Immortal Artifact

Chapter 356 The Real Play and the Fake Act [The previous text has been revised]

Chapter 356: Real Play and Fake Action (The previous article has been modified)

The battles between the two major alliances unfolded one after another, and the strong murderous aura swept across the world. It can be seen that the murderous aura condensed into reality, turning into ghost heads and wantonly invading and killing the masters in these battles.

When the ghost heads appeared, even the Buddhist masters who restrained them were beheaded to death.This is already an unimaginable disaster. If the war continues, these ghost heads may turn into living bodies, turn into trolls, and slaughter the world.This is an unimaginable disaster for mortal masters.However, all masters are fighting to the death, how can they have the time to deal with these ghosts?

I saw the two brothers Di Jun and Tai Yi fighting together, Hou Yi fighting with pride, and Xing Tian's opponent was Long Zhen.The last is the battle between Yue Ziqun and Zhunti.

"I'm curious how you broke the power of my Seven Wonders Treasure Tree?! The Seven Wonders Treasure Tree has been with me for a long time, but it has never been like this." Zhunti was a little puzzled asked.Indeed!He is holding the Seven Wonders Treasure Tree, which can be said to be unfavorable to any master, but this time he was easily repelled by Yue Ziqun, can he not be puzzled?

Yue Ziqun looked at Zhunti and showed a bright smile, "You should understand that the Tao is not complete! In this case, your Seven Wonders Treasure Tree is also not perfect, so I will take advantage of your flaw to make the Seven Wonders Treasure Tree The divine light is knocked down, breaking your unfavorable myth."

Zhunti was thoughtful, and then smiled and said: "It seems so! You should have obtained the thread of heaven! My Seven Wonders Treasure Tree is a powerful innate treasure, but it was easily defeated by you. The most powerful treasure is the thread of the way of heaven."

"Oh? It seems that you have confirmed my true identity?" Yue Ziqun laughed.Although he had a smile on his face, he was secretly running mana in his hands, and he was about to sneak attack Zhunti.

"I have roughly guessed your identity, you should also understand my true identity!" Zhunti said lightly. [

Yue Ziqun looked at Zhunti's expressionless face, and thought to himself: "Since he said so, it seems that he wants to show me! But what kind of idea is he planning?"

"We know each other well. I know your plan, and you know my purpose. Maybe we can cooperate!" Zhunti laughed.

"That's right! Your ultimate goal should be to travel eastward with Buddhism, become the number one teaching in the heavens, and achieve yourself. Am I right?" Yue Ziqun guessed Zhun Tizhen's goal in an instant.

Zhunti was very happy that he finally met a transcendent person who understood him completely.

"I think your goal should be to climb to the top again and become the supreme existence of the heavens and the world!" Zhunti said.

" are really good." Although Yue Ziqun said this, his goal was not so simple, "If you look at me like this, you will underestimate me." Of course, he would never say that Mentioned against Zhunti.

"Well, we don't have a strong relationship, so we can cooperate completely! I think the reason for your complete demise should be because of him?" Yue Ziqun laughed.What he said inadvertently hurt Zhunti severely, making him gnash his teeth angrily.

"Hmph, he cut my golden body relic into two pieces, and that's how I and Senior Brother Jieyin became two people." Zhunti's face was serious, with a murderous intent.

Yue Ziqun showed a strange look, "You, in fact, you deserved it. Who made you make a scene too hard, and made him the incarnation of justice, who claimed to be the incarnation of justice, get angry, so he shot you to death. Oh, no, he didn't It's up to you to kill him completely. If he really wants to kill you, you have no chance of being reincarnated."

"Hmph, it's not that he didn't want to, but that he didn't dare! My Buddhist fortune is endless, so naturally he doesn't dare to kill me completely." Zhunti said in a deep voice.

"You are wrong. You were not the only Buddhist sages at that time. Don't forget that there is also your master, the ancient Buddha Randeng. Even if he kills you, it will not affect the luck of Buddhism. Therefore, he has no intention at all. Kill you completely." Yue Ziqun analyzed.

This Zhunti did not show an angry expression, but showed a pensive expression, "Your analysis makes sense, but why didn't he kill me completely?"

Yue Ziqun shrugged and said with a smile: "I can only recover part of my memory now, and I don't remember many things that happened in the past."

Zhunti didn't bother with this issue anymore, and he couldn't understand the whole story of what happened, he just vaguely felt that the truth should be like this.

Then, Zhunti laughed and said, "Do you think it is necessary for us to continue fighting?" [

Yue Ziqun said leisurely: "We are still facing each other, and the battle will naturally continue." After finishing speaking, Yue Ziqun pointed at Zhunti's horizontal palm and collided with Lunbi's palm, forming streams of air that spread.

Zhunti quickly picked up the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree, and whipped Yue Ziqun's body away.Although melee attack is not the strong point of Qimiao Treasure Tree, it is only relatively speaking.At this time, the Seven Wonders Treasure Tree can fully exert its peerless attack power.

Several linear things suddenly formed around Yue Ziqun's body, wrapping around the Seven Wonders Treasure Tree.I saw that the Seven Wonders Treasure Tree seemed to have fallen into the mud, but it was impossible to get rid of it.

Zhunti's face changed slightly, "It's such a powerful line of heaven, there is only a glimmer of life left." Thinking of this, Zhunti threw away the Seven Wonders Treasure Tree, raised his whisk in his hand, and whipped away at Yue Ziqun's body.I saw that the silk threads of the dust whisk were like a perfect net, trying to trap Yue Ziqun.

All of a sudden, Yue Ziqun took out a mirror, which was in the bronze state, and pointed it at the whisk, which immediately drove away the dust of the Buddha.

This is the sky-gazing mirror obtained by Yue Ziqun. Its power is so vast and unpredictable that one dare not underestimate it.Of course, the buddha dust taken out by Zhunyi is not ordinary, it is the buddha dust of life and death.Wherever the Buddha dust goes, all masters can be swept away by the Buddha dust like dust, clean and neat.

After a short fight, Tianguanjing opened the life and death Buddha dust, it seems that life and death Buddha dust is not the opponent of Tianguanjing.In fact, it is not the case. The sky-gazing mirror only has the advantage of being late.When Zhunti used the life and death Buddha dust, how could he have thought that Yue Ziqun also had an extremely powerful sky-gazing mirror?

When Zhunti summoned the life and death Buddha dust back, he said via voice transmission: "Although your line of heaven is powerful, you can't exert its full power after all. Why fight any more?"

Yue Ziqun also smiled.Since he has plans to cooperate with Zhunti, he will naturally not really fight to the death with Zhunti.

"Oh? Then what do you think we should do?" Yue Ziqun asked.

Zhunti laughed and said, "Why don't we do this! So..."

Yue Ziqun suddenly realized, "Your scheme is really insidious!" Zhunti was noncommittal, but his face was calm.

Just at this moment, Yue Ziqun screamed, "Ah! You are so despicable..." After shouting, he opened his mouth to vomit blood, and was immediately kicked on the shoulder by Zhunti, and flew back backwards.Then, Yue Ziqun raised his spiritual power and returned to the army of the Demon Saint Alliance.

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