Immortal Artifact

Chapter 340 Deception

Chapter 340 Deception

Any one of these treasures can shock the world and become the king of heaven and earth.However, Xiao Hansheng could only watch these treasures being frantically collected by Chen Yu, which made his intestines convulse a little.

Looking at Chen Yu's appearance, she has no intention of giving up at all, even she has gathered all the treasures in her hands, except for Zhuxian Sword Formation, Twelve-Rank Lotus Platform, and teardrops, all other treasures have fallen into Chen Yu's hands hands.Oh, and Yuxu Palace was not charged.Added up, these four treasures have not been collected, which is less than one-third of the original amount.This made Xiao Hansheng's heart bleed, but there was no way to change it.

"Hehe, these are really good treasures! But there are still a few that have not been collected, which is a pity!" Chen Yu pouted, looking very regretful.

Seeing Chen Yu's low-key arrogance, Xiao Hansheng trembled with anger, and even showed signs of bleeding.

"Hmph, now that you have obtained these treasures, it's time to leave my sea of ​​consciousness!" Xiao Han said bitterly.He hated it so much that he even had the urge to scold her.

"Oh, in fact, what you said is not bad. I promise to spare your life, and I will keep my promise." Xiao Hansheng was overjoyed when he heard this sentence.But when Chen Yu said "but", Xiao Hansheng was furious, "How can you not keep your promise?"

"Hehe, don't worry! You still have the Zhuxian Sword Formation and the Twelve-Rank Lotus Platform in your hand! These treasures are the treasures of Megatron in the world. You say me, how can I believe that you will not use these treasures to suppress the world? For me?" Chen Yu showed a smile that confused all living beings, but the coldness in his eyes was so chilling.

Xiao Hansheng's face suddenly became gloomy, he never thought that Chen Yu would come out like this, this is completely killing a donkey! [

"Hmph, then tell me, what do you want me to do before you let me go?" Xiao Hansheng asked with a murderous look on his face.

Chen Yu fiddled with the Xiantian Tai Chi diagram in her hand, and said lightly: "I promise to let you go, but I can't let you become my future disaster." Then, her face became cold, "So I want to seal you off forever. You, let you suffer forever."

What Xiao Hansheng exchanged for the treasure was only to be permanently sealed by Chen Yu!Such a deal is really not worthwhile.

Xiao Hansheng sneered and said: "Aren't you afraid that I will use the Zhuxian Sword Formation to fight you desperately?" In his mind, this sentence was relatively threatening, and he believed that Chen Yu would not do such an unwise thing.However, he was wrong, and wrong outrageously.

"Haha!" Chen Yu laughed wildly, stirring Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness, rolling up thousands of waves, "If you threatened me like this before I got the Xiantian Taiji Diagram, I would have to think about it seriously. Now, I With the treasure of defense, coupled with the supernatural power of the Chaos Demon Physique, if you use your cultivation to control the Immortal Execution Sword Formation with all your strength, can you resist me? People must be self-aware, okay?"

Xiao Hansheng suddenly became angry, his face changed unsteadily, then he calmed down, and said with a smile: "I'll make you a bet, you will never escape the shackles of this palace, do you believe it or not?" His finger pointed to Yuxu Palace, quite Have some confidence.

Chen Yu stared at Yuxu Palace, a little suspicious, "Is there still a big secret in this palace?" She almost forgot to collect Yuxu Palace, it's not that she didn't see it, but she didn't bother to collect this palace at all.Because she didn't notice any miraculous features in this palace at all, not even the power of Xuantian Mansion, so it was difficult for her to get into her eyes, so naturally she didn't bother to look at Yuxu Palace.However, when Xiao Hansheng mentioned Yuxu Palace, she became cautious, even a little cautious.

Seeing Chen Yu's appearance, Xiao Hansheng said lightly: "Don't underestimate this palace, the treasures contained in it are unimaginable to you. You got the Xuantian Mansion, you should know how amazing the treasures contained in it must be! However, comparing Xuantian Mansion and Yuxu Palace with each other, there is a huge difference. The treasures contained in it can hardly be compared with Xuantian Mansion."

Chen Yu didn't doubt the authenticity of Xiao Hansheng's words at all, she already deeply knew that Xiao Hansheng was a local tyrant who was hard to find in the world, but she doubted Xiao Hansheng's intentions very much.After all, most of Xiao Hansheng's treasures have already been collected by her. According to normal logic, Xiao Hansheng should avoid talking about the treasures of Yuxu Palace, but now he actually took the initiative to mention this matter, which made her doubt Xiao Hansheng's intentions Will not work.

Chen Yu's eyes stared at Xiao Hansheng, Xiao Hansheng's hair was straightened, he kept dodging her gaze, and even unnaturally revealed the embarrassment that only occurs when the secret is exposed.

Seeing Xiao Hansheng's eyes, Chen Yu secretly smiled, "It seems that this is a trick he played! He told the treasure hidden in Yuxu Palace so indifferently, not only will he not lose the treasure, but it will make me guess I realized that this was done on purpose by him, which made me have the illusion that he must have a follower. It’s just that his acting skills are too poor. When he met my eyes, the inadvertently dodged eyes revealed his true inner thoughts. Although he is shrewd , but I am not stupid, I have thoroughly understood his intentions, and I see that the treasure of Yuxu Palace will belong to me."

Chen Yu made the above test, which is not bad at all.

"Since you want to bet, then come on! I'll take it all." Chen Yu said lightly.

When Xiao Hansheng heard these words, his face was filled with disappointment, as if he was mourning his concubine.

"It seems that my guess is not bad at all." Chen Yu was sure that Xiao Hansheng's telling of the treasure hidden in Yuxu Palace was a complete trap.She was secretly delighted at her wise decision! [

"Can our bet begin?" Chen Yu couldn't wait, although her voice was still clear and sweet, she could faintly hear the urgency in her heart.

Xiao Han stomped his feet angrily, "Humph, you are lucky this time!" He is still paralyzing Chen Yu!Then, he operated the formula, the gate of Yuxu Palace opened, and Chen Yu stepped into Yuxu Palace without hesitation.

As soon as Chen Yu entered Yuxu Palace, he found hundreds of powerful treasures swimming happily, leisurely.

Chen Yu looked intently, but found that these treasures deliberately avoided the three-inch long and wide jet-black seals.This situation made her quickly judge that the power of this seal is definitely higher than that of many treasures.

Chen Yu quickly rotated the Chaos Demon Body, raised his palm, and grabbed the black seal.This seal felt that the danger was coming, and instead of retreating, it faced Shen Yu's chaotic body.

'Boom', Chen Yu stopped after being blasted back more than a hundred feet, looking at this small seal with horror, his face full of disbelief, "The power of this seal is so great!" Then , she showed ecstasy again, "The greater the power, the better!" Obviously, she already regarded this seal as her own.

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