, turning into teardrops and appearing beside Xiao Hansheng.Xiao Hansheng didn't respond to the teardrops, but closed his eyes and operated the formula to restore his spiritual power.

Five hours later, Xiao Hansheng opened his eyes, looked at the peaceful stars, and was slightly excited, "It's better to see this scene!" Then, he squeezed away the tears, came to the space channel, and looked at the sticky corpse. The evil spirit emanated from the space channel, and he thought to himself: "Do I want to go to hell?!" He was basically sure that ten years later, there would be a catastrophe in the world, and the source of the catastrophe was hell.He wants to reduce the pressure of the mortal world by destroying hell.The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he should do this!

Just at this moment, Chi Ran came to Xiao Hansheng's side, and asked softly: "You want to destroy hell?"

Xiao Hansheng nodded and said, "Not bad!"

Blazingly smiled and said: "I think you should understand how terrifying the fighting power of hell masters is! It is so difficult for us to fight against them in the mortal world. If you enter hell, you will not be their opponent at all. What's more, you How many times can you destroy them? Unless you have the ability to destroy hell again, they will definitely devour the mortal world. This is basically an insoluble curse. Now, all we have to do is to squeeze the masters of the mortal world into a rope , unite and fight the enemy together.”

Xiao Hansheng suddenly fell into deep thought, "The catastrophe of heaven and earth is about to come, this is the number of days, which cannot be controlled by hell. Even if I cause measurable losses to hell, the number of days cannot be changed, and the world cannot escape bad luck." He thought of this , and gave up the plan to enter hell.Then, he ran the meridian, and the teardrops burst into bright light.In an instant, a powerful barrier was formed, blocking the space channel through which the evil spirit of the corpse invaded.Afterwards, he and Chi Ran flew away from the star and headed west.

As for the Hunyuan Jizhen, Xiao Hansheng did not dismantle it, but let it quietly guard the star to prevent accidents.

As Xiao Hansheng and Chi Ran continued to move forward, they occasionally saw hundreds of zombies.For the extremely harmful zombies, they are merciless, almost killing them all.

When they came to the area ruled by the Mani Temple, they found the remains of several Buddhist disciples, as well as the remains of zombies.

Xiao Hansheng and Chi Ran looked at each other, and immediately understood that Mani Temple and the army of zombies had already fought.As for who wins and who loses, it is not yet known.However, judging from the current situation, the Mani Temple should be defeated by the zombie army.Otherwise, Mani Temple would not allow the army of zombies to invade so close to Mani Planet.

"The army of zombies has fully invaded the Buddha's domain, but the Buddha's domain alliance seems to have turned a deaf ear and did not take any action. Is it because they don't know? Are they deliberately weakening Mani's strength?" Chi Ran asked.

Xiao Hansheng was also quite puzzled about this matter.After all, the army of zombies has invaded in an all-round way. As the Great Leiyin Temple that controls the Western Paradise, how could it be possible that it has not received any news?This is obviously unreasonable!

"I think it must be that the Daleiyin Temple wants to use the hands of the zombie army to destroy the Mani Temple." Xiao Hansheng concluded.

"That's how Daleiyin Temple concludes that after Mani Temple is destroyed, they can deal with the zombie army?" Chi Ran asked. [

"Hehe, how would I know!" Xiao Hansheng shrugged and smiled wryly.Then, he seemed to realize something, and said: "It might be, after all, Daleiyin Temple has dominated the Western Paradise for many years, and it might be possible to get an unparalleled treasure from the mortal world."

"Well, I hope so!" Chi Ran nodded.

Then, Xiao Hansheng and Chi Ran moved towards Mani Star.After several times of great teleportation, they finally reached the sky above Mani.When they first appeared, they found countless zombies besieging Mani Star, launching powerful attacks at any time.And in the void of Mani Star, a huge statue of Buddha appeared.Xiao Hansheng looked intently, and it was the statue of Amitabha Buddha.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Hansheng and Chi Ran disappeared at the same time to prevent the zombie army from knowing their tracks.

"Brother Chi Ran, judging from the situation just now, the battle between Mani Temple and the zombie army has reached the most critical moment! If we help Mani Temple, I believe Mani Temple will accept our wooing!" Xiao Hansheng said via voice transmission.This is it!You owe them life, and it is hard for them to refuse your request.

"Okay! Let's do this!" Chi Ran no longer hesitated, planning to make a move.

After the discussion, Xiao Hansheng and Chi Ran attacked at the same time, attacking and killing the zombie army with unparalleled power, and the zombie army suddenly became chaotic and difficult to resist.

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