Chapter 52 Sexy Moment

After Xiao Hansheng left, he didn't know what happened after that.It's hard to be melancholy alone, and I feel that the elders of the Sword God Sect will sacrifice themselves in order to inherit the orthodoxy.I thought that only with persistence in my heart can I move forward.Perhaps, restoring the ancient glory of the Sword God Sect and inheriting the orthodoxy of the Sword God Sect is what they are obsessed with, even if they die, they will have no regrets!

"What is the obsession in my heart? Could it be Rou Meier?!" Xiao Hansheng was uncertain.Shaking his head, "I don't want to, I am carefree, why bother to cause such troubles?"

After all, drift forward again.

When Xiao Hansheng came to a big mountain, there was a black stone tablet on which it said: There are three beasts in Baling Mountain.It is called Xiu Snake, it is called Qiulong, and it is called Dragon Turtle.The three beasts are fierce, so they are suppressed.The thing in the town is called the Emperor's Monument.

After Xiao Hansheng saw it, he thought to himself: "There are three fierce beasts in this place, and they are being suppressed by a stone tablet called the Emperor's Tablet!"

After Xiao Hansheng looked at it, he thought there was no danger. After all, he was suppressed by some emperor's monument, so he just felt relieved and bold.

Not long after walking forward, he found a weak fluctuation in a bush, intermittent, as if it was about to disappear.

Xiao Hansheng walked forward, but what caught his eyes was a woman with blood all over her body and a pale face, but she was unconscious.Xiao Hansheng found out that she was not dead yet, so he gently dragged the woman in front of him with his spiritual power, and went to find the cave in Baling.

Fortunately, it didn't take long to find a cave.Xiao Hansheng took the woman in a flash and entered a cave.

Xiao Hansheng placed the woman in front of him on a flat ground.Use your spiritual sense to probe into the purple palace of the woman in front of you.Entering the purple palace, I found that the color of this woman's Nascent Soul was dim. I went in and took a look, but found that her Nascent Soul had been cut open. If it was deeper, the Nascent Soul would turn into spiritual energy and disappear in between heaven and earth.

However, Yuanying does not have the command of divine consciousness, so he cannot absorb the aura of heaven and earth to repair his body.So Xiao Hansheng almost used his divine sense to clean up the heterogeneous aura remaining in the purple palace, and helped the woman sort out the purple palace.

Xiao Hansheng sorted out the purple palace, and his consciousness entered the woman's sea of ​​consciousness, but he found that her sea of ​​consciousness was closed, but it couldn't be opened.

Xiao Han was helpless, so he had no choice but to use the power of divine consciousness to knock open the sea of ​​her consciousness.When Xiao Hansheng knocked her sea of ​​consciousness away, the woman's body trembled violently, and Xiao Hansheng also had a different feeling.However, Xiao Hansheng didn't think too much about saving people.

When Xiao Hansheng entered her sea of ​​consciousness, he found that her sea of ​​consciousness was also in bad condition, filled with gray dead energy, almost occupying her sea of ​​consciousness.When the sea of ​​consciousness is full, it is the moment when she dies.

Xiao Hansheng's spiritual thoughts wandered in the sea of ​​her consciousness, trying to find her main soul.Xiao Hansheng got rid of the gray death energy and came to the clouds.A woman appeared in the distance, and she was walking towards the door of death step by step.

Everyone's sea of ​​consciousness has a door, which is called the door of consciousness, and it can also be called the door of death.When everyone steps into the door of death, it is the moment of death.However, the size of the gate of consciousness is not fixed. When your cultivation base increases, the gate of consciousness becomes smaller but its power also increases.The higher the cultivation base, the more tenacious the life.Under the action of external force, the door of consciousness will instantly expand, emitting a powerful devouring force, which is why the higher the cultivation level, the more it will disappear completely between the heaven and the earth when it dies.

Of course, the most powerful existence will completely turn the gate of consciousness into nothingness, or simply turn itself into a gate of consciousness.

However, at this time, she was unable to resist the devouring of the door of consciousness, and she was walking towards death step by step.Xiao Hansheng immediately flew forward, grabbed her, and dragged her main soul aside, away from the door of consciousness.

When she was far away from the gate of consciousness, her consciousness gradually became clear. It turns out that the gate of consciousness still has the power of fascination, which is very powerful.

As for why Xiao Hansheng is not affected by her gate of consciousness?That's because the gate of consciousness will only affect oneself and not others.If it can also affect others, when one person dies, wouldn't the others also die together?

When she saw Xiao Hansheng holding her, she immediately shook off Xiao Hansheng's hand, and said coldly: "Who are you? Why did you come into my sea of ​​consciousness?"

Xiao Hansheng shook his hands helplessly, and said: "I saved you, okay? Even if you don't thank me, don't be so sarcastic!"

At this moment, she remembered that she was about to die. At this moment, she said with a sneer: "Please save your life! But get out of my sea of ​​consciousness quickly!" After speaking, her face flushed red.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng was a little stunned, "Why do you want to drive yourself out of her sea of ​​consciousness?"

She said helplessly: "Only a partner who becomes a Taoist can enter the sea of ​​consciousness of others."

Xiao Hansheng was taken aback, "It turns out that you can't just enter the sea of ​​consciousness of others! If you enter the sea of ​​consciousness of a man, wouldn't that count as something?" Suddenly, Xiao Hansheng broke out in cold sweat.

Xiao Hansheng flew the shield immediately, wanting to leave her sea of ​​consciousness.When Xiao Hansheng was about to withdraw from her sea of ​​consciousness, she stomped her feet and shouted: "Come back, I need your help!"

Xiao Hansheng hesitated at this moment, wondering whether he should stay and help!During Xiao Hansheng's hesitation, she continued: "My current main soul can't mobilize the power of the sea of ​​consciousness, and can't expel the gray death energy. I need your help."

Xiao Hansheng secretly said: "Now I feel sorry for Rou Meier, so I don't want it!" Sun Yuting said resentfully: "You really don't have the heart to let me die!"

Xiao Han was helpless, and said in front of Sun Yuting.

Seeing Xiao Hansheng coming, she said, "Hi, my name is Sun Yuting, I wonder who you are?"

Xiao Hansheng smiled slightly and said, "My name is Xiao Hansheng."

Now Sun Yuting suddenly became surprised, and said: "You are Xiao Hansheng, you are famous!"

Xiao Hansheng was stunned, "You are famous, and I can't even relate to it!" Sun Yuting continued: "You injured Mu Si in the Dao Realm, and you defeated Dongfang Qianhua in the Heaven's Punishment Realm, aren't you famous?"

Xiao Hansheng gave a wry smile and said, "Coincidence, purely coincidence!"

Sun Yuting smiled slightly, not entangled in this issue, and then said: "I want to ask you for help to expel the gray dead energy in my sea of ​​consciousness, I wonder if it is possible?"

Xiao Hansheng said: "Very happy! I don't know what should I do?"

Sun Yuting suddenly felt a little shy, and said: "The method of double cultivation! After double cultivation, I will be your woman!"

After hearing this, Xiao Hansheng shook his head.After all, the person he likes the most is Rou Meier, and he doesn't seem to have betrayed Rou Meier, so he doesn't want to have any relationship with other women, otherwise he will feel a deep sense of guilt in his heart!

Seeing Xiao Hansheng shaking his head, Sun Yuting suppressed the shyness in her heart, and said: "This is my territory, I can't help you to be the master." After finishing speaking, a hand immediately took Xiao Hansheng's hand!Suddenly, there seemed to be an electric current rushing through Xiao Hansheng's body.It's not over yet, Sun Yuting stood on tiptoe and kissed Xiao Hansheng's face all at once.Xiao Hansheng was stunned immediately, not knowing where he was.The body seems to float up, fly into the sea of ​​clouds, and disappear.

Sun Yuting had never treated a man like this before, and she was too shy.Not long after, the two woke up, and Sun Yuting said to Xiao Hansheng: "Now you are my man!"

Xiao Hansheng didn't know what it was like at the moment, whether it was shame or joy, in short, mixed feelings.Xiao Hansheng calmed down and said, "In this case, how can I help you!"

A look of joy appeared in Sun Yuting's eyes, and she said, "I'll pass on to you a dual-cultivation technique called Hongluan Magic Kungfu!" After finishing speaking, a formula appeared in Xiao Hansheng's mind.Xiao Hansheng read it carefully, and found that this dual-cultivation technique is really amazing. It can actually combine the advantages of two people and speed up the improvement of their cultivation base.

After Xiao Hansheng looked at it, he nodded to Sun Yuting and said, "Let's get started!"

After finishing speaking, the two held hands, and their spirits merged.At this time, the spiritual thoughts of the two are transformed into one, blending with each other, and they can feel the things in each other's hearts.In Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness, Sun Yuting felt a black and white yin-yang fish spinning continuously, exuding supreme divine power.Sun Yuting had a feeling that if the yin-yang fish turned a little bit, she would be completely wiped out.And Xiao Hansheng also discovered that Sun Yuting's secret was from the same sect as Mu Si's.

Suddenly, the two divine thoughts turned into yin and yang fish shapes, spinning rapidly, stirring the gray power.

In front of the purification power of the yin-yang fish, the gray power was gradually purified, and Sun Yuting's sea of ​​consciousness finally regained its clarity.

After the two finished, Xiao Hansheng and Sun Yuting separated and stood still.Sun Yuting smiled and said: "I never thought that there is a supreme treasure hidden in your sea of ​​consciousness, no wonder you can defeat Dongfang Qianhua in the Heaven's Punishment Realm!"

Xiao Hansheng sneered and said, "You actually belong to the same sect as Mu Si!" Xiao Hansheng still remembered the relaxed look of Mu Si wanting to kill him, which disgusted him very much.

After hearing this, Sun Yuting said, "I know you hate Musi very much! Similarly, I also hate Musi very much! Do you know how I became what I am now?"

Xiao Hansheng snorted coldly: "Oh?"

Sun Yuting said bitterly: "Isn't it because of Musi? In the Zhenyi School, the competition among the disciples is very fierce! In the competition, six disciples of the Zhenyi School finally stood out, and the leader was Musi, and I It is one of them! However, Mu Si is very ambitious, and two of his disciples have been subdued and become his minions. The other disciple was killed by his scheme because he refused to accept him! So the remaining two are me and Huangfufeng One day, Huangfufeng came to me and said that he would join forces against Mu Si! I thought it made sense, so I agreed to join hands with Huangfufeng. Just two days ago, Huangfufeng and I came to the foot of Baling Mountain, but we didn't expect Mu Si Bring two minions, Dongfang Qianhua, Shen Fan and others to kill me and Huangfufeng. Even if Huangfufeng and I can't win, there is no problem running away! However, just as I was about to escape, Huangfufeng But Feng secretly attacked and wounded my Nascent Soul. During the battle, I learned that Huangfu Feng had already taken refuge with Mu Si. It was Mu Si who deliberately let Huangfu Feng approach me and find an opportunity to kill me!"

After all, Sun Yuting showed resentful eyes.

Xiao Hansheng asked suddenly: "Aren't the major alliances together? How could they come out alone?"

Sun Yuting narrowed her eyes and said, "Are you still doubting me? Then let me tell you, after the Battle of Golden Winged Lei Peng, we passed through an enchantment, and we didn't find any terrible existence in the enchantment, so The power holders of the major alliances let go out to find the treasure by themselves."

When Xiao Hansheng heard it, it was logical, so he nodded: "Okay, I believe you!"

Sun Yuting smiled!

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