Chapter 36 Moving towards the goal

When Xiao Hansheng woke up, it was already the next morning.Xiao Hansheng's physical injuries did not heal, because the passages of the meridians were blocked by the viscous fairy air, and the spiritual energy in the purple palace could not reach the wound to repair it.

When Xiao Hansheng woke up, he found that this was the situation, and started crying and laughing, it was really terrible!

Xiao Hansheng took the panacea he refined, hoping to heal the injury, but this time, Xiao Hansheng was disappointed.Because the aura after taking it has to go through the transformation of the Zigong and then repair the injury through the meridians.And the reason for repairing the injury this time is that the meridians are blocked.

This is all right, Xiao Hansheng has returned to the state of a mortal.But, fortunately, with the last experience.You won't be so panicked.Xiao Hansheng should be thankful for having the previous experience.

So Xiao Hansheng dragged his seriously injured body to look for external medicine.This is hard for Xiao Hansheng, because after Wu Yong's training, he can already recognize most of the elixir and fairy grass in the cultivation world, so this is hard for Xiao Hansheng.

Fortunately, now in the mountains, the most indispensable thing is the elixir, and soon Xiao Hansheng found the elixir he needed.These spiritual herbs are extremely ordinary spiritual herbs in the cultivation world, and usually, no one who cultivates the truth will take a look at them.However, at such a moment, it is what Xiao Hansheng needs most!

Xiao Hansheng applied several different elixirs to the wound, but found that the flesh on Xiao Hansheng's body was healing at a visible speed. At this time, Xiao Hansheng was quite pleasantly surprised!

After an hour passed, Xiao Hansheng stuttered off his body!However, after the fall, Xiao Hansheng still had clear scars on his body.Xiao Hansheng is not worried at all, because when the spiritual power recovers, the scars on his body will disappear.

When everything was fine, Xiao Hansheng ran "Red Training Nine Layers". When it started, Xiao Hansheng began to experience severe pain, as if boulders were moving on his body.

Xiao Hansheng had no choice but to stop practicing.Xiao Hansheng checked the meridians again, and after thinking for a while, he understood: because the celestial energy is sticky, and Xiao Hansheng's meridians can only withstand the erosion of spiritual energy.Therefore, Xiao Hansheng felt that the meridians were moving like stones.

Now, Xiao Hansheng was depressed.However, this time is better than last time, after all, this time did not seal the consciousness.So Xiao Hansheng is quite at ease.

Xiao Hansheng's spiritual consciousness entered the Purple Palace, and opened the "Dan Dao Treasure Record".On it, Xiao Hansheng discovered a kind of panacea called Juling Baodan. As the name suggests, it can gather aura.

It is a ninth-grade living panacea, just enough to subdue the fairy spirit left by the first-grade elixir in one's body.As for Cang Lidan's consciousness, it was swallowed by Xiaoyu's consciousness.You must know that the elixir can also swallow the consciousness of other elixir to strengthen itself.Therefore, the celestial spirit in Xiao Hansheng's meridians is actually the unconscious celestial spirit.

Although Xiao Hansheng has found a problem that can save him, there is one thing that Xiao Hansheng has encountered, because when the meridians are blocked, he cannot release the spiritual fire. Even if he has the refining materials, he cannot refine it!

Xiao Hansheng sat down on the ground slumped, did he just stay here all his life?

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng's eyes lit up, and he had an idea with a smile, Xiao Hansheng chuckled: "How could I have forgotten it!"

Now, Xiao Hansheng had a solution, and Xiao Hansheng had a look at the spiritual herbs needed in the "Alchemy Treasure Record".After looking at it, Xiao Hansheng pondered: "The other dozen kinds of spirit herbs are easy to find! It's just that the main medicine Yinling fruit among them can already be counted as a fairy fruit. Although it's only a first-grade fairy fruit, it's not easy to find!"

Now, Xiao Hansheng was worried again, what should he do?In this vast mountain, even if I expend a lot of energy, I may not be able to find those spiritual grasses and spiritual fruits!

Suddenly, Xiao Hansheng thought of Black Point City, Xiao Hansheng found that many things were transported to Black Point City, and then sold!Xiao Hansheng suddenly had an idea. If he wanted to find them all, he had to go to the city or a place with a lot of people.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng had a direction, and he immediately relaxed a lot.

Xiao Hansheng didn't know where he was now, and he didn't know where he was. Xiao Hansheng thought for a moment and decided to go east.Because he came from west to east, it is impossible to turn back!

As for the judgment of the direction, it is also very simple, because every morning, the sun rises from the east.

Because Xiao Hansheng has no cultivation base, he has no choice but to move forward step by step. Fortunately, Xiao Hansheng still has spiritual consciousness. Whenever he is hungry, he finds some small animals through his spiritual consciousness, and he can kill them with his spiritual consciousness.If he encounters a monster, Xiao Hansheng will find it early and hide it.However, Xiao Hansheng didn't notice some of those with slightly higher cultivation bases. This time, Xiao Hansheng was out of luck, and escaped with a waste of effort.As for the clothes, I don't know where to throw them for a long time, because the clothes are already torn and out of shape.As for what Xiao Hansheng was wearing at this time, it was a tiger skin that wrapped his lower body.And the upper body is not wearing anything at all.

At this time, looking at Xiao Hansheng, his black hair was disheveled, and his beard became long.The bare skin on the upper body was tanned to a bronze color and became extremely strong.And the scars on the upper body show the hardships of this journey.At this time, Xiao Hansheng was a savage just like him.

Xiao Hansheng didn't know how long or how far he had walked.Xiao Hansheng only knew to keep moving forward.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng had walked out of the mountains and came to an endless grassland.At this moment, within the scope of Xiao Hansheng's spiritual consciousness, he found an old man grazing, and there were pastoral songs floating on the grassland from time to time.

Xiao Hansheng was excited for a while, and now he can finally ask about the approximate location now.Xiao Hansheng walked forward, but he picked up the old shepherd, thinking that some kind of monster had appeared!Shrunken and asked: "What are you?"

Xiao Han was helpless, and said: "Don't be afraid, old man, I am a good person."

The old shepherd was relieved when he saw that the 'monster' in front of him could speak human language.Said: "It turned out to be a person!"

Xiao Hansheng rolled his eyes when he heard this, "What do you mean it's a person?"But Xiao Hansheng didn't take it to heart.Before Xiao Hansheng could speak, the shepherd old man laughed and said hastily, "Young man, do you drink water?" After speaking, he handed over a water bag.

Don't even mention it, Xiao Hansheng was really thirsty, and he was not polite, and started to drink "grumbling".And the old shepherd also smiled cheerfully at Xiao Hansheng.

After Xiao Hansheng finished drinking the water, he found that the old shepherd was looking at him cheerfully, "Why is it so like looking at a fat sheep!" Xiao Hansheng felt hairy in his heart.

Xiao Hansheng asked the old shepherd carefully: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

The old shepherd raised his beard and said, "Let me see what the people outside look like!"

Now Xiao Hansheng was stunned, and asked: "Why do you say that?"

The old shepherd said seriously: "You are the only outsider I have seen in my life. Naturally I want to see it!"

Xiao Hansheng said: "How is it possible? Are you living here alone?"

The old shepherd shook his head and said, "I'm not here alone. There is a small village not far from here, and there are hundreds of families living in it! In our village, we usually don't see a single outsider for more than a hundred years. Like I've only seen you at my age."

Xiao Hansheng was startled and said: "What kind of place is this? Do you know where there is a city?"

The old shepherd said: "People in our village call this grassland the boundless grassland, which means no boundaries! As for the city, I have never heard of it!"

Xiao Hansheng was a little disappointed, he thought he could ask where the city was!But I didn't expect this result.

When Xiao Hansheng was about to leave, the old shepherd suddenly said: "However, there is a legend in our village. In the direction straight to the east, there is a place called Ten Thousand Immortals Realm. Many immortals live in it. I don't know if it is true or not!"

Xiao Hansheng was excited for a while.

Xiao Hansheng still wanted to know more, and asked, "What else is said in the legend?"

The old shepherd said: "This legend has been circulating in the village for thousands of years. There was a man in the village who met an old man. There is a place called Ten Thousand Immortals Realm, which is full of gods."

Xiao Hansheng thought: "It's also possible, a monk just arrived here, and it's possible to stay here overnight! Now, Xiao Hansheng is sure that there must be a Ten Thousand Immortal Realm somewhere in the east, so he will go to that place .”

Xiao Hansheng suddenly had an idea.

At this time, the old shepherd said: "There are only so many legends that have been passed down to now. I don't know if there is such a place as the Ten Thousand Immortal Realm in this world! If there is, I would like to go and see it. I also want to see where the immortals live." What does the place look like!"

Xiao Hansheng smiled, but did not speak.

At this time, the shepherd old man said to Xiao Hansheng: "Young man, don't leave today, stay in our village for a night! Let the people in the village see what the people outside look like!"

Xiao Hansheng's heart twitched, "Are you going to treat me like a monkey?"

However, Xiao Hansheng still agreed, and when Xiao Hansheng saw these simple people, he felt inexplicably comforted in his heart!

Xiao Hansheng lived in this village for one night, and sure enough, all the old and young people in the village came to see Xiao Hansheng's appearance, it was so lively!

In the morning of the next day, Xiao Hansheng bid farewell to the old man and headed east.

Xiao Hansheng walked slowly on the boundless grassland, but walking on the grassland was much better than walking on the mountain road.However, it is a bit troublesome to sleep at night, so I can only find some places with relatively low grass to sleep.

The days always go by quickly.Finally, Xiao Hansheng walked out of the boundless grassland and entered the plain area. Not long after entering, a huge city appeared on the huge plain. If you think about it, it is the Ten Thousand Immortals Realm!

Xiao Hansheng had some vague expectations!

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