Immortal Artifact

Chapter 8 Dan Hai

Chapter 8 Dan Hai's "Dan Dao Bao Lu"

Xiao Hansheng was extremely happy at this time, and finally he didn't have to die!

Xiao Hansheng gently touched another spirit-absorbing flower with his hand, and found that the spirit-absorbing flower was unaware of his touch, so he felt more at ease.

So Xiao Hansheng continued to walk forward for a certain distance, and found a lake in front of him, but what made Xiao Hansheng dumbfounded was the area of ​​the lake.

too big.

It can be compared with the sea.

Xiao Hansheng suddenly thought that this cave mansion can only be seen from the outside of more than ten acres, but only when he got inside did he find that there is something wrong with it.Think about the owner of the cave, he is really a supernatural powersman! !

Xiao Hansheng looked at the lake, but he didn't find anything special. He just found colorful fish in the lake, and the small fish were swimming in the sea.

Xiao Hansheng felt so comfortable and free

I thought in my heart that it would be great if I turned into a small fish in the sea!

Swimming carefree, with a young lady next to you, it would be even better.

Xiao Hansheng has a tendency to drool at this time...

But the calm was soon broken.

A ferocious big fish suddenly rushed over, rushing towards those little fishes!

The little fish scattered in all directions.

Although the small fishes hid in time, there were so many of them after all, many of them were eaten by the big ones.

The big fish turned around abruptly, and the water spray was splashed high. Some small fish couldn't avoid it, so they were thrown up together with the water spray and flew towards the shore.

When Xiao Hansheng was still dreaming of turning into a small fish, the small fish was eaten by the big fish.

It's like eating yourself!

Xiao Hansheng was worried about the little fishes, and shouted: "Little fish, run, little fish, run."

As a result, he didn't pay attention, and the splashed water and small fish fell directly into Xiao Hansheng's mouth and swallowed it into his stomach.

Xiao Hansheng immediately bent over and vomited, trying to spit out the little fish.

As a result, suddenly, an incredible energy erupted from the stomach and swept the whole body. The energy this time was so great that it far surpassed the time when he took Zimengguo last time.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng's whole body exuded a purple halo, spreading outward layer by layer.Xiao Hansheng found a purple halo rushing towards his purple palace, and a purple halo rushing towards his sea of ​​consciousness.These two places are the great secrets of the human body, and they are also important places of death. As long as there is a problem in these two places, life will be in danger.

Xiao Hansheng has studied with Rou Meier for so many years, and the importance of these two places is still clear.Xiao Hansheng hastily mobilized the aura of his whole body to fight against these two purple qi.

But at this time, Xiao Hansheng forgot that his aura was completely sucked by the spirit-absorbing grass. How could he recover so much in such a short time?What's more, these two streams of purple qi rushed towards the purple palace and the sea of ​​consciousness with an unstoppable momentum. When they saw Xiao Hansheng's tiny meridians, they rushed over all at once.

The expansion of the meridians tore at Xiao Hansheng, making Xiao Hansheng sore.

Wanting to pass out to relieve the pain, I found myself becoming more and more awake.

But at this time Xiao Hansheng didn't notice that his cultivation base was improving by leaps and bounds, and the sea of ​​consciousness became more solidified.

Xiao Hansheng's pain lasted for nearly three days, and Xiao Hansheng was tortured so badly.Even though the pain is gone now, the body still spasms habitually.

When Xiao Hansheng finally stopped the pain, he finally fell into a deep sleep.

It was not until the morning of the third day that I woke up leisurely.

The first thing I said when I woke up was to curse: "What the fuck is this? It hurts!"

Xiao Hansheng, who has always been docile, couldn't help but swear.

After scolding, Xiao Hansheng looked inside his purple palace and the sea of ​​consciousness, and still couldn't help but swear: "What the hell is going on?!"

What is going on here?

It turns out that Xiao Hansheng's cultivation has been directly raised from the early stage of infant formation to the stage of the early stage of Taoism, a full improvement of six small realms!No wonder Xiao Hansheng was so excited!

Will such a huge improvement cause instability in the realm?

Obviously Xiao Hansheng was also aware of this problem, so he went to investigate the situation of the sea of ​​consciousness and found that the sea of ​​consciousness was extremely solid, which is a sign of a stable state. It should be said that the degree of stability of Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness at this time is comparable to A strong man in the late stage of the Tao.

Xiao Hansheng didn't know why this happened, he only accidentally ate that small fish in his stomach yesterday, could it be that that small fish is so powerful?Xiao Hansheng couldn't believe it.

In fact, it was really due to the little fish that day. To be precise, it was not a small fish, but a elixir. The name of this elixir was called Purple God Pill. Not many people can take it out.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng didn't even use up one-tenth of the efficacy of the Purple God Pill, and most of the efficacy was hidden in Xiao Hansheng's Purple Palace for future development.

Of course Xiao Hansheng didn't know this at this time.

If he knew, he would be scared to death. There are too many such pills in that lake.

But at this time, Xiao Hansheng was a little dazed with joy, what kind of monster is this little fish, and how powerful the big fish that ate the little fish must be!

Xiao Hansheng was secretly surprised.

Xiao Hansheng walked around the edge of the lake, watching the small fish wandering in the lake and the big fish eating the small fish.I thought in my heart, if I catch these fish and sell them for money, I guess they will sell for a lot of money.

Xiao Hansheng thought to himself, and suddenly found an extremely huge fish, which was several times bigger than a whale, and looked very powerful.

This fish, which was bigger than a whale, jumped up suddenly, rushed towards Xiao Hansheng, opened its huge mouth, and swallowed it towards Xiao Hansheng.

Xiao Hansheng hastily mobilized all his spiritual power and patted Juyu, but these spiritual powers dissipated immediately when they met the big fish, without any hindrance.

Xiao Hansheng didn't hide, but was swallowed by the giant fish, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Hansheng was swallowed into his stomach, only feeling that his stomach was very warm and slippery.The belly of the giant fish is still filled with viscous aura, which is so thick that it can't be melted.

Xiao Hansheng felt as if he was about to suffocate inside.

But at this time, Xiao Han was born in a critical moment, so he didn't care so much.Struggling vigorously in the belly of the giant fish was useless.

Then he took a bite hard, and a large piece of 'flesh and flesh' was bitten off, and instantly turned into billowing spiritual energy and rushed into Xiao Hansheng's purple palace.

Xiao Hansheng's body was in pain again, and his body was also convulsing, but at this time Xiao Hansheng was aroused by the desire to survive, so he forgot the pain for the time being.

Desperately biting the internal organs of the giant fish, it was as fierce and cruel as a wild beast.

However, the internal organs of the giant fish seemed to be endless, Xiao Hansheng's bite did not change a bit.Oh, maybe it is to let the giant fish move violently under the pain, and the twisted lake will not be peaceful.

At this time, the internal organs of the giant fish were contracting violently, and the stomach wall was tightening, trying to squeeze Xiao Hansheng to death.

Fortunately, Xiao Hansheng only bit one part of the giant fish's stomach wall, biting through the giant fish's stomach wall, and squeezed out along the bitten through stomach wall.

At this time, the squeeze of the giant fish was even more severe, and the body was fixed by the internal organs of the giant fish, and only the head was enough to move.

In despair, Xiao Hansheng saw a huge red thing above, with red liquid flowing inside.Xiao Hansheng didn't care what it was, and took a bite directly.

This time it didn't go so smoothly, I just felt my teeth hit something hard.

Xiao Hansheng didn't care so much, so he bit off the hard thing and flesh and blood together.

When this mouthful of flesh and blood was swallowed, Xiao Hansheng only felt that the internal organs of the giant fish were no longer squeezing him.

At that time, there was no external pressure, and as soon as the mind relaxed, the pain in the body broke out suddenly, and Xiao Hansheng passed out.

When Xiao Hansheng woke up, he found that he was not in the body of the giant fish.Instead, he was lying on the body of the giant fish. At this time, the giant fish was quite friendly to him, and he had no intention of eating his confidant again.

Xiao Hansheng didn't know how he got out, and he couldn't know how he got on the back of the giant fish.

But these are not important, the important thing is that I am already lying on the giant fish, isn't it?

Xiao Hansheng woke up and looked inside at his purple palace.Suddenly, Xiao Hansheng yelled: "What is this?"

At this time, Xiao Hansheng found a thing the size of a soybean appeared in the mouth of Yuanying in his purple palace. It looked like a jelly bean. Next to Yuanying, a book appeared, which was the size of Yuanying. As big as a fist!Xiao Hansheng was very surprised, how did this 'jelly bean' and the book get into his purple palace?Xiao Hansheng was a little confused at this time.

I really answered that sentence: Strange things happen every day, especially today!

And strange things happen to me!

First, I met the cave that appeared, and then in the cave, I met talking weapons, a knife and a sword, and there was an inexplicable fight, and there were also flowers that could absorb spiritual power, and small fish and fish in the lake. Big fish, and the 'jelly beans' and books that appeared in his purple palace inexplicably, there are so many strange things!

Xiao Hansheng has experienced a lot of strange things, let's take a look at what is in the Purple Palace first!

Xiao Hansheng saw the book at a glance, and opened the first page of the book, suddenly a dazzling light pierced through the quiet and dark purple palace, and four large characters shot up into the sky, "Dan Dao Bao Lu".

The four big characters shine brightly in the Purple Palace!

Xiao Hansheng turned to the first page and wrote:

This book is the top method of alchemy practice, and it is also one of the greatest reliance in my life. Those who get this book will be my successors. I hope that those who are destined can carry forward the alchemy all the way.

Xiao Hansheng was in a daze at this time, "Why did I somehow become someone else's heir? At least let me know who my master is?" Xiao Hansheng couldn't help but sigh secretly!

Xiao Hansheng flipped through a few pages, browsed roughly, and thought: "I can learn alchemy if I have a chance in the future."

Xiao Hansheng carefully looked at the 'jelly beans' in Yuan Ying's mouth.I didn't find anything unusual, but the aura of 'Jelly Bean' was extremely pure, enough for Xiao Hansheng to use for a while in the future.

Xiao Hansheng probably didn't expect that just such a little 'jelly beans' almost killed him, because when Xiao Hansheng was biting the internal organs of the giant fish, those internal organs immediately turned into billowing aura and penetrated into the internal organs, if he didn't eat the 'small fish' Before, Ting Ting passed, but now the aura has nowhere to go, so it can only gather in Xiao Hansheng's purple palace, and it is about to explode Xiao Hansheng. Fortunately, at this time, Xiao Hansheng bit the heart of the giant fish and put " "Dao Baolu" was swallowed into the stomach, and "Daobaolu" saw that the purple palace was full of aura, so it activated the function of "Daobaolu" - refining elixir. Although the refining process of "Dan Dao Bao Lu" was slow and gentle, it was enough to make Xiao Hansheng faint from pain.After all, one needs to refine alchemy inside the body in a special alchemy cauldron, and the danger and pain can be imagined!

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