Immortal Artifact

Chapter 61 The Goddess in White

Chapter 61 Goddess in White

After Xiao Qing buried his master, he stayed with Gu Meng and Gu Ting. After all, Xiao Qing had no one to rely on.

The three of Gu Meng went west all the way, but they didn't encounter any monsters on the road. Presumably, the green-haired youth couldn't kill Gu Meng, so he didn't let other monsters come to chase Gu Meng again.So it was quite easy for the three of us to walk along the way.

One day, the three of them arrived at a place to rest. Gu Ting pulled Gu Meng and said, "Brother, have you noticed that the further west you go, the more desolate it becomes. By now it's basically a desert."And Xiao Qing on the side also nodded, saying: "Yes! I didn't feel my spiritual power leaking a while ago. But now the spiritual power leaking is like a flood, and it can't be stopped."

In fact, Gu Meng knew about these situations, but Gu Meng still insisted on going west, because Gu Meng felt a force pulling him to the west, otherwise he would not have pulled Gu Ting straight to the west.At the beginning, the feeling of ancient dream was not obvious, but at this moment, the feeling of ancient dream became stronger and stronger.This is why Gu Meng insisted on moving forward.Of course, Gu Meng didn't tell Gu Ting and Xiao Qing about this feeling.

Gu Meng sighed slightly: "I also know this situation, but I have a reason to come! You will understand then."

When Gu Ting and Xiao Qing heard this, they stopped talking.

Immediately, the three of them set off to the west, and further on, the leakage of the spiritual power of the three of them became more serious, and they didn't know what happened.The three of them walked one hundred thousand miles forward again, and saw a city in the distance, the desert city.After the three saw it, they were very excited.

Not long after, the three landed in the desert city, but saw that the desert city was silent, and the lower half of the building had been deeply buried.The three carefully looked at the city, but found nothing.Suddenly, Gu Meng looked into the distance and found a dark white thing exposed outside.

The ancient dream drifted forward.Not long after, they came to the side of the white thing.After careful observation, Gu Meng concluded that the white object was an animal bone.Therefore, Gu Meng held the bone hard and lifted it up.However, Gu Meng couldn't move it, after all, Gu Meng's power is still great.Gu Meng was not reconciled, so he tried two more times, but it still didn't work.Therefore, Gu Meng used a stone ax to push away the surrounding sand.After Gu Ting and Xiao Qing saw it, they also flew over to help Gu Meng remove the sand around the bone.

After two hours, Gu Meng finally removed the sand around the bones, and a complete huge skeleton appeared in front of the three of them, but it was in the shape of a snake.The three of them examined it carefully, but they couldn't recognize the corpse of any animal.

It was Xiao Qing who was careful and found a ring beside the skeleton.Handing this ring to Gu Meng, Gu Meng dripped a drop of blood on the ring, and instantly the ring glowed with blue light, making it almost blinding.Gu Meng's consciousness was immersed in the ring, and when he entered, Gu Meng was taken aback.Because what he saw was the boundless ocean, and the air of chaos rushed into the ocean like a waterfall, turning into divine water.Gu Meng tried to take a drop of seawater with his spiritual sense, and immediately, Gu Meng's lost mana was completely restored, and even a lot more.Gu Meng couldn't absorb so much spiritual power, so he had to disperse the spiritual power in the air.

Gu Ting and Xiao Qing looked at the surging spiritual power on Gu Meng's body in amazement, and were immediately taken aback, not knowing what happened to Gu Meng's body.However, the surprised one was still behind, and saw that the spirit energy released was immediately torn by a force, and disappeared in an instant.

Gu Meng slowly opened her eyes, and Gu Ting hurriedly asked, "Brother, how are you doing?"

Gu Meng smiled slightly and said, "I'm fine!" After finishing speaking, two drops of divine water appeared in Gu Meng's hands.Before Gu Meng had any reaction, two drops of divine water disappeared in an instant, and Gu Meng was stunned.However, Gu Meng reacted quickly, and immediately shouted: "Open your mouth!"

The two women immediately opened their mouths, and Gu Meng sent two drops of divine water into the mouths of the two women.In an instant, the spiritual energy of the two women was replenished, and even overflowed a lot, and then they sat cross-legged to absorb and refine.

Gu dreamed that the two women were practicing, and immersed their spiritual consciousness in the ring again.Looking at the boundless sea, Gu Meng secretly said in his heart: "I don't know who left this, it must be a powerful person with supreme supernatural power!" Immediately, Gu Meng's consciousness flew over the sea.Gu Meng didn't know how long he had been flying in the sea, and he didn't know how far he had flown. Gu Meng felt that it was very far away.

After a long time, a small island suddenly appeared in Gu Meng's sight.This small island is not big, standing alone in the sea.As Gu Meng approached, Gu Meng felt a wave of power, coming with the breath of rain overwhelming.

Gu Meng's consciousness cautiously approached the island, when suddenly heavy rain poured down, like the raindrops from the top of Mount Tai hit Gu Meng's consciousness, almost destroying Gu Meng.Gritting her teeth, Gu Meng persisted, passed through the rainy area, and landed on the island.I found that this place is a good place, it is shaded by trees, and there is a thatched cottage under the trees.Gu Meng gently pushed away the people in the thatched hut and walked in, only to find that there was nothing but a bed and a table.Gu Meng stepped forward and found that there was actually a pure white jade stone on the table.Gu Meng stepped forward and touched it with his hand, but the white jade seemed to feel something, and a line of gold characters suddenly floated in the air, emitting golden light. Gu Meng looked at it, but wrote: I was ordered to save the queen, but the enemy is strong and deceitful , invincible, dead!If there is a chance, get this precept and give it to the Queen of Heaven, and you will have a treasure to send you!If you have to quit and don't hand in, kill!

Seeing the last word kill, Gu Meng felt chills, and realized that this word could kill all the people!Immediately, Gu Meng was puzzled: whose ring is this?By whom?Who is the queen?Who is that extremely strong and deceitful person?All of this is unknown, and Gu Meng can't figure it out.Immediately shrugged, said: "Hey, what a trouble! Don't want to."Then Gu Meng's consciousness withdrew from the ring.

Gu Meng withdrew his consciousness from the ring, but saw the two women looking at him straightly, and couldn't help asking: "Is there a flower on my face?"

The two girls shook their heads, Gu Ting smiled and said, "Your action just now was so funny, that's why we watched it!" These ancient dreams were stunned: "Action? What action?"

Gu Ting learned Gu Meng's helpless expression just now vividly, and Gu Ting saw the helpless expression when it turned out that Gu Meng couldn't understand the words of the master of the ring.After Gu Meng saw Gu Ting's performance, he laughed and scolded: "You ghost girl! Okay, let's go on the road."

Immediately, the three of them left with Liu Guang, but they didn't have to worry about their spiritual power being exhausted.

The three of them headed west again, this time covering a million miles.And in this place, the absorption of spiritual power is even more powerful, and the spiritual power of the three of them is absorbed almost instantly. If it is not supported by the divine water that Gu Meng made from the ring, the three of them will probably immediately absorb it. They were all sucked dry.

Finally, the three of them came to an end, because a dilapidated palace appeared in the sight of the three of them.And Gu Meng felt that the power that attracted him to come here was in that palace.

The three of them came to the dilapidated palace in a short time, looked up, and found a huge black hole above the palace.Looking from below, it looked as if it had been shattered by someone's slap, but here, the three of them could still feel the aura of annihilation coming towards them. With a sound of '噗嗤', all three of them spat out a mouthful of blood, and Gu Meng was the most seriously injured!

However, at the moment Gu Meng was injured, a white light flashed across Gu Meng's body, and a silvery white streaked across the sky.Suddenly, he rushed towards the dilapidated palace and disappeared.

Entering the palace in silver and white, a phantom of an ax flashed past, exuding a domineering and boundless aura.At this moment, the outline of a huge wheel exuding multicolored divine light slowly took shape, faintly hostile to that domineering phantom axe.

But at this moment, the phantom ax suddenly seemed to be angry, and hit the wheel-like thing all at once.

Suddenly, the two exploded violently, and the light and darkness alternated continuously, annihilated, as if the world was reopened.The explosion produced a shock wave that swept across everything, and anything that dared to stand in the way was instantly smashed to pieces.Gu Meng also knew that there was danger at this moment, and shouted to the two women: "Run!"

Immediately, the three of them mobilized all their spiritual energy and rushed out.However, the shock wave was so fast and overbearing that it spread to the bodies of the three of them in an instant.In an instant, the three of them were injured, and pain appeared on their faces.None of the three expected the change to come so quickly, and Gu Meng was even more surprised: why did the silver-white thing turn into a phantom axe, which had been quietly on his body?Why fight that wheel-shaped thing?

However, these are not the questions that Gu Meng has to think about, but the question that Gu Meng has to think about is how to survive!

At this moment, a bigger shock wave came, wanting to shatter the bodies of the three of them, Gu Meng smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that I, Gu Meng, would die so uselessly!"

At this moment, the sky was spinning, and a "giggle" chuckle suddenly came, but at this moment, a woman in white appeared in the sky standing proudly between the sky and the earth.I saw the woman in white stretch out her pale jade hand, and suddenly grabbed the wheel-shaped thing, and the wheel-shaped thing sensed it, and crushed it violently towards the jade hand extended by the woman in white.

The woman in white sneered: "You are just a trace of its imprint, how can you be my opponent?! What's more, even your body has been shattered now."

And the wheel-shaped wrapped multicolored divine light pressed towards the woman in white without flinching.The woman in white did not show any weakness, and shouted coldly: "Mie!" The woman in white pointed casually, and suddenly the hot white light pressed towards the wheel-shaped thing, and there was a "boom", but it was the white clothes that pushed the wheel-shaped thing away. It was smashed and turned into the air of chaos.The woman in white was also polite, and directly took away all the energy of chaos.And the phantom ax floating in the sky turned into a silvery white thing, and flew into the woman's arms with a 'hoo', as if meeting a relative.And Bai Yi also showed a smile on his face, seeing the three people of Gu Meng who were already in a coma, and the three disappeared.

The woman in white also slowly disappeared in the sky, leaving only the dilapidated palace behind.Oh, no, at this moment the palace has begun a comprehensive restoration.

That's only one chapter today, sorry!You can rest during the seven days of National Day, but I am very busy!Now I have apologized for two chapters, and I must make it up.Again, starting from October [-]th: every day at ten o'clock in the morning and eight o'clock in the afternoon.

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