Chapter 67 Civil Disturbance in the Castle of the Sky

At the moment when Xiao Hansheng and Rou Meier were about to complete their marriage, an unpleasant voice came.At this time, four figures flashed into the hall.Judging from the appearance of the four people, they were Yue Xingjian, Yue Ziqun, Yue Zishan, and Li Xiao.

Seeing the four people, Rou Ran and Kou Ba's faces were gloomy and frightening, and they never thought that these four people would come back at this time.

At this moment, Yue Xingjian said in a cold voice: "City Lord, you once promised to betroth Meier to Ziqun, why did you break your promise and get fat today?"

At this moment, Rou Ran was thinking quickly, why did old Yue Xingjian ask the teacher for his crimes just after he came back?Using divine sense to detect, he couldn't feel Yue Xingjian's existence.But after investigating other people, they found nothing except that Yue Zishan had reached the middle stage of the fairyland, which surprised Rouran.At this moment, Rouran understands that they have the strength to deal with everything, and they are not afraid.Since they dared to come, it meant that they would no longer allow themselves to be city lords.Now that she has thought about this matter clearly, Rou Ran secretly makes up her mind.

At this time, Rou Ran smiled slightly, ignored Yue Xingjian's words, and said to Xiao Hansheng Rou Meier: "Hurry up and finish your last worship!"

So Xiao Hansheng and Rou Meier "husband and wife bowed to each other" and completed the wedding.This move was very shocking, even Yue Xingjian didn't expect this result, and his face became gloomy immediately.

At this time, Rou Ran said loudly: "Han Sheng, Meier, you go to the inner room, this place is not suitable for you!" I'll stay here!" Then he stepped aside and remained silent.And Rou Meier also retreated to the side with Xiao Hansheng, obviously a husband and wife.

Seeing that no one answered his question, Yue Xingjian was furious. How could he have been in such a predicament? !With a cold drink: "Rou Ran, do you think I'm dead?!"

Only then did Rou Ran step down from the main seat, and said with a sneer: "Yes, I already regarded you as dead. So today I announce in the name of the city lord that you, Yue Xingjian, will be expelled from the Sky City!"

Hearing Rou Ran's words, Yue Xingjian's face turned red instantly, showing a ferocious expression: "You drove me out of Sky City? You are so brave!"

Rou Ran whispered two words: "Not bad!"

Hearing these two words, Yue Xingjian calmed down and said, "I have devoted my whole life to the Sky City, but you actually drove me out of the Sky City?"

Rou Ran took a look at Yue Xingjian and said, "I've devoted my whole life to the Sky City? You're doing it for yourself!"

At this time, Yue Xingjian smiled instead: "Oh?"

Rou Ran said slowly: "You are the elder of my Sky City, and my father and Uncle Kou worked together to unify the monsters in the west and established the Sky City. At first you worked hard, all for the Sky City. However, you changed ten thousand years ago. You wanted to seize the city of the sky and become the ruler! So you began to cultivate your own power secretly, and secretly recruited the elders to support you! It is a pity that your strength is the weakest one after all. My father warned After you, you will restrain yourself!" After speaking, he glanced at Yue Xingjian.

Yue Xingjian nodded: "Very good! Continue!"

Rou Ran continued: "So you became more careful, and you didn't dare to make big moves for 6000 years. Until 4000 years ago, you said that you found a shocking treasure outside the territory, so you encouraged my father and Uncle Kou Going to search for the treasure, so far my father and Uncle Kou have not heard from each other. After that, you will become the Great Elder of the Sky City, and become the real master of the Sky City. Then you willfully kill the elders who are at odds with you. That’s because Kou Ba and I are still weak in cultivation, although we have doubts, we can only hold them in our hearts.”

At this time Kou Ba continued: "Actually, my father also knew about his wolfish ambitions, so he left a jade slip. It said: If there is any accident, it will be Yue Xingjian's fault. It's brothers, too urgent? My father sealed this jade slip and could not open it until I arrived in the fairyland. My father knew that opening it too early would only kill Rouran and me, so he allowed it to be opened only after he had the strength to protect himself. After knowing the truth, I fought with him everywhere. You are against me, and I will deal with you!"

Yue Xingjian said bitterly: "They don't treat me as a brother!"

Kou Ba said coldly: "Old man, if you don't treat others as a brother first, how can others treat you as a brother?!"

Yue Xingjian also said in a cold voice: "Fart! I treat them as brothers, but they don't treat me as brothers! Remember when the three of us built Sky City together, do you know how much I paid?! My family, my relatives The brothers all died at the hands of the enemy! However, when the Sky City is established, one will be the city lord and the other will be the great elder. As for me, I only end up with the title of elder! How can I be content with this?! I contributed the most , but get the least, how can you let me be willing!"

Rou Ran said coldly: "Then you shouldn't murder brother!"

Yue Xingjian shouted: "So what if I murdered my brother?! I just get back what should belong to me! This time I come back and I will completely get back what should belong to me!"

Rou Ran opened her eyes angrily, and said word by word: "You want the position of the city lord?"

Yue Xingjian looked at Rouran indifferently and said: "That's right! That should belong to me. Rouran, you should give up! Now you are no longer my opponent. I can tell you that I have reached the late stage of the Heavenly Wonderland. Li Xiao has also reached the late stage of the Heavenly Wonderland! With us here, you can't escape!"

Rou Ran glanced at Li Xiao and said, "This is my own business in Sky City, and has nothing to do with your Sword God Sect. Please leave this place!"

Li Xiao sneered twice: "It had nothing to do with my Sword God Sect just now, but now it does!"

Now Kou Ba and Rou Ran were a little stunned and didn't understand why.

Li Xiao laughed twice, pointed at Xiao Hansheng and said, "This kid promised me to return the green hairpin to my Sword God Sect after leaving Zixiao Palace. However, after four months, my Sword God Sect did not get it back Hairpin! So this old man has no choice but to shamelessly beg for that hairpin!"

When Xiao Hansheng heard Li Xiao's words, his heart skipped a beat.Secretly said: I was so busy being with Rou Meier that I actually forgot about it.Then he walked up to Li Xiao and said, "Sect Master Li, I'm sorry, I forgot about this matter. I will return this hairpin to you now, and please leave Sky City as soon as you get it!"

After hearing Xiao Hansheng's words, Li Xiao's face darkened immediately, and he shouted: "Boy, what is your identity, how dare you order me? What's more, the elders of my Sword God Sect risked their lives to save you. For my own sake. At that time, I really misjudged my eyes and believed in you, a despicable villain!"

When Xiao Hansheng heard Li Xiao's words, his face was full of anger, and he said in a cold voice: "Who is a despicable villain, please tell me clearly!"

Li Xiao shrugged his shoulders: "Who else is there, of course you! You promised to return the things to me, Sword God Sect, but after four months, you still haven't returned them. If you want to keep them for yourself, you are naturally a despicable villain!"

After hearing Li Xiao's words, Sanxiu, a small sect who came here to watch the ceremony, began to discuss.Someone said softly: "Look, this is the son-in-law of Sky City. It's a shame that he would do such a thing!" For these small sects and casual cultivators, they dare not speak ill of Yue Xingjian at all, let alone they have already seen that at this time, Sky City is fighting for power, and they have already seen that Yue Xingjian has the upper hand. For the small sect, it is natural to speak out to express one's position.

After Xiao Hansheng heard it, the veins on his face popped up, he took out the hairpin, and said in a cold voice: "Give it back to you!" After saying that, he was about to throw it to Li Xiao, and Li Xiao also showed a happy expression on his face.At the moment when Xiao Hansheng handed it to Li Xiao, Xiao Hansheng suddenly thought of the scene where the corpse was all over the sky, and immediately took his hand back, and asked: "Li Xiao, under the circumstances at that time, I saw that you were already dead. How can I survive?"

Li Xiao saw Xiao Hansheng retracting the hairpin with murderous intent on his face, but he still endured it and said in a cold voice, "Am I lucky?"

At this time Kou Ba came to Xiao Hansheng's side and asked, "What's going on?" Xiao Hansheng recounted the scene of the Sword God Sect being chased and killed by the Chaos Sect.

"Soul Refining and Locking Corpse Formation?!" Kou Ba's face suddenly became serious, and he said slowly: "When I was wandering outside the territory, I once read a strange book called "Tianhai Zhi" which recorded in detail the soul refining lock. The function of the corpse formation!"

When Kou Ba was about to go down, suddenly a sword light flashed and came in front of Kou Ba.This sword came so suddenly and so fast that no one had any defenses!

At this moment, Kou Ba seemed to be well prepared, and he dodged the sword light all at once.Kou Ba suddenly shouted: "Li Xiao, you are trying to kill someone! I know the secret of this soul-refining and corpse-locking array!"

At this moment Li Xiao stared at Kou Ba and said, "What secret?!"

Kou Ba said confidently: "The secret of this Soul Refining Corpse Formation is to absorb the spiritual power of others to strengthen oneself! This is the secret of the Soul Refining Corpse Formation."

After hearing this, Li Xiao's face was gloomy and frightening, and he said, "Okay! Since you know, it's okay for me to tell you! I got the Soul Refining Corpse Formation from a book, and this formation can absorb other people's souls. Use spiritual power to quickly improve your cultivation! However, this formation requires the willing dedication of the person performing the formation, otherwise it will make people mentally confused, like a fool. And I know that the elders of the Sword God Sect have the ability to restore the ancient times of my Sword God Sect Glory, so I will take advantage of it. How can I make them willing to give? That is, when the Sword God Sect is in danger of cutting off the inheritance, I will be willing to give. So I waited for the opportunity, but unfortunately I did not succeed after waiting for a full 50 years. Until When Zixiao Palace was opened, I had an idea. So I contacted the people from the Chaos Sect and asked them to push the Sword God Sect to a dead end. In this case, I proposed to use the Soul Refining Lock Corpse Formation to deal with the people of the Chaos Sect! And at this moment, I met this kid." While speaking, Li Xiao pointed his finger at Xiao Hansheng, and continued: "Because of the existence of this kid, the elders of Sword God Sect can rest in peace when they hand over the inheritance of Sword God Sect to Xiao Hansheng. I also handed over the hairpin in due course Give it to that kid to show your determination. So the elders of Sword God Sect are willing to die!"

Everyone gasped when they heard Li Xiao's words, and said to themselves, "This master of the Sword God Sect is really a ruthless person. In order to improve his cultivation, he actually killed all of his fellow sects."

Kou Ba clasped his hands to Li Xiao and said, "Li Xiao, I give in to you! To sacrifice the entire Sword God Sect for my own selfishness is quite courageous! I, Kou Ba, thought I couldn't do it! But by the way, I have never read " Tian Hai Zhi", that book does not exist at all!"

When Li Xiao heard Kou Ba's words, he immediately flew into a rage, for he had been tricked.However, Li Xiao immediately laughed.After all, Li Xiao, who has reached the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm, is already the peak master in the cultivation world, and he is not afraid of anything!

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng's face was flushed, his eyes glowed red, and he was panting violently. Obviously, he was extremely angry. Thinking of the faces of those elders who were willing to sacrifice in order to restore the glory of Sword God Sect, Xiao Hansheng suddenly felt worthless for them, so worthless!It is even more worthless to die for this despicable person.

Xiao Hansheng stared at Li Xiao, suddenly raised his hands, and swore to the sky: "I, Xiao Hansheng, swear that I will not get rid of Li Xiao, and I will not be a human being!"

At this time, Li Xiao looked at Xiao Hansheng with a grin on his face: "You won't survive today!"

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