Immortal Artifact

Chapter 56 Misunderstanding

Chapter 56 Misunderstanding

Xiao Hansheng suddenly thought that during the Battle of Golden Winged Lei Peng, Rou Meier was in the camp of Thousand Illusion Sect and Zhenyi Sect. Presumably Sky City had already formed an alliance with Thousand Illusion Sect or Zhenyi Sect.In this space, the younger generation leaders of Zhenyi Thousand Illusion Sect are all here, which means that Rou Meier is also in this place.When the ferocious beast is born, it will be a disaster for the common people. I am afraid that none of the creatures in this place will survive!

Xiao Hansheng doesn't care about others, but for Rou Meier, Xiao Hansheng absolutely can't care less.At this time, Xiao Hansheng said anxiously to Sun Yuting: "Leave here first. I still have important things to deal with." After finishing speaking, he turned back in Liuguang.

Before Xiao Hansheng had gone far, Sun Yuting came in front of Xiao Hansheng and smiled at Xiao Hansheng: "I said you saved my life, and I will repay you!"

Xiao Hansheng smiled wryly and said: "I will be in great danger here, so you should not follow! I don't want to implicate you!"

Sun Yuting shook her head and said, "What I said must mean something, so you don't have to persuade me! Oh, by the way, here is a Qiankun bag to hold the things you dropped from Mu Si and Dongfang Qianhua! This is for you!" You!" Sun Yuting handed Xiao Hansheng a small bag with her jaded hands!

Xiao Hansheng shook his head when he saw it, and said, "Take it, this is for you!"

Sun Yuting looked cold and said: "I never want other people's things!" Immediately, he threw the universe bag to Xiao Hansheng.He drove Liu Guang and left first.Xiao Hansheng had no choice but to tie this universe bag around his waist and keep up with Sun Yuting's progress.

On the way, Sun Yuting asked Xiao Hansheng what was the important matter, but Xiao Hansheng only shook his head, but refused to answer, but Sun Yuting was helpless and sulked along the way.At this moment, Sun Yuting looks like a little girl.

In the southwest direction of this space, there are dozens of people in this place, exactly the people of Sky City.And the leaders of Sky City, Rou Ran, Yue Xingjian and others stood together, discussing something.

Rou Meier said: "Father, you also felt three unusual auras just now. One is blazing, the other is flooding, and the last one exudes a mountain-like aura. This must be something extraordinary! Let's get out of here quickly!"

As soon as Rou Meier finished speaking, Yue Zishan continued: "Sister Meier is right! The three forces are extraordinary, and there must be great danger, why don't we leave this place!" As soon as Yue Zishan finished speaking, Rou Meier's beautiful eyes looked at Yue Zishan showed a grateful expression.Yue Zishan was elated after seeing it.On the other hand, Yue Ziqun watched all this indifferently without saying a word.Yue Xingjian saw Yue Zishan's ecstasy, and sighed in his heart: "Yue Zishan's temperament is not weak, but it is not a good thing to be too obsessed with Rou Meier. In the future, we must control Yue Zishan well, and there are important things to do." Leave the matter to him!" However, Yue Xingjian did not lose his composure, and said, "I don't think so! These forces are unusual and good, but they also contain huge opportunities. If we can get them, my sky city will definitely be famous throughout the world. There is no need to settle down in the world of self-cultivation!"

After listening to the opinions of the two parties, Rouran couldn't make up her mind for a while!However, as the lord of a city, when necessary, a strong determination is required.Rou Ran thought for a while, and said: "I think this is the case, why don't we split up! One part is going to find the treasure, while the other part is leaving here. Even if something unexpected happens, it won't prevent my sky city from rising!" Rouran came up with a compromise plan. As the lord of a city, he not only wanted to make the Sky City great but also prevent the Sky City from falling apart!

After hearing Rouran's words, no one had any opinions.Although Yue Xingjian was ambitious, he didn't want the city in the sky to cease to exist.He nodded in agreement.

When everyone heard Rouran's plan, it was hard to say who would go to find the treasure and who would leave here safely.Just as everyone was hesitating, Yue Xingjian took the initiative to ask Ying, stepped forward and said, "As the Great Elder of the Sky City, I have the responsibility and obligation to make the Sky City brighter, so I should go find the treasure!"

Seeing that Yue Xingjian took the initiative to invite Ying, Rou Ran agreed!Rou Ran also stepped forward and asked: "Everyone, who else is willing to follow the Great Elder to find the treasure?"

Dozens of people in Sky City looked at me and I looked at you, but no one answered.The scene also fell silent. At this moment, Yue Ziqun stepped forward and said loudly: "I, Yue Ziqun, as the direct descendant of the Great Elder of the Sky City, am naturally willing to follow my ancestors to find the treasure and make my Sky City brighter!"

After finishing speaking, he returned to the original place, and Yue Zishan also stepped forward, and said with a smile: "I am also willing to follow the ancestors to find the treasure!" After finishing speaking, he even winked at Rou Meier.

The grandparents of the Yue family in Sky City left this place in front of everyone's eyes and walked towards Baling Mountain.Everyone sighed in their hearts: "I am afraid that the three grandparents will not be able to come back."

Everyone also knew that this place was very dangerous, so they left after seeing the three of them.Change and leave this place.

It doesn't take half an hour for everyone to walk.Suddenly, a young man in a red shirt slowly appeared before everyone's eyes. It was the horned dragon. When the horned dragon appeared, he smiled gently and said, "Where are you going?"

An elder stepped forward and shouted suddenly: "Who are you, dare to block my way?"

Qiulong didn't speak, and lightly popped out a small flame, and slowly flicked it towards the elder.Seeing that the flame was slow, the elder wanted to avoid it.However, after hiding several times, he still couldn't avoid the small flame, and could only watch the flame enter his body.

Suddenly, a blazing flame burst out from the person's body, burning blazingly.That elder couldn't maintain his human form and turned into his own body, but it was the black bear who cultivated his human form after attaining the Dao.Not long after, the black bear spirit was reduced to ashes.After seeing it, Rou Ran's eyes were tearing apart, but she also knew that the person in front of her had a high level of cultivation, so she forced herself to ask calmly, "Why did you kill the elder of my sky city?"

Qiu Long snapped his fingers and said, "That's the right way to talk! I don't like people shouting loudly!"

Rou Ran scolded this person in her heart, this kind of logic is too overbearing, it is unreasonable to kill someone just because someone speaks louder!

Qiu Long continued: "I am very happy to get out of trouble today! However, what makes me even happier is after meeting an old friend!"

Rou Ran was stunned: "Since you're happy, why do you want to kill someone?!" However, there was no conversation.

At this time, Qiu Long stepped in front of Rou Meier, and said softly: "Your body should be a sky fox, but there is an atavism phenomenon in your body, it's really gratifying!"

Rou Meier's beautiful big eyes flickered, and she asked: "What do you mean by what senior said?"

Qiu Long said: "I mean you have a trace of the blood of the immortal sky fox in your body! Do you understand this?"

Rou Meier shook her head and said, "I don't know!"

Qiu Long also looked at Rou Meier helplessly, seeing Rou Meier's innocent appearance, as if a figure appeared in front of his eyes, his heart softened.Said softly: "Since that's the case, I'll let you understand!"

After finishing speaking, Qiu Long waved his hand, and Rou Meier flew into the air.Seeing her daughter being caught in the air, Rou Ran hastily asked, "Senior, who are you?"

Qiu Long suddenly sneered coldly: "Do I need you to take care of my work?"

Rouran was suddenly speechless!However, from the looks of it, she didn't look like she was hurting Rou Mei'er, so she slowly let go of her heart.

Suddenly, a streak of purple blood appeared on the horned dragon's hand, exuding a purple brilliance.In an instant, it attracted everyone in Sky City.They all showed greed.

In the blink of an eye from Qiulong, all the elders felt that a peerless beast was locking on to them, and they trembled, not daring to have the slightest greedy thought.

Qiulong injected purple blood into Rou Meier's body!Suddenly, Rou Meier's body seemed to be boiling, and with a 'hoo', a purple flame ignited from Rou Meier's body, reaching a height of hundreds of feet.

But at this moment, there was a loud roar: "Who are you? Hurry up and let Meier go!" After saying that, an extremely huge thing that looked like a millstone smashed over.The blue light is dim, and the air of chaos is lingering.

Qiu Long popped out a finger, touched the thing that fell down, flipped it lightly, and the thing and the person were overturned.However, as soon as this person landed, he picked up the thing as big as a millstone and hit Qiulong again.Qiu Long knocked that person to the ground again.Just at this moment, a sword light flashed, directly aiming at the horned dragon's purple palace.But at this moment, Qiu Long was a little impatient, grabbed the sword light, and threw the sword wielder out.In an instant, the mouth of the sword vomited blood.

And the person who was overturned on the ground called Qiu Long again, at this moment, Rou Meier suddenly shouted: "Xiao Han, no!"

The person who picked up something as big as a millstone was Xiao Hansheng, and the person who used the sword was none other than Sun Yuting.Xiao Hansheng knew that Rou Meier was here, and felt something in his heart, so he came straight to this place.Just in time, Qiulong caught Rou Meier and released purple flames to train Rou Meier.How could Xiao Hansheng endure this?Immediately enlarge the Luobao money and come towards Qiulong.However, how powerful the horned dragon is, there is nothing the tried and tested Luo Bao Qian can do!

When Xiao Hansheng heard Rou Meier's voice, he stopped attacking Qiulong and asked, "Sister Meier, how are you doing?"

Seeing Xiao Hansheng's anxious look, Rou Meier gave a 'puchi' smile and said, "I'm fine! I'll talk about it later!"

Seeing that Rou Meier was fine, Xiao Hansheng helped Sun Yuting up, and said in a low voice, "Thank you!"

Sun Yuting smiled sweetly and did not answer.

Not long after, the purple flame on Rou Meier's body went out, she walked to the ground, and said to Qiulong cheerfully: "More seniors will help you!" Qiulong waved his hands and said, "This is what I should do! Now you are the king of the immortal sky fox!" I'm dead, let's work harder in the future!" Slowly Qiulong disappeared.

At this time, the emperor's stele scattered on Baling Mountain seemed to be summoned by something, and immediately rushed out of Baling Mountain. The loud bang of 'rumbling' was the collapse of Baling Mountain, which had stood for an unknown number of years.And the emperor steles that rushed out combined, releasing supreme divine power.

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