Immortal Artifact

Chapter 34 Unnecessary, the beginning of the strong

Chapter 34 Unnecessary, the beginning of the strong

Both Wu Yong and Xiao Hansheng saw the surprise in their eyes. Without saying a word, Wu Yong immediately took Xiao Hansheng to the place where the purple air was transpiring deep in the mountains.

When the two came to the place where the strange treasure came from, they were shocked.

I saw a huge beam of light going straight into the sky, reaching thousands of miles high.At this moment, a dagger about one foot long appeared, and a miniature dragon was carved on it.

After the dagger appeared, it suddenly turned into a giant dragon and soared into the sky.Seeing that the dagger was about to run away, Wu Yong naturally refused to let the dagger go.

So he chased after him and wanted to subdue the dagger.

When the dagger saw that someone was coming to capture him, it was naturally impossible to capture him without a fight.The dagger that turned into a dragon came to bite Wu Yong.

Seeing the ferocious approach of the giant dragon, Wu Yong immediately took out the Chiyang Cauldron and withstood the attack of the dagger.Seeing that the dragon could not win quickly, he was about to leave!

Wu Yong has the upper hand at this time, how can he let him run away?

So he smashed the dagger violently with the blazing sun cauldron.At the same moment, Wu grabbed the dragon's tail with his hand, and suddenly dropped a drop of his own heart blood on the dragon. The dragon swayed and changed back into the shape of the dagger.

Wu Yong knew that there must be a master coming from now on, and wanted to take Xiao Hansheng away from here immediately.

At this moment, Wu Yong heard four or five Hongda voices coming.

"You don't have to leave today!"

"Leave that thing!"



"Friend, don't be greedy!"

After finishing speaking, four or five giant palms appeared in front of Xiao Hansheng, covering the sky and covering the sun.Wu Yong had no choice but to slap the giant palm away with all his strength, and then sent a voice transmission to Xiao Hansheng: "Leave quickly, these people will not embarrass you if you think about it! I will lure these people away!"

After speaking, teleport away.

At this moment, four men and one woman appeared beside Xiao Hansheng.They all turned their eyes to Xiao Hansheng, and a woman said: "There is no treasure on him, let's catch up with the person just now!"

The other four also nodded, knowing that Xiao Hansheng did not have the treasures they needed, and they were not interested in Xiao Hansheng either!

In an instant, the five left.

Afterwards, a few more people teleported over, and seeing that Xiao Hansheng didn't have the treasures he needed, they also lost interest!

However, Xiao Hansheng also understands that these bosses ignore him, but that doesn't mean no one ignores him!Therefore, Xiao Hansheng also planned to leave this place of right and wrong immediately.

Xiao Hansheng immediately picked up the flying dragon sword and flying shield and walked away. A huge palm appeared behind Xiao Hansheng, trying to hold Xiao Hansheng.

Seeing that something was wrong, Xiao Hansheng immediately raised the flying dragon sword to block the giant hand. At this time, Xiao Hansheng was already sweating profusely, and his spiritual power was exhausted.

With a sound of 'huh', Xiao Hansheng couldn't reach the huge palm after all, and he bounced back a long way.

At this moment, a young man appeared in front of Xiao Hansheng, who flew towards Xiao Hansheng leisurely with a sword in his hand.

Falling in front of Xiao Hansheng, seeing Xiao Hansheng struggling with the flying dragon sword, he wanted to stand up.When the young man saw the sword in Xiao Hansheng's hand, his eyes narrowed!

Leisurely said: "Little guy, take out the treasure you just snatched, and I will keep your whole body!"

Xiao Hansheng raised his head, looked at the leisurely look of the young man, but claimed to kill himself, and felt very disgusted in his heart!

So Xiao Han said coldly: "I don't have any treasures!"

The young man said with a faint smile, "Since you don't drink fine wine for toasting, then go to hell!"

After finishing speaking, the sword light flickered, and a sword gang appeared, and it was about to take Xiao Hansheng's life.

At this moment, a laugh interrupted the young man and said, "Why is Brother Mu so angry? How did he offend you?"

At this time, a charming voice appeared: "Hey! Brother Mu, you are so angry, do you want me to lower your anger for you!"

Mu Si looked back and saw that it was the ancestor of the Illusory Demon Sect. As for the owner of that charming voice, it was Jiao Sisi from the delicate sect.

As for Mousse and that Jiao Sisi, they have great grievances.

When Mu Si saw the two men coming, she couldn't kill Xiao Hansheng in front of them.So he replied: "This man has got the treasure, and I am going to get it back!"

After speaking, he was indifferent.

When the two heard that the treasure was on Xiao Hansheng's body, they immediately searched for it.However, after searching for a long time, they did not find any treasure, but found that the Feilong Sword in Xiao Hansheng's hand was actually a ninth-grade spiritual weapon. The two were surprised: it is not easy to have a ninth-grade spiritual weapon with such a low cultivation level!The two looked at each other.

This is Jiao Sisi walking forward, at this time Xiao Hansheng realized that Jiao Sisi was wearing a red palace dress, but a large area of ​​snow-white was exposed on her body, which was extremely hot.

Jiao Sisi walked up to Xiao Hansheng, leaned down, and asked Xiao Hansheng weakly: "Little brother, do you think you have obtained the treasure?"

Seeing Jiao Sisi's appearance, Xiao Hansheng felt parched, shook his head and said, "I didn't get any treasure." Jiao Sisi stood up, and said to Mu Si: "I asked him, and he said that he didn't get any treasure. I believe in him!"

When Mu Si heard Jiao Sisi's words, she burst into anger, and was about to speak.After hearing it, he said: "Miss Jiao, what treasure are you talking about? I'm very interested to know."

When Mu Si heard it, she knew that this happened to be the No.1 of the younger generation of Qianhuanzong, Dongfang Qianhua.The eldest son of the Shen family, Shen Fan, came with him.

Both of them are good friends of Mousse.So when they came, Mousse was the happiest.

When the three of them were greeting each other, a large number of masters came over and came here.They greeted each other with people they had a good relationship with.

No one talked to Xiao Hansheng!

After the personal greetings were over, someone sighed: "We are still a step late, the treasure has been taken away!" But when everyone was sighing, Zu Tianxia said quietly: "I don't think so, brother Mu has already caught it!" Is it time for someone to take the treasure!"

After hearing this, Mu Si stared at Zu Tianxia, ​​secretly angry in her heart, "This Zu Tianxia is running on me, embarrassing me!" At this time, Mu Si was already riding a tiger.

At this time, Mu Si said leisurely: "Isn't it the person in front of me!"

After finishing speaking, everyone turned their attention to Xiao Hansheng, and countless spiritual thoughts swept over Xiao Hansheng!It will fade away in no time!

At this time, someone sneered and said, "Musi, you are crazy about the treasure, just find anyone and say that he has the treasure!"

After speaking, many people burst into laughter!

This is, but Mu Si didn't care, pointed to Xiao Hansheng and said: "Look at the sword in his hand! It's a ninth-grade spiritual weapon. Think about it, everyone, do we have such a spiritual weapon at his cultivation level? More What's more, with such a low level of cultivation, how can he come here before us? It must be because he tamed the treasure and put it in the purple palace before we came, so it's normal for us not to notice it!"

Someone questioned: "Everyone saw it just now, just now the dominance is soaring to the sky, at least the fourth-rank fairy weapon, even if it is sealed and its strength has weakened, it is not something he can subdue? What's more, there are quite a few fairy-level artifacts just now. Da Neng didn’t find it when he came here, so you can find it?”

Immediately someone echoed, and at this time Jiao Sisi also said: "I asked that little brother just now, and he said he didn't get the treasure, how should you explain it?"

Mu Si also knew that her inference was untenable, but for the sake of her own face, she had to admit it to the boy in front of her!Mu Si said: "That unknown is the master who brought him here, sealed the treasures he took away in his purple palace, and led away the mighty one by himself. With his low cultivation base, naturally no one doubts that he can To the treasure, so the treasure was taken away in such a fair manner, everyone thinks!"

Everyone pondered for a moment and thought about it, knowing that this possibility is extremely low.However, although the possibility is extremely low, it is possible after all.Just make sure nothing goes wrong.Everyone is the leader of each sect, so naturally they will not let go of any possibility.

So, everyone echoed, "That's right, it makes sense!" Although Jiao Sisi didn't like Mu Si, she also admitted that what he said had some truth.

Xiao Hansheng watched everyone's performance indifferently, and remained silent.

Seeing that everyone no longer questioned her, Mu Si approached Xiao Hansheng again, and said in a cold voice: "Now you let go of the Purple Palace and let me investigate!" Her attitude was extremely arrogant!

Xiao Hansheng hates other people's use of force on him the most, not to mention that there is a treasure record of alchemy in the purple palace, so naturally he can't let him investigate!Xiao Hansheng stared at Mu Si, and said with a sneer, "I didn't get any treasure! As for checking my purple palace, it's impossible!"

Now, instead of being angry, Mu Si was a little happy, "He refused."

Everyone was stunned at this moment, logically speaking, he shouldn't refuse, it seems that there is something tricky about him!

Now Mu Si had an excuse, and said: "Everyone has seen it, if there is no ghost on him, why don't people check him?"

Now, there were still people who didn't believe that Xiao Hansheng had hidden treasures, but when they heard his refusal, they immediately believed that there were strange treasures hidden in him, or that there were other secrets hidden in him that no one would know?

After figuring this out, everyone wants to know what his secret is?

Mu Si sneered and said, "Little guy, call out your things and leave your whole body, or you will make you want to die!"

Others also echoed: "Boy, hand over the things. Otherwise, you will let you never be reborn, and you will be roasted by the fire of the earth."

Xiao Hansheng looked at the faces of these people. They are all disciples of the sect. How is it different from robbers?

Xiao Hansheng laughed and said: "Is this what the disciples of your sect do? How is it different from robbers?"

After hearing this, everyone's expressions changed greatly, and so did Mu Si.Sneered: "In that case, if you don't give you some punishment, you won't know our majesty! Kneel down!"

After finishing speaking, an earth-shattering aura rushed towards Xiao Hansheng. Xiao Hansheng only felt a mountain pressing down on him, and he had an irresistible will!

Xiao Hansheng gritted his teeth and shouted in his heart, I must never kneel down to these people, not to the sky or to the ground, let alone this scumbag.At this moment, Xiao Hansheng's whole body was tense and he was sweating profusely. At this moment, he could hear the slight sound of bones breaking. "

Mu Si sneered, "Are you kneeling or not?"

At this time, Xiao Hansheng's face was already full of blood, and he looked extremely ferocious. When he heard Mu Si's words, he replied slowly and forcefully: "No... kneel..., heaven... earth... can't... let... I... kneel , what's more...not to"

After hearing this, everyone was astonished, "Heaven and earth can't make him kneel, so who else can you kneel?"

Mu Si sneered and said, "It's really bold! But, you have no chance!"

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