Immortal Artifact

Chapter 63 The Gate of Consciousness

Chapter 63 The Gate of Consciousness

When Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness was ignited by the sparks of the horned dragon, it burned blazingly.And Xiao Hansheng's life will also come to an end.At this moment, one of Xiao Hansheng's feet has stepped into the door of consciousness.

At this moment, the green fragments shone brightly, enveloping Xiao Hansheng's main soul all at once.Immediately, Xiao Hansheng's whole body stepped into the door of consciousness, and at this moment Xiao Hansheng's consciousness was completely plunged into darkness.

The darkness didn't last long, and Xiao Hansheng's main soul fell into a vast white world.There are no trees, no grass, no wind, nothing in this world.There is only white, pure white, and no other color can be found.

Xiao Hansheng, who fell into it, looked around blankly, not knowing where he was at this time.Xiao Hansheng's main soul panicked for a while, and wanted to yell to relieve his fear.Even so, Xiao Hansheng didn't hear any sound.So, Xiao Hansheng ran forward crazily, kept running, running without a goal.The resulting color remains the same.Xiao Hansheng fell to the ground slumped, thinking in his heart that this must be the feeling of death!

So Xiao Hansheng lay down on the ground, thinking of nothing, and fell into emptiness.Xiao Hansheng in the emptiness suddenly felt a force pulling him.It's just that this power is very weak, if it is not in the state of emptiness, it is impossible to feel it.

So, Xiao Hansheng followed the call and left.In this pure white world, that faint call is like a guiding light.

Xiao Hansheng walked fast in this pure white world, the farther he walked, the faint call became more and more clear.Finally, I saw a touch of black in the distance.There are different colors in this color world, which is surprising.Xiao Hansheng accelerated and walked forward.The blackness gradually became clear, and it was human hair.Xiao Hansheng looked at the pure white giant in the distance, only his hair was as black as ink.Xiao Hansheng estimated how tall the giant in front of him was!Is it a million miles?Thousands of miles?Or hundreds of millions of miles?Xiao Hansheng is not sure, because there is no reference here.But one thing is certain, this person is very tall!Ridiculously high.

Xiao Hansheng walked in and took a look, but found that the giant didn't respond at all, which made Xiao Hansheng quite strange.

Xiao Hansheng walked under the giant's feet and began to climb up along the feet, because he felt that the source of the summoning was above.Since the giant is very tall, with its hair standing up like a big tree, it is relatively easy to climb.Xiao Hansheng insisted on climbing up, persisted, persisted again.Xiao Hansheng shouted countless persistences in his heart, and wanted to curse in his heart: "Why are you so tall? You are sick."

Finally Xiao Hansheng climbed onto the giant's shoulders, but found that the space here is still very large and flat.It's just that the exposed body hair is thick and scary.

Xiao Hansheng walked towards the neck, and suddenly Xiao Hansheng saw a stone table, which was square, but there was a jug and a wine glass on it, and there was actually a stone bench under the table.Xiao Hansheng looked at the layout in a daze, Xiao Hansheng thought that maybe someone is pouring and drinking by himself in this place!It's just that I don't know who this person is, who can come to this place.

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng was also a little tired and thirsty, so he sat down on the stone bench, picked up the jug, poured a glass into the wine glass, and drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking a glass of wine, Xiao Hansheng suddenly felt that his stomach was being twisted like a knife, and he fell off the stone bench and rolled on the ground.At this moment, Xiao Hansheng's face was flushed, and big drops of sweat fell on the ground and disappeared.Xiao Hansheng, who was rolling on the ground, scolded his mother in his heart: "What the hell! I'm already dead, and you still torture me like this! Can you make me die again?!"

After a long time, the pain finally gradually eased.At this time, Xiao Hansheng sat up and wiped the sweat from his head with his hands.

At this time, a voice rumbled in my mind: "Congratulations! You drank the Primordial Creation Wine that I left on the stone bench, and you have become my apprentice! I left the heart of heaven here, It is an immortal supreme artifact. You can only get it if you get one of the nine fragments of "Ji Tian Que", one of the nine fragments of "Ji Tian Que". Whether you can get it depends on your chance. And the set of exercises I left for my apprentice , named "Ming Dao Lu", this method is the supreme method in the chaos, I hope you can carry it forward!" Then the voice disappeared.Not long after, a book emitting golden light appeared in Xiao Hansheng's mind, and the three big characters 'Ming Dao Lu' on it exuded supreme divine light.Xiao Hansheng couldn't wait to open the book.However, at this moment, Xiao Hansheng couldn't even turn the first page, which made Xiao Hansheng quite annoyed, what's the use of not being able to see something if you have a baby? !

At this time, Xiao Hansheng shouted in his heart: "Senior, please tell me your name, and let me know who my master is?"

At this time, the voice came slowly: "You can call me Hong! As for "Ming Daolu", you still can't use it now! Now you have not yet developed your heavenly wisdom. When your heavenly wisdom is activated, "Ming Daolu" can be cultivated time!" and then disappeared.

Xiao Hansheng shouted in his heart again, hoping to ask something else.However, after a long time, there was no movement. It seemed that the voice had indeed disappeared.

Xiao Hansheng sorted out his mood and stood up.Seeing that the jug and wine glass were still there, Xiao Hansheng sat down on the stone bench again, and looked around wickedly, as if he was afraid that people would know that he was doing something bad.Seeing that no one was there, he grabbed the wine glass again, hoping to pour out the Primordial Creation Wine from it.After all, according to what Hong said, this wine seems to be very powerful.The more good things, the better.Xiao Hansheng used his hand to grab the jug, but unexpectedly he didn't pick it up.Xiao Hansheng took it once but didn't take it out, and took it again and it still didn't come out.Now, regardless of his image, Xiao Hansheng stood on the table, pouted his buttocks, and pulled up hard!It took all of my strength to lift it up.

At this time, the voice came again, and said helplessly: "You can't be so greedy! It's your great fortune to have a drink, and you want to take it all away!" With a cry, a burst of power that came from nowhere directly took Xiao Hansheng To fall to the ground.

Xiao Hansheng rubbed his buttocks, and said in his heart: "It's extremely stingy!" At this moment, Xiao Hansheng already knew that he might not be able to get on that giant, so he simply left here.When Xiao Hansheng was about to leave, he suddenly saw a white shadow flash in front of him and disappear.Xiao Hansheng wondered in his heart: "Could it be that there are people coming to this place?" However, Xiao Hansheng didn't see it clearly after all, and shook his head and didn't think about it.

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng bypassed the white giant and walked forward for an unknown time. Suddenly, a green light of Xiao Hansheng stayed in front of Xiao Hansheng. up).This green fragment appeared and turned into a young man with a green figure. This young man is the soul of Tianxin, the spirit of Tianxin.At this time, Tianxin looked at Xiao Hansheng, and said slowly: "Xiao Hansheng, I have already felt the breath of the immortal supreme artifact, the Heavenly Heart. And my task is to obtain the Heavenly Heart for the person who has the green fragment. And at this moment you have already Get Hong's approval, you come with me!"

Immediately, Tianxin was floating in the air, and Xiao Hansheng below followed Tianxin, step by step.After walking for a long time, I finally saw a red light beating slightly in front of me.

The two speeded up in an instant and came to the side of the Heart of Heaven. Xiao Hansheng gasped when he saw it, and felt that the Heart of Heaven was beating like a human heart, and what was flowing inside was viscous chaotic air.

At this time, Tian Xin didn't talk to her, and rushed into Tian Xin like a flying arrow.Suddenly, the aura of the heart of the sky skyrocketed, as if half of the sky was crushed.

But at this moment, the outside sky immediately turned crimson, enveloping the entire cultivation world.And similarly, the fairy world and the god world are also shrouded in crimson.

In the endless void of the God Realm, in a thatched hut, a man with green face and fangs, with a ghostly aura was sitting on the cattail grass. Suddenly, with a move from the ghost claw, a white jade disk-shaped object fell into the ghost claw, and flew towards the white jade disk-shaped object. Make gestures twice.The violent beating of the Heart of Heaven was impressively displayed on the white jade plate, but there was no trace of Xiao Hansheng, and the man with the green face and fangs said hoarsely: "Since the Heart of Heaven has come out, the wheel of the law of heaven will come out, and the God Realm will surely be in chaos! However, people who cannot see the heart of heaven is really a big trouble!"

At this moment, Zixiao Palace suddenly shook, and a purple-red light curtain suddenly flashed, gathering a huge palm, and slapped forward, as if fighting someone again.

At this time, in the endless void of the God Realm, the image of the white jade plate in the hands of the man with the blue face and fangs flashed outside the Zixiao Palace, and when he saw it was a scene of a big battle, the man with the blue face and fangs said in surprise: "It's him!" However, suddenly The hoarse voice said coldly: "So that's what he came up with!" The green-faced man with fangs pondered for a while and said, "You can't get the Heart of Heaven, otherwise..." Then he said via voice transmission: "Ling Tian, ​​Lihen, time ...The compassion has been revealed, and it is taking the heart of the sky. Let him get it, and you should think about the consequences."

At this moment, Lihen, the owner of Lihen Tiangong, is a little uneasy at this moment, this is the first time in countless epochs.Hearing someone's voice transmission, he sneered twice: "So it's you! This time, no matter what, I can't let you run away!"

Then he divided into six figures and left.

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng didn't feel the vibration of Zixiao Palace, Xiao Hansheng was staring at Tianxin in a daze, shocked by the strength of Tianxin.At this moment, Tianxin has completely taken over Tianxin.

At this moment, Tian Xin appeared and said, "It's chaotic outside, so hurry up and use the "Ji Tian Que" technique to receive the strongest immortal artifact!"

Xiao Hansheng immediately ran 28 sentences of "Ji Tian Que", and the waves fluctuated on Xiao Hansheng.At this moment, the green fragment came into play, immediately enveloping the Heart of Heaven.In an instant, the heart of heaven shrank to the size of a normal person's heart, and in an instant, it rushed into the heart of Xiao Hansheng's main soul.

A powerful force immediately hit Xiao Hansheng.In an instant, Xiao Hansheng passed out, leaving only the viscous chaotic air flowing slowly.

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