Immortal Artifact

Chapter 77 Perfect!Perfect!Perfect!

Chapter 77 is perfect!Perfect!Perfect!

This competition has officially started.

And the suzerain elders also began to close their eyes and meditate. Although there are a few of these people who are very good at alchemy, they are just good, and they don't deserve their special attention.

As for Xiao Hansheng, there is a lot to watch the theater, "I just need to enter the Danxia School, there is no need to snatch No. 1 or something like that."

When it officially started, it was carried out in batches, with 3 people in each batch for competition.And Xiao Hansheng was assigned to the ninth batch, which happened to be the same as his ranking on the Dragon and Tiger List.

When the first batch is just beginning, everyone will refine their best panacea.Generally speaking, the Danxia Sect will only choose disciples who can refine the living elixir. After all, only the refining of the elixir can tell the level of a person's potential.Among the refined elixir, whoever has the highest grade and the strongest spirituality will win; if the grade is the same, the relative spirituality depends on your function: the best for quick healing, and can save people's lives; followed by combat ones Yes, the higher the level of improvement, the greater the probability of winning; as for the last category is the auxiliary category, it is judged according to the practicality.Generally speaking, there are only three types of alchemy.

The grand occasion of 3 people making alchemy here still shocked Xiao Hansheng, "Only the Danxia sect can summon so many alchemists to do alchemy in one place!"

Tang Qining on the side sighed: "In fact, the Danxia faction is not the top sect, and it can be ranked in the middle of the [-] superpowers, but today, it seems that the hidden strength of the Danxia faction is still there. It’s really not to be underestimated. If the Medicine Sect hadn’t been separated, the Danxia Sect would have been ranked in the top five!”

Hu Lin couldn't help but said: "Yes! One hundred and eight superpowers are not easy. Almost every family has something to do with the upper realm! I heard that someone from the upper realm directly..." "Cough! Cough!" At this moment, Tang Qining He coughed twice.Hu Lin understood, so she also shut up.

When Xiao Hansheng heard this, his heart moved, "Does it have something to do with people from the fairy world?" At this moment Xiao Hansheng also understood that he and Tang Qining were just nodding acquaintances, far from being close friends.

The scene was suddenly remembered coldly, a little embarrassed, Hu Lin is also a clever person, and said casually: "Brother Xiao, who do you think will win No.1 in the first game?"

Xiao Hansheng used his spiritual sense to find out, scanned around, and said: "Zhang Kuo is the strongest in this group, and he should be able to win the first place!"

Hu Lin also went on to say: "Yes! I think Liu Lanxia can win the No.2 this time..." After a while, the atmosphere became lively.

After half a day of competition, as Xiao Hansheng expected, Zhang Kuo won the first place, and No.2 was Liu Lanxia...

Time passed quickly, it was already the fifth day of the official competition, and it was time for Xiao Hansheng to play today.Before Tang Qining, Hu Lin also won the championship in their own group.But at this moment Xiao Hansheng came on stage, seeing everyone put up their postures and started alchemy.Xiao Hansheng smiled lightly, ready to start alchemy.Not long after, the fragrance of pills overflowed, Xiao Hansheng refined a seventh-rank peak living elixir, handed it in and left here, and came to Tang Qining's side.

Tang Qining asked curiously: "How good are you in practice?"


Tang Qining was taken aback, "Seventh Grade can't be No.1 in Group Nine!"

Xiao Hansheng smiled lightly, "I just need to enter the Danxia School! I don't care about the rest!"

The tenth group played next, and the result of this round was quite surprising. No.1 was actually won by an unknown, tall, thin, tall and cold young man.It was only afterwards that Xiao Hansheng learned that this person was named Zheng Lun.

Seeing that all the competitions in each group were over, the suzerain stood up and said: "The ranking of each group will be announced tomorrow! And the top five in each group will participate in the competition for the top thirteen, and then you can control yourself It’s up to you to choose which branch to go to. As for genius disciples and ordinary disciples, they will be recruited according to nouns until the required places are recruited.” Immediately, the suzerain and the elders left here.

As for the top five in each group, they were invited to the core area of ​​the Danxia School - Danxia Domain.For these 50 people, the elders in charge of this competition dare not neglect, after all, these people may become Danxia's real high-level people.

When 50 people entered the Danxia Domain, they were also attracted by the beautiful scenery here, and they couldn't help admiring, "This is really a good place!" "The scenery here is really good, with a faint fragrance."

Among the 50 people, there was a little girl in bright red clothes who heard them praise this place, and immediately smiled, as if she had heard some good news.

Just when the little girl was happy, a discordant voice appeared, "The scenery is average, nothing unusual!" It was Zheng Lun who spoke.

Hearing this, the little girl's face darkened immediately, and she shouted coquettishly: "The scenery here is the most beautiful place in the entire cultivation world! It is also the best place! There is nothing comparable to it!"

Zheng Lun was very excited to see this little girl, glanced at her, and walked straight forward without saying a word.Zheng Lun's action made the little girl stomp her feet angrily, but there was nothing she could do!

Three days later, the competition for the top thirteen was about to begin.

This time the competition adopts the mode of catching and fighting, that is, one-on-one. The winner will enter the next round, and the loser will directly become a genius disciple.

At this time, the opponent Xiao Hansheng was facing was Zhang Kuo, the second-ranked player in the dragon and tiger list, and No.1 in the first group.At this time, Zhang Kuo looked down on Xiao Hansheng a little bit. After all, Xiao Hansheng ranked ninth in the dragon and tiger list, and only won the second place in the group competition.This made Zhang Kuo think that Xiao Hansheng could be easily defeated.

At this moment, Zhang Kuo was condescending, "Xiao Hansheng, you'd better admit defeat! Because you can't win at all!"

Originally, Xiao Hansheng didn't care much about where to go, but after hearing Zhang Kuo's remarks, Xiao Hansheng was extremely disgusted, "It's not certain who will win the deer!"

Tang Qining still has great confidence in Xiao Hansheng's ability to defeat Zhang Kuo, after all, he even defeated himself.

Xiao Hansheng took out the Zijin Cauldron, which was given to Xiao Hansheng by Tang Qining.Han Sheng happened to have no alchemy cauldron to use at this time, so he took it for the time being, and later found a better one to return to Tang Qining, after all, Xiao Hansheng did not want to owe favors to others.

When Xiao Hansheng took out the Alchemy Cauldron, which was only an eighth-grade spiritual weapon, Zhang Kuo showed a disdainful expression on his face, obviously looking down on Xiao Hansheng's Zijin Cauldron.After speaking, he took out an alchemy cauldron, which reached the level of a first-grade immortal weapon.Xiao Hansheng suddenly realized that this guy took out such a thing to show off!

"Do you know what I have? The heart of heaven, the supreme immortal artifact, have you heard of it? The Immortal Sword, the strongest attack artifact, do you know? Take it out and scare you to death! It's very easy to scare me with a first-grade immortal artifact. Isn’t it amazing?!” Xiao Hansheng felt obsessed.But Xiao Hansheng didn't show it on his face.

Xiao Hansheng intends to refine a living elixir that is the pinnacle of the eighth rank, so Xiao Hansheng selected Zhu Lingguo, the ninth rank spiritual fruit, and Baique Ling, the ninth rank spiritual grass.Xiao Hansheng mobilized his spiritual consciousness, and the aura of heaven and earth began to gather, and with a 'boom', it began to burn blazingly.

At this moment, all the elders on the stage suddenly opened their eyes and looked at Xiao Hansheng.And one of the gray-haired elders was Huang Tianyi's master Wang Xuntian. When Wang Xuntian saw Xiao Hansheng use his spiritual consciousness to mobilize the aura of heaven and earth into flames, he knew that he was the Xiao Hansheng mentioned by his disciple Huang Tianyi.Wang Xuntian whispered, "Let's see what surprises you can give me!"

And the other elders were very strange, "Why does the person in front of me use the power of divine consciousness? You must know that the flame formed by the power of divine consciousness cannot be compared with the fire of the Nascent Soul." Immediately, all the elders detected Xiao Han's life The force fluctuated, but the result of the feedback did not fluctuate at all.

Zhang Tianxuan, the founder of the Tianxuan lineage, asked: "What's going on at this time?"

Wang Xuntian smiled slightly, "This Xiao Hansheng was murdered by a traitor, so the Nascent Soul was abolished, and he could only use the power of divine consciousness to turn it into flames."

Zhang Tianxuan said: "It seems that the cultivation of spiritual consciousness is not weak, and he is also a genius! It's a pity." He shook his head and sighed.

And behind the many elders, there stood a middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance. His hair had already turned white, and he sighed in a low voice: "Is this the Xiao Hansheng that Master mentioned?"

Xiao Hansheng threw Zhu Lingguo and Pechoin into the Zijin Cauldron, and suddenly the flames burned violently again.And Zhang Kuo snorted coldly, and began to refine the elixir.

When the elixir gradually took shape, Xiao Hansheng decided to change the use of the Jue, and decided to use Kun Jue. Suddenly, a mountain-like aura descended, and Xiao Hansheng quickly slapped the Zijin Cauldron, inputting the Spirit Jue into the Zijin Cauldron.I saw that Zijin Ding quickly turned purple, and it felt like it was about to explode.

Xiao Hansheng integrated his light and easy emotions into Kunjue, and roared, "Kunjue, it's done!" With a 'buzz', purple light burst out, and the pill was successfully refined.The temperature began to drop, and at this moment, it seemed that something was violently hitting the Zijin Ding.Xiao Hansheng opened the Zijin tripod, and a lark flew out from inside, flapping its wings and trying to fly away from here.It turned out to be an animal panacea.

When the elders of the Danxia sect saw this scene, Huo Di stood up, staring at the little bird.After a while, Wang Xuntian let out a breath slowly, "Genius, peerless genius."

Then he said kindly to Xiao Hansheng: "Can you show me this elixir!"

Xiao Hansheng sent the elixir, "Perfect! Perfect! Perfect!" Wang Xuntian, who seldom praises others, praised three perfections in a row, which is incredible.When Wang Xuntian showed the pill to the other elders, the expressions on the faces of the elders became even more incredible.

Wang Xuntian asked: "I don't know what is the spirit-giving technique you used just now?" The other elders also looked at Xiao Hansheng.

Xiao Hansheng said: "At this time, I accidentally found a book in a cave, which recorded 73 moves, and I practiced accordingly. It turned out that it was a spiritual art for alchemy, so I began to practice alchemy."

Wang Xuntian was slightly disappointed, "I see that you are very familiar with alchemy techniques, did you learn from someone?"

Xiao Hansheng asked this question, and said: "Thanks to Master Wu Yong's attention, I have learned the art of refining medicine from him for a period of time."

Hearing Xiao Hansheng's words, the elders looked at each other in blank dismay.

As for the result of this competition, naturally Xiao Hansheng won and Zhang Kuo lost, which made Zhang Kuo extremely resentful towards Xiao Hansheng.

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