Chapter 48 The Manghe Patriarch

Hearing Shura's words, his face changed drastically.But I didn't expect that if I didn't check for a while, I would fall into Shura's way.Xiao Hansheng immediately contacted Junzijian in the Purple Palace.

At this moment, Junzijian, who was floating in the purple palace, heard the sound transmission of Xiao Hansheng's spiritual consciousness, and immediately started to investigate.In an instant, Jun Zijian's face became ugly.For a while, he couldn't think of any way to solve Xiao Hansheng's predicament, so he sent a voice transmission to Xiao Hansheng: "You stabilize Shura in front of you first, I have to think of a way."

Xiao Hansheng nodded!

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng pretended to be lost, and asked Shura in front of him: "What did you give me to drink?"

The first demon general said triumphantly: "What I gave you is my blood essence, which can be regarded as a peerless magic medicine. Hehe, for you, it is a peerless poison. As long as you don't agree to break it Immortal Execution Sword Formation, I will immediately draw my blood essence, you will definitely not survive. Haha"

Xiao Han nodded knowingly.In order to delay time, Xiao Hansheng continued to ask: "Who are you?"

Shura proudly said: "I am the number one demon general under the seat of the ancestor of Manghe!"

Xiao Hansheng shook his head, "I've never heard of it!"

Hearing this, the first demon general screamed angrily, exuding supreme magic power.He shouted: "Boy! You haven't heard of this Demon General! Damn it!" A black magic light rushed towards Xiao Hansheng.Zhu Xianjian sensed something, the Immortal Killing Sword vibrated, and a peerless sword light struck the first demon general.In an instant, the first demon will be split far away!

The first demon general yelled for a while: "If I were still alive, I would have allowed you to be arrogant with a broken sword, and I would have swallowed you long ago!" Although the first demon general shouted fiercely, he did not go Look for bad luck.

The first demon general stared at Xiao Hansheng, and said viciously: "Hurry up and break through the Zhuxian sword formation, and release the ancestor of Manghe, or you will die now!"

While the first demon general was speaking, Jun Zijian asked, "I have a way to help you temporarily suppress the blood essence of the first demon general."

Xiao Han asked anxiously: "What method?"

Junzi Jiandao: "This number one demon general's cultivation base is so strong, I can't suppress the blood essence of the number one devil general with my own strength! Therefore, we need to divide the blood essence of the number one devil general into two, half If I suppress it, the other half will need to be suppressed by the Xuantian Mansion!"

Immediately, Xiao Hansheng showed joy on his face, "Then let's start!"

Jun Zijian hesitated, "Xuantian Mansion and I need to go all out to suppress the blood essence of the first demon general, so until you find a way to deal with the blood essence of the first demon general, you can no longer use my power , the Xuantian Mansion has been opened."

After Xiao Hansheng heard it, he felt a little headache. After all, Xiao Hansheng's main reliance now is Junzijian.However, Xiao Hansheng still had to deal with the situation in front of him, so he nodded.

After finishing speaking, the Junzi sword turned into a circle, enclosing the essence and blood of the number one demon general in Xiao Hansheng Zigong, shielding all perceptions!

The gentleman's sword draws the supreme way of the sword, cutting the blood of the first demon general in half.Not to be outdone, the blood essence of the first demon general fought with Junzijian.In Xiao Hansheng's feeling, his body seemed to be torn apart.

At this time, the gate of Xuantian Mansion suddenly opened, and a green fragment flew out of Xuantian Mansion, and flew into Xiao Hansheng's purple palace. The green light covered Junzi Sword and the first demon general, and Xiao Hansheng felt no more pain.

The first demon general saw that Xiao Hansheng was silent, with pain on his face, as if he was doing something.The first demon general immediately sensed the condition of his blood essence, but found nothing abnormal.Immediately asked: "Wu Na boy, what the hell are you doing, why don't you talk!"

Xiao Hansheng replied solemnly: "I am shocked by the supernatural power of the number one demon general!"

When the first devil heard it, he immediately became happy, "That is, back then, my lord was famous in the chaos, and no one knew my name! If I hadn't followed my lord, I wouldn't have been killed by that hateful person." Already!"

Now, Xiao Hansheng asked: "The number one demon general is so mighty, how could he die!"

When Xiao Hansheng thought about it, it was time for the first devil to lose his temper again, but he didn't expect the first devil to sigh, "It's just that my lord offended a super fierce man, and then that super fierce man started killing, so, I'm here."

Xiao Hansheng heard that super fierce man again, but he didn't know who it was.Thinking that the number one magic general wouldn't say anything, he didn't ask.Turning to ask the first magic general, "Who is that adult you are talking about?"

The first demon general chuckled, and said, "My lord calls him Manghe Patriarch, the top powerhouse in the chaos, and the same level of master as Kunpeng Patriarch!"

Xiao Hansheng sighed, and said: "It's a pity that another master has died!" Although Xiao Hansheng has never met the ancestors of Kunpeng and Manghe, he can still imagine their peerless demeanor!

The first demon general immediately stared, "Who said my lord is dead?"

Xiao Hansheng was stunned, "Not dead?" Xiao Hansheng suddenly thought that when Junzijian was transmitting the sound just now, the first demon general seemed to have said that he would release the ancestor of Manghe!Glaring, he asked: "Ancestor Manghe was trapped by the Zhuxian sword formation?"

The first demon general looked at Xiao Hansheng like an idiot, and said: "What do you think? Others are not worthy of using the Jade Sword Formation? Well, boy, there are enough nonsense with you, hurry up and break the Jade Sword Formation. Otherwise, I will not be polite!"

Xiao Hansheng made some investigations and found that Junzi Sword had divided the blood essence of the first demon general into two halves. With the help of the green fragment, he swallowed half of the blood essence of the first demon general into the sword body and sealed it. .And the green fragments returned to Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness.

But seeing the essence and blood of the first demon general falling into the black air, it was like a fish seeing water, so happy!And Xuantian Mansion was also floating in the midst of the chaotic atmosphere, faintly opposed.The green fragment is located between the two, exuding green brilliance.

Xiao Hansheng heard the threat of the first demon general, but he didn't see any action from Xiao Hansheng.The first demon general lost his patience and immediately seduced his blood essence in Xiao Hansheng's body.The essence and blood in Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness sensed it, and instantly broke through the shielding circle arranged by Junzijian.

After the first demon general felt it, he felt like vomiting blood for three liters, but half of his hard-earned blood was gone, so he jumped up and rushed towards Xiao Hansheng, wanting to tear Xiao Hansheng alive.The Immortal Execution Sword vibrated and chopped the first demon general far away.The first demon general stood up in an instant and cursed: "Damn it! Damn it! I'm going to kill you!"

After speaking, immediately contact the remaining half of the blood essence with all your strength.Suddenly, half of the blood essence in Xiao Hansheng's body rushed left and right like chicken blood, trying to break Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness.And Xuantian Mansion, who was in the atmosphere of chaos, was not to be outdone, opened the door of Xuantian Mansion, and it seemed to turn into a black hole, trying to swallow the blood essence of the first demon general.

At this moment, the green fragments emitted a soft green light, protecting Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness.The breath from the green fragment was captured by the first magic general.

The first demon general became furious, with a black, bloodthirsty aura spreading from his whole body, and he kept saying to himself: "You belong to him! It belongs to him! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

In Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness, the blood essence of Xuantian Mansion and the number one demon general stalemate with each other, but they are evenly matched.

After a stalemate for a while, under the command of the first demon general, the blood essence turned into a sea of ​​blood, and the waves were thousands of miles away, and they actually wanted to swallow Xuantian Mansion back.At this time, Xuantian Mansion was emitting a soft light, and the sea of ​​blood evaporated completely under the purification of the soft light.However, the soft light gradually weakened, which was comparable.Suddenly, the sea of ​​blood receded, turned into huge blood beads, and hit Xuantian Mansion.And Xuantian Mansion also shrank, and the blood beads collided, but it was extremely dangerous.Fortunately, with the protection of the green fragments, Xiao Hansheng was not shocked to death by the fight between the two.

During the collision, the two exchanged positions, the sea of ​​blood fell into the middle of the chaotic air, and Xuantian Mansion fell into the middle of the black air.In an instant, the green fragments suddenly became larger, and the green light was even stronger. In an instant, the two pieces of Xuantian Mansion and the blood beads were immobilized, but they couldn't get away!At this moment, the green light stirred the air of chaos and the air of blackness, spinning.Xuantian Mansion also spun the blood beads.From slow to fast, the two gradually merged to form a Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish, while Xuantian Mansion and Xuehai became the fish eyes of the Yin-Yang fish respectively, and they rotated endlessly here.

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng felt that his comprehension of Tao had risen in a straight line, and he understood that all things have yin and yang laws, and straightened out all things.At this moment, Xiao Hansheng has a feeling of being transformed from a human into a fairy.Xiao Hansheng's understanding of Tao can reach the realm of immortality, but he can reach the realm of immortality only by improving his spiritual power.

When the green fragments had recuperated the yin-yang fish, the first demon general suddenly lost the connection with his own essence and blood, and was furious again, but at this moment he didn't dare to trouble Xiao Hansheng anymore, so he could only jump around in this place, but there was nothing he could do.

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng has completely got rid of the control of the first demon general, so excited!Haven't been happy for long!Huge fluctuations came from the Conferred God Altar, and the Jade Immortal Formation instantly expanded, covering the entire valley, and the four swords of Jade Immortals spread out, a huge Tai Chi God Figure was circulating in the air, and the four swords continued to swim above the Tai Chi Figure .And a black hole appeared under the Fengshen altar, and the black air rose into the sky, exuding supreme magic power and overwhelming momentum.At this moment, a giant hand several kilometers long appeared.After a while, the whole body crawled out and stood still, but it was an indomitable giant. The hairs all over his body suddenly sprouted, and black air streams flowed out from the giant's body.The person came out and laughed loudly, like thunder: "I can feel that person's aura!"

Not to be outdone, each of the peerless swords turned into a thousand-kilometer-long sword, and the four swords stabbed at the giant with a mighty momentum.At this moment, the giant also has to concentrate on dealing with it.The giant sword was stabbed by the fairy sword, and one palm was pushed aside, and the fairy sword deviated from the direction.

The first demon general who had retreated far away immediately knelt down when he saw the giant was born: "This subordinate has seen the ancestor of Manghe!" The ancestor of Manghe glanced at the first demon general and said, "You are lucky. The good fortune of others came back from the resurrection, not bad!" After finishing speaking, he turned his eyes to Xiao Hansheng, and said slowly: "I can feel his breath on you, and everyone related to him will die!"

After Xiao Hansheng heard this, his expression changed drastically!

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