Chapter 353

In the headquarters of the Demon Saint Alliance, the leaders of the major forces gathered together to discuss the matter of jointly resisting the two major alliances.

"Everyone, a great war is about to start, and we must also prepare for a decisive battle. Do you think there are any other things we need to pay attention to?" Di Jun asked first.As the eldest son of the demon god clan, he is naturally qualified to take the lead.

"I'm very satisfied with your arrangement, and I don't have any complaints about the deployment of the alliance army." Yue Ziqun said lightly.That's right, they only know how to fight head-to-head, so naturally they don't care about the deployment of the alliance army, they just start fighting. "However, I still have a question for you. I want to know where Xiao Hansheng is now. With him here, even if I can't entangle Zhunti, he will have a way." Yue Ziqun took the initiative to mention Xiao Hansheng, but he didn't Know what kind of idea he is playing.

The top management of the Demon Saint Alliance didn't think too much about it, they only thought that Yue Ziqun needed Xiao Hansheng's assistance in order to resist Zhunti.

"We don't know exactly where he is. I think he should have rushed back after hearing the news of the war!" Di Jun laughed.Yue Ziqun nodded and said nothing more.

Then, the masters of the Phoenix clan and the masters of the Demon Saint Alliance made corresponding arrangements, and finally dispersed, preparing for an unprecedented battle.

Time flies, seven days have passed.At this time, the Alliance of Demon Saints, together with the Phoenix Clan against the Buddha Realm Alliance and the God Beast Alliance, saw countless armies among the galaxies in the universe.I saw the banners fluttering, the wind blowing, and a murderous atmosphere.The sergeants of these armies can even shift the stars, move mountains and fill seas between breaths.This is indescribably powerful.

Those who are hostile to the alliance of demon saints are several Dharma practitioners.I saw them closing their eyes and singing in meditation, making bursts of divine sounds that shook the world, accompanied by bursts of beast roars, shaking hundreds of billions of miles. [

"This... a collision of this level is really terrifying!" Some immortal emperor-level masters couldn't help but tremble, wanting to escape from here.

"That's right! This is already comparable to the scale of the battle during the last time the Dharma went eastward, and even more prosperous. After this battle, the masters in the mortal world will probably wither completely. I really don't know if this is a blessing or a curse." Some masters sighed road.

At this time, Di Jun stared at the army of the Void Counting Alliance, filled with emotion, "This time my demon clan has 5000 billion sons! This is already all the combat power of my demon clan. If we lose this battle, we will I am afraid that the demon gods will turn around again!"

"Who says it's not! There are 5000 billion sons of your demon god clan, and my saint clan is not bad! There are a full 4000 billion. If you add other forces, the total number of our demon saint alliance can reach two trillion. What a huge number! After this battle, I don't know how many of them will survive, what a pity!" Hou Yi flew to Di Jun's side, sighing endlessly.

Originally, they were enemies for generations, but they never expected that they would fight side by side.The mysteries of things in the world can be imagined.

"That's right! The total number of all forces may exceed seven trillion. This is a battle of devastation! It's just that we can't back down, or it will only cause a bigger disaster." Di Jun sighed.He didn't want such a large-scale war to happen, but all of this couldn't be transferred by his will.

Immediately, they began to inspect which aspects of defense needed to be strengthened to make up for it.

Not far from them, Tai Shiba and Tai Shi Tianyi were shocked when they saw the ocean-like alliance army.

"Father, the strength of these alliances is really strong! They can send out any one at will, and they can completely rule my cultivation world!" Tai Shi Tianyi said in a deep voice.

Tai Shiba deeply agreed with Tai Shi Tianyi's words, "This is the stage for the real strong! Compared with the mortal world here, the cultivation world is just a big river, and this is the real ocean. Our stage should be The mortal realm, not the realm of comprehension."

Tai Shi Tianyi looked at his father and understood that he had already begun to brew an unprecedented plan.Although he followed Taishiba to conquer the world, but he did not have Taishiba's great ambition and ambition to dominate the world.He doesn't want to occupy any territory, he just wants to pursue the avenue quietly and ascend to the fairyland.However, he is the son of Tai Shiba, and he is destined to be unable to get out of the current predicament.He followed Tai Shiba, doing things he didn't want to do, which made him extremely distressed.

Tai Shi Tianyi instantly understood what Tai Shi Ba meant.Obviously, Tai Shiba has the intention to unify the mortal world, Tai Shi Tianyi can only smile wryly.

"Father, the strength of our comprehension world is not comparable to these alliances! Letting the army of the comprehension world come is only a dead end, please think twice, father." Tai Shi Tianyi said in a deep voice.

Tai Shiba looked back at his son Tai Shi Tianyi, and said with a smile: "Controlling the mortal world is not as difficult as you imagined! Don't you see that the great opportunity is in front of us?" Tai Shi Tianyi I don't understand what Tai Shiba means.

"Through the observations of the past few days, you should have already seen that these major alliance forces have come out to decide life and death. After this war, their strength will decline sharply. Our army of cultivation world will attack again. You How much chance do you think they have to win? Taking ten thousand steps back, even if they can preserve their strength, my cultivation world will immediately gain a huge advantage if I join any of them. As long as we operate properly, we may not have a chance." Tai Shiba said After carefully considering everything, there is almost nothing missing. [

After Tai Shi Tianyi finished listening, instead of feeling relaxed, his heart became more and more heavy.

Tai Shiba's plan is really sophisticated, if he really follows his plan, the Mortal Realm may not be something in his hands.In today's mortal world, all kinds of conspiracies and tricks are coming and going, making it hard to guard against.

At this moment, the major alliance forces have already set up their positions, and they only need orders to conduct a decisive battle.

"Soldiers of the Demon Saint Alliance and the Phoenix Clan, listen, you have only one way out. Surrender. I can tell you that our Buddha Realm Alliance and the God Beast Alliance have [-] trillion mercenaries, and you only have [-] trillion. Fight us , you have only a dead end." The abbot of Shantideen of Daleiyin Temple shouted, and it spread throughout hundreds of millions of miles.

"Hmph, you haven't been my opponent for so many years! Now, your Buddha Realm Alliance is also not my opponent of the Demon Saint Alliance?" The emperor countered.

As the enemy masters in the mortal world, they have naturally fought against each other.However, when they fought against each other, they only used the extremely high fighting strength of the Immortal King Realm, and they all ended in a tie.Now, they are fully capable of displaying immortal emperor-level combat power, and they will decide the winner and loser, and decide the real emperor.

During the conversation, several immortal emperor-level masters appeared in the Buddha Realm Alliance, the most famous being the host of Shantiden, Subduing the Dragon and Subduing the Tiger; then, several peerless masters appeared in the Divine Beast Alliance, led by Long Hao and Kui Tian.

The Alliance of Demon Saints did not show any weakness, Emperors and Emperors appeared one after another, and there were also several extremely powerful Immortal Emperor-level masters following behind them.There are only two immortal emperor-level masters in the Feng Clan, Fengdi is among them, but the leader is indeed Yue Ziqun.

Obviously, Yue Ziqun has become the absolute authority of the Feng Clan, and his prestige is still higher than that of the ancestor of the Feng Clan, Emperor Feng.As for the reason, it's not because Yue Ziqun's background is so great that the masters of the Feng clan dare not surrender.

With the emergence of high-level leaders of the major alliance forces, the war is about to break out.

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