Chapter 73

In this way, Xiao Hansheng became No. 2 in the Longwei City Competition.However, Xiao Hansheng didn't care too much.When Xiao Hansheng left the field, he saw Huang Tianyi coming here.He was still far away and shouted: "Brother Xiao, please stay!" Xiao Hansheng still had a good impression of Huang Tianyi, he didn't look aloof like other disciples.

Xiao Hansheng cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Brother Huang is good!"

Huang Tianyi waved his hand: "Don't mention it, bad luck!"

Xiao Hansheng was a little puzzled, and asked, "Why?"

Huang Tianyi had no choice but to say: "It's not because of you! You were the No.1 in this round, but I'm not the chief examiner here. So you can only be No.2!"

Xiao Hansheng said with a smile: "Thank you, Brother Huang, for your kindness. The ranking is still in the second place, as long as you can enter the Danxia School!"

Huang Tianyi shook his head, and said: "I think Brother Xiao's Nascent Soul has been abolished, and it may be very difficult to enter the Danxia Sect!"

Xiao Hansheng smiled, didn't care too much, and said: "It's my luck to be able to enter, and it's my destiny not to be able to enter!" Xiao Hansheng's confidence comes from "Ming Daolu".When Xiao Hansheng's heavenly wisdom was opened, Xiao Hansheng could practice immediately.When Xiao Hansheng saw it, his heart was pounding, because "Ming Daolu" recorded a variety of cultivation methods, which can not only cultivate the purple palace Yuanying, but also the heart Yuanying can also be cultivated together, which made Xiao Hansheng lament this method Wonderful!Generally speaking, almost all exercises can only cultivate the Zigong Yuanying, but this method has a unique way to cultivate the Heart Yuanying!In fact, Xiao Hansheng didn't know that in the era of chaos, the two methods go hand in hand, or that the heart soul is stronger.Therefore, all powerful beings are practicing the Heart Nascent Soul.However, these powerful beings are self-cherishing, so the method of heart Yuanying cultivation gradually fades into obscurity.When the universe opened up, Zigong Yuanying was handed down and gradually became the mainstream.Xiao Hansheng got the "Ming Daolu" and started to practice, but the movement of practicing this method was too much, and the spiritual energy roared into the heart, forming a spiritual storm.Xiao Han was afraid that interested people would pay attention to him, so he temporarily suppressed the temptation to practice "Ming Daolu", and planned to enter the Danxia School before practicing.

Huang Tianyi heard Xiao Hansheng's words, and admired him: "Brother Xiao is really open-minded!"

Xiao Hansheng chuckled, and suddenly asked: "I don't know when I can enter the next round of competition?"

Huang Tianyi immediately arrived: "It should be in three days! After all, this place is a month away from the Danxia School, so we should leave soon!"

After Xiao Han was born, he bid farewell to Huang Tianyi.

Three days later, more than [-] people who passed the initial test came to the residence of the Danxia School, preparing to participate in the competition at the headquarters of the Danxia School, in order to choose the best to become disciples of the Danxia School.

And Xiao Hansheng also came here, just in time to meet the No.1 Li Hua in the preliminary round.At this moment Li Hua stood in front of Xiao Hansheng, looking at Xiao Hansheng with contempt, as if he was so great.Xiao Hansheng didn't bother to talk to this self-important person, so he was going to make a detour!Unexpectedly, Li Hua would not give up, and a voice came from behind Xiao Hansheng: "It turned out to be a pustule, I thought he was some kind of amazing person!"

When Xiao Hansheng heard this, Huo Di turned his head and said coldly, "What did you say?"

Li Hua is a disciple of the younger generation of the Li family in Cangping City. This Li family is also a well-known force in hundreds of nearby cities, and Li Hua is quite talented in alchemy, so he has become an extremely powerful person in the Li family.Li Hua, who was used to calling the wind and rain in the Li family, naturally didn't pay attention to anyone. However, when Li Hua learned that Xiao Hansheng was able to refine the fifth-grade living elixir, he immediately hated Xiao Hansheng, and decided to teach Xiao Hansheng a lesson.That's why there was a scene of deliberately finding fault with Xiao Hansheng.

Li Hua walked in front of Xiao Hansheng, looked at Xiao Hansheng with contempt and said: "I said you are a coward, a coward!"

The other contestants knew that Li Hua was amazing, and they all echoed, "Yes! Yes!" "Li Hua is right!"

Immediately, a cold light shot out from Xiao Hansheng's eyes, and he mobilized the aura around him with his spiritual consciousness and instantly turned it into a hand of aura, pinching Li Hua's neck.Li Hua was hung in mid-air, struggling to get out of Xiao Hansheng's aura, but Xiao Hansheng's spiritual cultivation was in the fairyland, and it was easy to deal with a monk who had only survived a single punishment in the early stages of the Heaven's Punishment Realm.At this time, Li Hua's face was flushed in mid-air, and he kept kicking his legs, but there was no sign of getting rid of it.

At this moment, he shouted loudly: "Xiao Hansheng, let him go!"

Xiao Hansheng looked back, and it was Ge Tianhua who spoke.Ge Tianhua was walking in front of Xiao Hansheng step by step and said word by word: "I asked you to put him down, do you understand?"

Xiao Hansheng suddenly turned his head to look at Ge Tianhua, and said softly: "I won't let him go, what can you do?!"

Ge Tianhua was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect someone to talk to him like this, his expression darkened immediately: "I will kill you!"

Xiao Hansheng didn't speak, but told Ge Tianhua his answer with actions.I saw the hand of spiritual energy clenched tightly, and only heard the sound of bones breaking.Immediately, Li Hua was pinched into meatloaf, and a Nascent Soul rushed out, wanting to escape from here, a divine consciousness sent a transparent invisible power through Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness and transmitted it to Li Hua's Nascent Soul, and the Nascent Soul immediately Exploded, turned into aura and scattered in the world.

Ge Tianhua's face suddenly twisted: "If you kill him, you will not live!" Ge Tianhua immediately rose into the sky and looked at Xiao Hansheng indifferently, and said coldly: "You asked for this! I thought you were a genius , but now it seems that you are nothing but an idiot!"

Xiao Hansheng mobilized the aura around him, and also flew into the sky to look at Ge Tianhua, and said softly, "Really? I don't think I'm a fool!" Xiao Hansheng already knew that he was too cowardly when he passed through Sky City. His character is bound to suffer greatly, so Xiao Hansheng examines himself and decides to change himself so that he is more suitable for the true law of the cultivation world: the strong are respected.

Ge Tianhua stared at Xiao Hansheng, and thought in his heart, because he hadn't noticed the fluctuation of spiritual power in Xiao Hansheng before, so he didn't care much about Xiao Hansheng.However, under this situation, Xiao Hansheng's spiritual power did not fluctuate but he was able to fly, and he immediately knew that the person in front of him was using the power of divine consciousness.When he went to detect Xiao Hansheng, he couldn't find Xiao Hansheng's existence, and immediately understood that Xiao Hansheng's cultivation base was higher than his.However, as a disciple of the Danxia Sect, he has the pride of belonging to a super powerful force, even if he is not as good as the opponent, he still has to fight!

Ge Tianhua took out his alchemy cauldron just like Xiao Hansheng smashed it.The main weapon of an alchemist is his own alchemy tripod, which can not only make alchemy but also be used as a weapon for both offense and defense, so most alchemists will use the alchemy tripod as a weapon, and Ge Tianhua is no exception.

I saw the crimson alchemy tripod hitting Xiao Hansheng.Xiao Hansheng's main soul mobilized the power of the sea of ​​consciousness to form spears of spiritual consciousness one after another. The released spears of spiritual consciousness devoured the surrounding aura and hit the crimson alchemy cauldron. Knocking back the crimson alchemy cauldron, the rest of the spears of divine consciousness also stabbed at the red alchemy cauldron.

Influenced by the Alchemy Cauldron, Ge Tianhua stepped back step by step.In the process of Ge Tianhua's retreat, Xiao Hansheng came behind Xiao Hansheng with a dodge, and suddenly the spiritual hand turned into spiritual consciousness pinched Ge Tianhua's neck.

When everything was quiet, the people below shouted, they all watched Xiao Hansheng pinch Ge Tianhua's neck in disbelief.The people below can't imagine that the disciples of the Danxia sect were defeated and pinched by the neck.And Huang Tianyi, who was watching below, dropped his jaw in shock. He wanted to save Xiao Hansheng's life at the critical moment, but in the end Xiao Hansheng was victorious!

At this time, Ge Tianhua didn't expect this to be the result, he stared at Xiao Hansheng and said: "I lost, kill or cut as you like!"

Xiao Hansheng smiled slightly and said, "I won't kill you!"

Ge Tianhua asked, "Why?"

Xiao Hansheng sighed: "I have a deep relationship with the Danxia Sect, and I will not kill the disciples of the Danxia Sect!" Then he fell to the ground.

When everyone present saw Xiao Hansheng being born, they all looked at Xiao Hansheng in fear. Before that, no one thought that this seemingly ordinary-looking young man possessed great strength.

Huang Tianyi came in front of Xiao Hansheng and said: "I didn't expect Brother Xiao to have such strength that he could defeat Ge Tianhua in the middle stage of the Ascension Realm. It's really amazing!"

Xiao Hansheng waved his hands and said modestly: "Where! Where!"

Huang Tianyi waved his hand and said, "Brother Xiao, don't be modest! I really want to know what cultivation level Brother Xiao has achieved before?"

Xiao Hansheng felt that Huang Tianyi was not bad, so he said: "At the beginning of the Ascension Realm! But occasionally, I feel that my comprehension of Tao has reached the fairyland!" The direct expression of the level of comprehension of Tao is the level of spiritual consciousness.

Huang Tianyi observed Xiao Hansheng again, and said, "You are not very old, are you! What a peerless genius!"

What can Xiao Hansheng say?I can only smile.

At this moment, Huang Tianyi asked Xiao Hansheng mysteriously: "I know you will definitely be able to enter the Danxia sect. I don't know whose sect you plan to enter?"

Hearing this, Xiao Hansheng's heart moved, what he most wanted to enter was Wu Yong's sect.However, he didn't know much about the Danxia School, so he wanted to take this opportunity to learn about the situation of the Danxia School.So he said to Huang Tianyi: "I don't know much about the Danxia sect, so I haven't planned to join anyone's sect yet!"

When Huang Tianyi heard Xiao Hansheng's words, he immediately felt that there was a door, so he couldn't wait to tell the situation of the Danxia faction, only to hear Huang Tianyi slowly say: "The Danxia faction is divided into a combat department and an alchemy department. After all, the Danxia faction also needs a strong one." Cultivators come to protect the sect and safeguard the interests of the sect. It is like a person with huge wealth who has no ability to protect the wealth, and will naturally be coveted by others. This is the case of the Danxia sect, so a war department is specially set up. "

Xiao Hansheng nodded, and understood the situation of the Danxia School.

Huang Tianyi continued: "As for the situation of the war department, I won't talk about it. After all, you will definitely not go in! The alchemy department is divided into thirteen branches, all of which were created by the big bosses of the Danxia sect. They are Jialan Yimai, Xuntian Yimai, Tianxuan Yimai, Wu Yongyimai... These are the thirteen meridians, and I am the disciple of Xuntian Yimai! So I hope you can join my Xuntian Yimai, Brother Xiao what do you think?"

Xiao Hansheng asked: "How is the strength of these thirteen veins distributed?"

Huang Tianyi said: "The Jialan lineage is the strongest, and the Tianxuan lineage is below it... My Sky Surveying lineage is at eighth... Wu Yong's lineage is the last"

Xiao Hansheng was stunned, and thought: "My master can't be that bad!" So he asked Huang Tianyi about the situation of Wu Yong's lineage.

Huang Tianyi sighed: "Wu Yong's lineage was originally the strongest, but some accidents happened to slip to the last place! As for the more detailed situation, you can ask yourself when you go to the Danxia School!"

Xiao Hansheng sighed secretly.

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