Chapter 87 Rise to Fame

At this moment, Kuang Jiansheng was a little at a loss. In his mind, the power of the self-detonation of the fairy weapon was so unpredictable that Xiao Hansheng had no hope of surviving.However, the facts were in front of him, which made him a little confused.

It was luck that Xiao Han survived.Because there is still Luobao money in Xiao Hansheng's hands, Luobao money is a copper coin born in innate, with incredible power.When Kuang Jiansheng blew his own fairy weapon, Xiao Hansheng realized that it was not good.First, take out the Luobao money, enlarge it, and block it in front of Xiao Hansheng.

In fact, the biggest threat to Xiao Hansheng is the fragments of the self-explosion of the immortal weapon.The self-explosion produces fragments, and the impact force is amazing.If it weren't for the obstruction of falling treasures and money, Xiao Hansheng would have been shot through countless holes.As for the violent vibration of the fairy spirit, it was nothing to Xiao Hansheng.After all, Xiao Hansheng's skills are also very powerful, so he naturally absorbs all these fairy spirits.Xiao Hansheng absorbed so much fairy spirit, and made a faint breakthrough.As for the power of the law of death, it is even less of a threat to Xiao Hansheng. After all, Xiao Hansheng has a little success in understanding the law of death.Combining the above factors, Xiao Hansheng not only did not die, but was alive and kicking.

Xiao Hansheng cupped his hands to Wu Gang and said, "Can we declare the winner or loser of this group arena?"

Wu Gang was a little helpless, "Of course you won!" Such an announcement instantly attracted the attention of Venerable Liuquan and others.Venerable Liuquan turned his sharp eyes to Xiao Hansheng the next moment, as if he wanted to see Xiao Hansheng clearly.

Xiao Hansheng felt Venerable Liuquan's gaze, raised his head and looked at Venerable Liuquan without fear.Trying to make eye contact with Venerable Liuquan.

In the process of looking at Venerable Liuquan, Xiao Hansheng felt a powerful and friendly force extending to Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness, ready to break through the protection of Xiao Hansheng's sea of ​​consciousness at any time, and pry into the secrets of Xiao Hansheng.When the yin-yang fish in Xiao Hansheng's mind felt the invasion of external force, it vibrated twice and crushed towards the power of Venerable Liuquan's spiritual consciousness.In an instant, Venerable Liuquan's power of consciousness was defeated.

Wu Gang and the middle-aged beautiful woman on the side saw Xiao Hansheng and Venerable Liuquan looking at each other, and looked at Xiao Hansheng with some concern.

After a while, Venerable Liuquan looked away, with a smile on his face, "You are very good!" Then he disappeared slowly.As for the few people who came with Venerable Liuquan, they took a deep look at Xiao Hansheng and disappeared slowly.

Suddenly, a voice resounded throughout the city, "Anyone who dares to destroy Lingxu City will be killed without mercy!"

After hearing this warning, I don't know how many people were terrified, "This is the warning issued by the number one master in the cultivation world!"

When Wu Gang saw Venerable Liuquan leaving, he let out a sigh of relief and came to Xiao Hansheng, "I really admire your courage, how dare you look at Venerable Liuquan!"

Xiao Hansheng was stunned, "Is Venerable Liuquan scary?"

Hearing Xiao Hansheng's question, Wu Gang thought to himself: "Sure enough, those who don't know are fearless!" At this time, the middle-aged beautiful woman continued: "The Venerable Liuquan is a super ruthless person, who can kill golden immortals and slaughter the three great gods." The existence of a super sect. Do you think Venerable Liuquan is powerful?!"

Xiao Hansheng suddenly heard the word "Golden Immortal", and suddenly remembered that Hu Lin had also mentioned the word "Golden Immortal", "Could it be possible that there really are Golden Immortals in this cultivation world?"

Wu Gang saw that Xiao Hansheng was a little dumbfounded, and thought he was shocked, and then comforted him: "But you are very lucky, after all, there is no young man who can get Liuquan to say "you are very good". So From now on, you will be famous in the entire cultivation world!"

What Wu Gang said was right. When the major forces heard Venerable Liuquan commented on Xiao Hansheng's four words 'you are very good', they all deeply remembered these three words Xiao Hansheng.Whether Venerable Liuquan was intentional or unintentional, the honor of being able to or these four characters also represented that Xiao Hansheng's potential was recognized by Venerable Liuquan.

When the news reached the Zhenyi Sect, Wang Dexian, the head of the Zhenyi Sect, said only one sentence, "Get rid of him at all costs!" The command.As for why the Chaos Sect wanted to kill Xiao Hansheng, it was because in Zixiao Palace, Li Xiao killed everyone from the Chaos Sect.As a result, this incident was known by the senior officials of the Chaos Sect, who also regarded Xiao Hansheng as one of the murderers and vowed to kill him.

When it reached the ears of Wu Yong of the Danxia School, Wu Yong laughed three times, "Good! Good! Good!".Obviously, Wuyu is very satisfied with Xiao Hansheng's performance.

When it was reported to the Gu family, Gu Yixiao hurriedly called Gu Meng over, and said with a smile on his face: "Your brother is really powerful, and he can be recognized by Venerable Liuquan." After Xiao Hansheng got the affirmation of Venerable Liuquan, he was really happy for Xiao Hansheng.

As for Xiao Qing who was on the side, he showed doubts, "Xiao Hansheng? This name seems very familiar!"

The reason why Xiao Qing stayed at Gu's house was because Gu Meng had saved his life and took good care of him along the way. He was very close to Gu Meng and often came to visit; There is a great intention to get close to the Gu family, and the Gu family also thinks of this, so the two families also strongly support Xiao Qing and Gu Meng's contacts.Because they have been in contact for a long time, they have feelings of admiration for each other, but they haven't pierced the window paper yet.But it's only a matter of time.

Gu Meng saw that Xiao Qing, who was at the side, had doubts and asked, "Do you know my brother?"

Xiao Qing shook his head lightly, and said, "His name is the same as a friend's name in my childhood, so I'm a little confused."

Gu Meng suddenly realized, and then said: "If there is a chance, invite him over and see if it is the same person!"

Xiao Qing nodded slowly.

Because of Venerable Liuquan's comment on Xiao Hansheng, it caused a shock in the entire cultivation world.Of course, Xiao Hansheng, the person involved, didn't know about it.Now he is being invited by Wu Gang of the God of War Sect to drink in the palace of Lingxu City!

At this time, Wu Gang held up his wine glass and said to Xiao Hansheng: "Come on, little brother, have another drink!"

Xiao Hansheng didn't expect Wu Gang's attitude towards him to change so much, "Could it be that my character is too good, and when I get the 'bastard' spirit, everyone surrenders?" Obviously at this moment, Xiao Hansheng has not realized that Venerable Liuquan is in the realm of comprehension. status.

The next morning, Xiao Hansheng came to Sifang Pavilion.In Xiao Hansheng's mind, the spirit stones he earned in the past ten days should be able to ask for news about a plant of fairy grass or fairy fruit.

When Xiao Hansheng walked into the gate of Sifang Pavilion, he saw the old man with white beard sitting lazily on the stool.Seeing someone coming in, he glanced and lowered his head.Suddenly, the white-bearded old man seemed to have realized something, and immediately raised his head, stood up, smiled all over his face, and said to Xiao Hansheng: "It turns out that Mr. Xiao is here to welcome you. Please forgive me for my sins!"

Seeing the rapid changes of the old man with white beard, Xiao Hansheng made Xiao Hansheng a little uncomfortable, "Sure enough, he is a fine man! His expressions are so rich."

But Xiao Hansheng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and said: "Now I want to know about a fairy grass or fairy fruit?" The old man with a white beard hurriedly said: "Yes, yes!"

Xiao Hansheng didn't talk nonsense, and put the Qiankun bag containing Lingshi on the table.The white-bearded old man lifted the Qiankun bag on tiptoe, but his eyes kept rolling.Not long after, the old man with a white beard suddenly said: "These spirit stones can get news about a plant of fairy grass!"

Xiao Hansheng nodded, "Okay! Just know this one!"

The old man with white beard suddenly said: "Before I tell you the news, I want to discuss something with you first!"

Xiao Hansheng looked displeased, and shouted in a cold voice: "Say!"

The white-bearded old man smashed his mouth, with a flattering smile on his face, and said: "I heard that Venerable Liuquan spoke highly of you! And I, Sifang Pavilion, have a deep friendship with Venerable Liuquan, so I hope you can see that you are in Liuquan. For the sake of Venerable Quan, condescend to join my Sifang Pavilion? Of course, I also know that you are a high-ranking disciple of the Danxia Sect, and you dare not poach the corner of the Danxia Sect. You only need to agree to become the outer elder of my Sifang Pavilion, I don’t know What do you think?"

Xiao Hansheng pinched his chin and said, "What's the benefit?"

The old man with white beard saw that Xiao Hansheng was a little moved, and immediately said: "I, Sifang Pavilion, can tell you the news about the fairy grass and fairy fruit you need!"

Xiao Hansheng asked 'oh', and then asked: "What price should I pay?"

The white-bearded old man smiled and said: "You don't need to pay any price, you just need to use your reputation to deter the young people!"

After Xiao Hansheng heard it, he sneered and said, "How can I have any prestige now? Don't bully me!"

When the old man with white beard heard this, he hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Young Master Xiao, you are wrong! With the evaluation of Venerable Liuquan, it is a golden signboard, no one dares to underestimate it!"

When Xiao Hansheng heard the words of the white-bearded old man, he was somewhat skeptical, "Is Venerable Liuquan really so influential in the cultivation world?"

Seeing Xiao Hansheng, the old man with white beard was very puzzled, and began to explain in detail the influence of Venerable Liuquan in the realm of comprehension.After Xiao Hansheng got acquainted with Venerable Liuquan, he had to admit that Venerable Liuquan had a strong influence and appeal in the cultivation world.

After Xiao Hansheng heard the explanation of the old man with white beard, Xiao Hansheng also planned to become the peripheral elder of Sifang Pavilion.After all, this will save me a lot of trouble.It's just that to become a peripheral elder of Sifang Pavilion, one needs to go to the headquarters of Sifang Pavilion, which is quite troublesome.

After Xiao Hansheng agreed to become the peripheral elder of Sifang Pavilion, the benefits brought are obvious.The old man with a white beard directly told Xiao Hansheng about the Ghost Grass.

It turns out that it is basically impossible for these fairy grasses and fairy fruits of the fifth and sixth grades to live in ordinary places, but must live in places with lush fairy aura, and the most lush place with fairy aura is the dilapidated Lower Immortal Realm.In an instant, Xiao Hansheng understood: it is impossible for this high-level fairy grass and fairy fruit to exist in the cultivation world.After the current Immortal Realm and the Cultivation Realm merged, these high-level fairy grasses and fairy fruits appeared in the Cultivation Realm, which means that these fairy grass and fairy fruits originally lived in the Lower Immortal Realm.It was spread because of the merger of the lower immortal world and the cultivation world.Therefore, if you want to find these fairy grasses and fairy fruits, you must go to the remaining lower fairyland.

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