Immortal Artifact

Chapter 394 Xiao Hansheng's Promise

Chapter 394 Xiao Hansheng's Promise

Xiao Hansheng returned to the familiar courtyard again, which reminded him of his childhood.During this period of time, Rou Meier occupied an extremely important position.

"I don't know where Sister Meier, Kou Laner and Rouran have gone. Since I have come to Qionglan Continent, I have to inquire about their news!" Xiao Hansheng secretly said.

Then, Xiao Han regained his composure and asked, "Father, mother, I have been away from Xiaojia Village for more than 200 years. How can Xiaojia Village still look like it used to?"

Xiao Yun glanced at Li Su, then turned to Nai and said, "Isn't it because of your mother! She said, if there are major changes in the Xiao Family Village, if you can't find a place when you come back, and she can't see you, then what's the matter?" Isn't it such a pity?"

Li Subai glanced at Xiao Yun, "You are the only one who can say it! Hmph!" Then he turned his head away and ignored Xiao Yun.

Xiao Hansheng was very moved when he heard his father Xiao Yun's explanation, and secretly said: "With my current strength, as long as they don't leave the Qionglan Continent, I can find them instantly! However, although what they did was inconspicuous, it was enough Explain their love for me and their eagerness to see me." Thinking of this, Xiao Han said emotionally: "Father, mother, after I understand the affairs of the mortal world, I will always be by your side !"

Hearing Xiao Hansheng's words, Li Su's eyes brightened, "Are you serious?"

Xiao Hansheng nodded with a smile, "My son keeps his word!" [

Li Su raised her brows happily, and said repeatedly: "Okay, okay, let's do it like this!"

For the next time, Li Su stopped interrupting and looked at his son carefully, as if seeing a peerless treasure.

"Son, what level have you cultivated to now? Have you become a fairy?" Xiao Yun finally couldn't help asking.

Similarly, all the famous people in Xiaojia Village came here, and they all listened attentively to Xiao Hansheng's realm of cultivating immortals.

Xiao Hansheng said with a smile: "My current realm is the extreme of the Immortal Venerable Realm, and my combat power is at the early stage of the Immortal Emperor Realm." However, instead of making them understand what Xiao Hansheng said, it made them even more confused.

"Son, I know the realm of cultivation, isn't the highest realm the Ascension Realm! You said your realm is the Immortal Venerable Realm, what kind of cultivation realm is this?" Xiao Yun asked suspiciously.Similarly, this is also the question of all the masters in Xiaojia Village.

Xiao Hansheng said with a smile: "Father, let me tell you! After the Ascension Realm, it will be the Human Fairyland, and then it will be the Earth Fairyland, the Heavenly Fairyland, the Golden Fairyland, the Fairy King Realm, the Fairy King Realm, the Fairy Emperor Realm, and the Fairy Saint Realm. Great realm, and my realm cultivation base is not bad when looking at the mortal world."

Xiao Hansheng still didn't tell his true situation, even if he told the villagers of Xiaojia Village, they would find it hard to understand.Therefore, not to say is the best choice.

However, Xiao Hansheng just said these things, and the villagers of Xiaojia Village were so shocked that they couldn't believe it.

"You said that your combat power is at the level of the Immortal Emperor, what kind of concept is this?" Xiao Yun asked.Although he already knew the division of the realm of cultivating immortals, he had no reference after all, and there was no way to judge how strong Xiao Hansheng was.

As soon as Xiao Yun's words fell, the villagers of Xiao's Village became silent, and a needle could be heard.

Xiao Hansheng thought for a moment, and said: "With my current strength, looking at the mortal world, oh no, looking at the cultivation world, there are no more than ten masters who can surpass me, and there are almost no masters who can kill me!" He was afraid that the villagers in Xiaojia Village would not understand the meaning of Mortal Realm, so he simply narrowed down the scope to avoid troublesome explanations.

'Hiss', 'hiss', a gasping voice came, and they couldn't believe that what Xiao Hansheng said was the truth.After all, such a result is too shocking.

Although the villagers of Xiaojia Village only control Tianyuan City, they understand how powerful the top ten masters are.And Xiao Hansheng is one of the top ten masters in the cultivation world, so they dare not imagine how powerful Xiao Hansheng should be.

"It's estimated that his casual words will cause all directions to move!" Xiao Sheng and Xiao Jin looked at each other, and they couldn't see the shock in each other's eyes. [

Seeing Xiao Hansheng so confident, Xiao Yun felt proud and proud of his son from the bottom of his heart.

"Having such a promising son, what more can I ask for?" Xiao Yun was already extremely satisfied with his current life, and never thought of changing it. .

"Since Xiao Hansheng has the strength to dominate the world, it seems that the time for my Xiaojia Village to really rise has come." The villagers of Xiaojia Village didn't expect it.

Indeed!With the backing of Xiao Hansheng, a master who dominates the world, Xiaojiacun's rise is indeed a foregone conclusion.

"Nephew Xiao, I want to ask you, do you know the whereabouts of Xiao Hu?" Ever since Xiao Hansheng came back, Xiao Hu's father, Xiao Yuan, has never said a word!Finally, he couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Hansheng's face suddenly showed embarrassment, and he didn't know how to speak.

Seeing Xiao Han's stammering appearance, Xiao Yuan suddenly felt bad, "Nephew Xiao, Xiao Hu..."

"Uncle Yuan, it's not what you imagined! Xiao Hu is not dead, but... I have no way to rescue him yet!" Xiao Hansheng hurriedly explained.

When Xiao Yuan heard Xiao Hansheng say that Xiao Hu was not dead, his face showed relief.But when he heard Xiao Hansheng say that he had no way to save Xiao Hu, his expression became tense again.

"Son, tell me quickly, what is going on?" Xiao Yun shouted.

"It's like this. After Xiao Hu escaped from hunting, he was captured by Yue Ziqun of the Sky City for some reason, and was refined into a puppet by him. Up to now, he can only preserve a little bit of immortality, and it is extremely difficult to save him. Difficult!" Xiao Hansheng said.

"Son, with your top ten strength in the cultivation world, can you still beat Lao Shizi's Yue Ziqun?" Xiao Yun was a little surprised.He just heard that Xiao Hansheng's strength is close to the enemy of heaven and earth, and it should be a very simple matter to rescue Xiao Hu!But according to Xiao Hansheng, it seems that this matter is not so simple!

Xiao Han showed bitterness, and said: "Although my strength is good, it doesn't mean that Yue Ziqun's strength is not strong! In other words, even if his current strength is worse than mine, the difference is extremely limited. Although he Nothing can help me, but killing him is as difficult as climbing the sky. Therefore, saving Xiao Hu is almost impossible."

After listening to Xiao Hansheng's words, Xiao Yuan's face was a little gloomy, "Is there no way at all?"

Seeing Xiao Yuan's painful appearance, Xiao Hansheng was also very uncomfortable, and persuaded him: "Uncle Yuan, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, I will do my best to rescue Xiao Hu and reunite with you."

Xiao Yuan also knew how powerful the enemy Xiao Hansheng was facing, and he warned: "You have to be careful, if there is no way to save Xiao Hu, it will be his fate, and you can't blame anyone else!" I also don't want Xiao Han to be in danger.

Xiao Hansheng said: "Uncle Yuan, don't worry! As long as I have a chance, I will definitely save Xiao Hu!"

Hearing Xiao Hansheng's assurance, Xiao Yuan's complexion became better.

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