Chapter 5 Learn spells, survive the catastrophe

In order to save the spirit grass in the 'little bag', Rou Meier decided to teach Xiao Hansheng how to cultivate.What's more, Rou Meier understands that although she still has some Lingyun grass in her hand, according to Xiao Hansheng's way of eating, it will only be a few years in the world. If there is no food by then, Xiao Hansheng will probably starve to death.

Rou Meier didn't want to face a corpse, although she wasn't afraid, she probably felt uncomfortable.

Rou Meier acted swiftly and resolutely, she did it as soon as she thought about it.

So the spiritual thought transmitted the sound to Xiao Hansheng, saying that he should find Xiao Hansheng if he had something to do.Xiao Hansheng is no stranger to Rou Meier's use of spiritual consciousness to transmit sound to Xiao Hansheng.Xiao Hansheng still remembers the first time Rou Meier sent him a sound transmission, he thought it was a ghost talking to him, but he looked around for a long time but found no one talking, so he shrank in fright for a long time.

Xiao Hansheng trotted up to this 'Miss Sister', and asked flatteringly, "Miss Sister, is there something delicious?" Rou Meier will occasionally give Xiao Hansheng some spiritual fruit to eat, the taste is very sweet, Xiao Hansheng give it a try Just fell in love.

Rou Meier scolded with a smile: "You little brat knows how to eat."

Xiao Hansheng said: "I just want to eat, it's very comfortable to eat."

Rou Meier thought to herself: Can you feel uncomfortable?

Rou Meier Ruo Meier didn't say that

Rou Meier stopped drooling with Xiao Hansheng, and said seriously: "How long have you been here?"

Xiao Hansheng broke his fingers and said, "It's been six months." "Then what do you think of this place?" "There are young ladies in this place, you don't need to eat, and there are many delicious spiritual fruits." "Then what do you think about the future?" What are your plans?" Xiao Hansheng thought for a while, "Eat the bigu pill refined by Miss Sister"

Rou Meier's face suddenly turned black.

Then he persuaded softly, "Then do you want to learn spells from my sister?"

Xiao Hansheng immediately said: "What's the use of learning?"

Rou Meier said: "You can live forever, you can ride the clouds and fog, and soar through the sky and the earth."

Xiao Hansheng said anxiously: Don't learn

Now Rou Meier is stupid, why not learn?We must know that everyone wants to cultivate truth, live forever, and call the wind and rain.The guy in front of me is unwilling? !

Rou Meier asked, "Why?"

Xiao Hansheng asked back: Can those eat?Xiao Hansheng remembered the difficult situation at home, and often ate some wild vegetables.Thinking of these, I miss my mother.

Rou Meier was a little bit dumbfounded, this guy actually didn't want to learn because of this.

Rou Meier said, "Follow my sister's spells and eat whatever you want"

When Xiao Hansheng heard this, his eyes suddenly brightened, "Learn"

Xiao Hansheng learned how to cultivate by half coaxing and half deceiving.

"Why are you so stupid, you can't even learn water control now, all you need is this way, run mana along the meridians to your hands, communicate with water elements, and you can control water! Such a simple thing can't be done. You're so stupid." From the valley came soft Mei'er's scolding voice.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng was already ten years old, he had been in Wuming Valley for more than three years, and he had been studying and practicing with Rou Meier for two and a half years.

Xiao Hansheng's cultivation at this time is already in the late stage of the entry level. For ordinary mortals, this entry is already very fast, but for Rou Meier, this entry is a bit slow, because Xiao Hansheng has eaten before. Purple dream fruit is the best fruit for washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow, and it has been eaten for half a year.Originally, the entry should be very fast, but it only shows that Xiao Hansheng's physique is too poor, and the effect of Zimengguo and Lingyun Grass also improves Xiao Hansheng's physique to be slightly stronger than ordinary people.

After all, Xiao Hansheng's cultivation is far superior to that of spells.

Rou Meier handed him a lot of low-level spells, such as Earth Splitting, Water Control, Spirit Mask, Fire Control, etc. In addition to the Spirit Mask being well practiced, Earth Splitting can occasionally crack the Earth, and others There is not much difference between learning and not learning.

These spells are the use of cultivation bases, so it can be seen that Xiao Hansheng's comprehension is not very high, which is the level of normal people.

In the entry level and the first glimpse level, you only need to have enough spiritual energy to be able to cultivate successfully. After the infant level, you need to understand the realm. The higher the level of perception, the higher the cultivation level. Otherwise, no amount of spiritual energy can help. Improve your cultivation.

It can be seen that the level of understanding will determine the level of Xiao Hansheng's achievements.If Xiao Hansheng's understanding cannot be improved by leaps and bounds, Xiao Hansheng's achievements are destined to be limited.

As Xiao Hansheng grew up slowly, his cultivation was also slowly improving.As for the spells, there has also been some progress. In addition to learning the basic spells, I also learned more advanced spells, such as the soaring cloud spell, the strong ground cracking spell, and so on.

When Xiao Hansheng came to this valley for the ninth year, Xiao Hansheng was already a 16-year-old boy. At this time, Xiao Hansheng was already a handsome boy.The height is also close to 1.7 meters.Apart from the immature look on his face, he is quite a grown-up.

Xiao Hansheng has lived in the valley for nine years, and has never been in contact with anyone except Rou Meier who is with him day and night. At this time, Xiao Hansheng is like a blank piece of paper, allowing others to scribble and paint on it.

During the nine years, Xiao Hansheng's daily routine was to meditate with Rou Meier's weapon refinement to improve his cultivation.In the process of meditating in the past two years, I was not very honest. I often secretly glanced at Roumeier, thinking that Rumeier was beautiful, and it would be nice if I could look at her like this for a lifetime.Rou Meier turned her head away after she found out, and whenever she asked Xiao Hansheng why she was peeking at her, she always said: I am tired from meditating, so I have to turn my neck too.This is Xiao Hansheng must have a cunning face.At this time, Xiao Hansheng is no longer the dull and seldom-spoken Xiao Hansheng when he first came, he has also become active and naughty, but his understanding does not seem to have improved much.

Occasionally, he would also discuss spell cultivation with Rou Meier, and he would improve his skills every time.For example, using the ground splitting technique to bury the failed Xiao Hansheng in the soil, or using the fire control technique to burn off Xiao Hansheng's hair and eyebrows, making him bald.In this way, playing with Rou Meier in the valley makes life easy and comfortable.

One day, Rou Meier called Xiao Hansheng to her side, and said to Xiao Hansheng with a dignified expression, "I will go through the tribulation in three days, and God will punish me twice."

Xiao Hansheng was a little worried, and said, "Is the power of heaven's punishment great?"

Rou Meier said, "There are three heavenly tribulations in the Heaven's Punishment Realm. One is more severe than the other. People who can pass the Heaven's Punishment Realm are not one in ten, and they can only transfer to Loose Immortals. If it is in the Sky City, I am not worried, but in Here, without a powerful immortal weapon, I'm afraid we won't be able to survive."

After Xiao Hansheng finished listening, his face turned pale, and he asked anxiously, "Then what should we do?"

Rou Meier shook her head, and said: "There is no way. If you are lucky in the process of crossing the catastrophe, you can keep your cultivation base and switch to Sanxian. If you are unlucky, you will die out of your wits."

After Xiao Hansheng heard this, he was in despair. He had lived with this young lady for so many years, and besides his mother, she was the best to him.

Rou Meier told Xiao Hansheng again: "When I am crossing the catastrophe, you should stay far away, don't get too close to me. If the catastrophe touches you a little bit, you will die." Rou Meier is in the mood to open Little joke.

"Miss sister, I will never see you again, what should I do, I want you to accompany me every day." Xiao Hansheng's eyes were red.

Rou Meier comforted: "It's okay, I'm not that weak anymore, and I'm [-]% sure of surviving the catastrophe, so don't worry about it."

Xiao Hansheng looked disbelieving.

In the past two days, Rou Mei'er has arranged a spirit gathering formation, which can restore the spiritual energy faster during the process of crossing the catastrophe, increasing the chance of surviving the catastrophe.Xiao Hansheng on the side was very anxious, and urged Rou Meier to arrange more spirit gathering arrays, so that Rou Meier could recover her spiritual energy faster.

Rou Meier smiled and said: "It is useless to arrange too many spirit gathering arrays. There is only so much spiritual energy in this world. One gathering spirit array can gather the spiritual energy of this world, so it is useless to have more."

The more this happened, the more worried Xiao Hansheng became.In these three days, Xiao Hansheng was depressed, with a preoccupied look, and the worries and troubles of several years did not add up to these three days, so he had tasted the taste of melancholy.

after three days

The day when Roumeier crossed the catastrophe

Rou Meier stood in the spirit gathering formation, alone, facing the whole world alone.

Xiao Hansheng looked at You Meier, and suddenly wanted to protect her and take care of all her current difficulties.

A heart is drawn by Rou Meier

Xiao Hansheng silently watched Rou Meier's every move, praying that Rou Meier could pass through this catastrophe smoothly.

Rou Meier, who was standing in the spirit gathering formation, closed her eyes tightly, her arms drooped naturally, her pretty face was expressionless, and she couldn't see Rou Meier's mood at this moment.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind in the sky, and black clouds swarmed in from the sky. In a blink of an eye, the sky was covered with black clouds, lightning and thunder appeared in the sea of ​​clouds, and muffled thunder came from the black clouds , Black clouds covered the entire valley.

Xiao Hansheng looked at such a vast majesty of heaven and earth, felt a little sad in his heart, silently blessed Rou Meier, suddenly found that he cared about Rou Meier so much, and didn't know what kind of emotion it was.

It's just that during this process, neither of them noticed any changes in the valley. There were layers of fluctuations in the valley, and the barrier covering the valley also emitted a soft white light.It seems that the power of heaven and earth has activated the arrogance of the valley, wanting to fight against Tianjie.

no changes found in the valley

Rou Meier is still paying attention to the changes in Tianjie.Welcome the arrival of the first wave of catastrophe at any time.

The catastrophe is still brewing, and it wants to completely destroy Rou Meier.

When the Heavenly Tribulation was brewing to its greatest power, suddenly, the lightning in the sea of ​​clouds struck Ruo Meier, and Ruo Meier was ready, and immediately put on the spirit shield, and suddenly a spirit sword appeared in her hand. The sword has the peak of the eighth grade, called the soft water sword.

I saw a streak of brilliance rushing out towards the coming lightning bolts, the two brilliance collided together, but the brilliance shot out by the Roushui sword was smashed by the lightning bolts after a short time , but the power of the Heavenly Tribulation Lightning has weakened a lot, and the weakened Heavenly Tribulation Lightning still rushed towards Rou Meier.

Rou Meier saw the Heavenly Tribulation Lightning coming, so she had to slam the eighth-grade spirit sword in her hand into the Heavenly Tribulation Lightning, and the two suddenly merged and entangled.

Suddenly, a fiery white light burst out, and a huge explosion occurred. The eighth-rank spirit sword shattered violently, and the fragments shot out in all directions.

Rou Meier, who was connected in mind, suddenly spat out blood with a 'poof' sound, and wilted on the ground.

Xiao Hansheng, who was stunned by the sound of the explosion in the distance, saw Rou Meier wilting on the ground, and hurried over.

Rou Meier in the distance saw Xiao Hansheng running over, and quickly transmitted a voice: "Don't come here! It's dangerous to come here"

When Xiao Hansheng heard the sound transmission, he thought that running over would only hurt Rou Meier to protect himself, and it would be even more dangerous to Rou Meier.

Xiao Hansheng suppressed his worry and retreated.

In the interval between the two catastrophes, Rou Meier immediately used the spirit gathering array to recover her cultivation, and the surrounding aura passed through the spirit gathering array and entered into Rou Meier's body, and the injuries suffered by Rou Meier also improved rapidly.

The Heavenly Tribulation continues to brew, and continues to increase the power of the Heavenly Tribulation.

At this time, Rou Meier's heart was full of despair, because she knew that she would go through five waves of catastrophe, and her biggest reliance to survive this catastrophe was the eighth-grade spiritual weapon, the soft water sword and another thing.The Roushui sword was already destroyed in the first wave of catastrophe. Although the other spiritual weapon is powerful, it certainly cannot guarantee to survive the remaining five waves of catastrophe.

Unless a miracle happens.

Although the miracle has not happened yet, it is brewing.The white light in the enchantment expanded again, and layers of ripples were rippling.

After brewing for two hours, the second wave of catastrophe has already formed, and it will punish Rou Meier at any time.At this time, Rou Mei'er's cultivation has recovered to [-]% through the spiritual energy gathered by the spirit gathering array.

But is it enough to deal with the catastrophe?the answer is negative.

The power of Heavenly Tribulation is greater than imagined, and the thick thunder light strikes at Rou Mei'er.

Rou Meier took out the 'little bag' and took it out, which was the fire cauldron for refining Bigu Dan.This cauldron is the spiritual weapon of the seventh-rank peak, and the refining fire cauldron can not only refine elixir.Moreover, it is also a powerful defensive spiritual weapon, what Rou Meier hopes is that the power of the refining fire cauldron can protect herself from the catastrophe.

But now it seems difficult.

At this time, Tian Jie suddenly launched a attack, and a thick thunder light shot at Rou Mei'er.

Rou Mei'er muttered silently, the cauldron of refining fire suddenly burst into flames, like fire dragons rushing out of the cauldron of refining fire, welcoming the coming of heaven's punishment.

The fire dragons greeted the thunder and lightning of the sky, surrounded the thunder and lightning of the sky, and wanted to drag the sky into the refining fire cauldron to refine the sky.

The Heavenly Tribulation Thunder and Lightning rushed left and right in the fire dragon, trying to get rid of the fire dragon's control.

Tianjie and the fire refining weapon are intertwined, but the aura of Rou Meier who controls the fire refining weapon is about to be exhausted, and there is no way for Rou Meier to get out of the predicament in this situation.

Rou Meier is already gritting her teeth to persevere, thin beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

Rou Meier's heart skipped a beat, and she decided to make a final fight.

Rou Meier recited the formula silently, and blew up the fire refining weapon, and the Heaven's Punishment Thunder and Lightning wrapped in it exploded in an instant.

This wave of catastrophe gradually dissipated, because the refining fire cauldron has accompanied Rou Meier for many years, offering sacrifices all year round.This time, Rou Mei'er was seriously injured, and she was dying of serious injuries.

Xiao Hansheng's face was full of anxiety, and he swore secretly, "I will do my best to protect the woman in front of me!"

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