Immortal Artifact

Chapter 335 The World of the Main Soul [Give me a monthly pass! 〕

Chapter 335: The World of the Master Soul

The door of consciousness is the great secret of the human body, in charge of the birth and death of all life forms.Whenever a life is about to die, the gate of consciousness will devour the main soul of life, eventually leading to the death of life.

No comprehension master can explain why this is.At least I haven't heard any experts from the mortal world mention this matter, maybe the powerful innate gods know about it!But what is certain is that the gate of consciousness is definitely a taboo that cannot be touched, and Chen Yu hitting Xiao Hansheng's gate of consciousness means that Xiao Hansheng is already on the verge of death.

I saw that the door of consciousness suddenly opened a gap, and the devouring power almost swallowed Xiao Hansheng's main soul.This time is different from the last time. Last time, with the protection of the fragments of Ji Tianque, it was finally able to reach Hong's sea of ​​consciousness.Now there is no treasure that can help him, if he is swallowed to the door of consciousness, he will die doubt.

Although Chen Yu kept attacking Xiao Hansheng's gate of consciousness, the gate of consciousness had no intention of hurting her.She can continuously bombard the door of consciousness, but it has no effect on herself.In other words, Xiao Hansheng's combat power is constantly declining, but there is no loss in Chen Yu's combat power.Under the ebb and flow, Xiao Hansheng became more and more dangerous.

Xiao Hansheng summoned Luobao money, zoomed in unknown geometry, trying to block the swallowing of the gate of consciousness with a vast area.However, this has no effect.

Suddenly, the door of consciousness opened up again, and the power of devouring became stronger, stirring up Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness, and rolling up huge waves of millions of miles.Gradually, the surface of the sea of ​​consciousness formed a tornado water column with a thickness of hundreds of miles.Then it was swallowed by the door of consciousness, and I don't know where to return.

"If the sea of ​​consciousness dries up, even if my main soul is still there, it will be like a walking corpse!" Xiao Hansheng said secretly.He once entered the sea of ​​consciousness of Amitabha Buddha, and he still had lingering fears when he saw the lifeless appearance. He never wanted to become a dry and silent appearance.He wanted to change, but couldn't find a way.

"Looks like I'm going to try one out." Xiao Hansheng felt ruthless in his heart.Anyway, there are many treasures in his body, I don't believe there is no treasure that restrains the door of consciousness.Thinking of this, he took out the treasures of the Chaos Divine Soil one by one, only to see the Chaos Green Lotus, Shennong Cauldron, Xuantian Mansion, Yuxu Palace and other treasures appeared, but none of them had any effect.This made Xiao Hansheng extremely dissatisfied. [

Although Xiao Hansheng was dissatisfied, Chen Yu was shocked when she saw so many treasures, "These treasures are so good, I don't even have the ability to get one." Although she was extremely resentful towards Xiao Hansheng, she had to admit that Xiao Hansheng The ability to restrain the treasure is super strong.

Then, Xiao Hansheng took out the innate Taiji diagram, Zhuxian sword array and other treasures from the chaotic world.After casting, the effect is still not good.

These treasures can be said to be the most powerful treasures in the world, but they specialize in the art industry. They have super offensive or defensive abilities, but they are difficult to deal with the gate of consciousness after all.

"Could it be that I will die in the hands of the gate of consciousness?" Xiao Hansheng was slightly desperate.

Chen Yu saw so many treasures coming into the world again, her eyes turned red immediately, "His treasures are so many, if I kill him, can I monopolize these treasures?!" She clearly showed her greed meaning.

Facing these treasures, who wouldn't be envious? !

Thinking of this, Chen Yu attacked Xiao Hansheng's gate of consciousness more vigorously.In an instant, the door of consciousness was completely opened, and the powerful devouring power directly swallowed Xiao Hansheng's main soul into the door of consciousness, and disappeared.

However, Xiao Hansheng didn't feel that when his main soul disappeared, the Sansheng Stone merged into his main soul with lightning speed.

"Haha, he has been swallowed by the gate of consciousness, he should have died!" Chen Yu laughed loudly.However, her smile didn't last long, and she suddenly froze, "I'm being catastrophized, even if I kill him, I can't get his treasure!" Thinking of this, Chen Yu The excitement dissipated in no time, replaced by a look of deep worry.

Suddenly, Chen Yu raised her head and laughed wildly: "Haha, I forgot, I can completely refine a treasure! With the treasure in hand, even the heavenly tribulation can't do anything to me!" Shooting, directly locked on the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

The Four Swords of Jade Immortals accompanied the formation of Jade Immortals, suppressing all directions, and other treasures retreated one after another.As for the treasures suppressed by Zhuxian Sword Formation, Xiao Hansheng put them back in Yuxu Palace.

Chen Yu made an instant move and grabbed the hilt of Zhuxian Sword.However, when she first came into contact with the Zhuxian Sword, she was knocked back and fell to the ground.As the enemy's Zhuxian Sword Formation, how can the famous people get their hands on it? !

Chen Yu was so sluggish by the Jade Immortal Sword that it almost shattered her strand of consciousness.Fortunately, Chen Yu's main body transmitted the power to stabilize his body, so he survived the disaster.Then, she stood up, her eyes flickering, and she said to herself: "These treasures all belong to people with destiny, and it is almost impossible for me to get my hands on them. In my opinion, I can only abandon the body of the zombie and use his body as the base."

Chen Yu, who was originally frowning, suddenly smiled, "If I succeed in occupying his body, I can replace him and become the owner of these treasures, and I can also escape the catastrophe and be at ease forever. Why not Why?" The more she thought about it, the more beautiful she became, and she was even overjoyed.

Chen Yu's idea is absolutely wonderful, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone. [

After making up his mind, Chen Yu began to plan, transferring most of his consciousness to Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness, while a small part of his consciousness remained in the zombie's body, making Tianjie mistakenly think that he had killed her and made Li Daitao stiff. plan.

Xiao Hansheng was swallowed by the gate of consciousness. He thought that the gate of consciousness would crush his main soul and turn it into ashes.However, he made a big mistake, because not only was his main soul not crushed, but it came to a completely different world.I saw countless main souls wandering around, becoming the main body of this world.

Xiao Hansheng was shocked, "This, does it mean that the characters who have died have not completely died, but the main soul has come to this universe?" What a shocking thing this must be!He just thinks the world is too crazy.

Although Xiao Hansheng was shocked by this world, he did not lose his mind, but tried to use the formula to protect himself.However, he was surprised to find that only Mingxulu could work.He even felt that Ming Xulu was so comfortable in this universe, and it was always unfavorable.

With Mingxulu as a guarantee, Xiao Hansheng is not afraid, and uses Mingxulu to teleport to the center of many main souls, listening to them talk about things about this universe.After all, he has a blind eye to this universe, and he can't bump around like a fly.

"Hey, tell me, how long will we last in this lonely state!" A master soul sighed.

"Yes! We are the main soul, and we are also souls. Many epochs ago, we could be reincarnated. Now there is no hope at all. It's really sad!" Another main soul sighed.

"Reincarnation? What does this mean?" Xiao Hansheng secretly asked.He only knew that after his life died, his body would die and his dao would disappear, so there would be no possibility of reincarnation.Now it seems that there is also an unimaginable secret in it!

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