Chapter 89 Hunted

At this time, it can be described in one sentence: Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other!

That's right, Xiao Hansheng hated Yue Xingjian to the core.Because of him, Rou Meier left her, and now she doesn't even know Meier's whereabouts.Originally, I could have a beautiful home, but I was deliberately sabotaged on the day of my wedding. Can this not make Xiao Hansheng hate it?

And Yue Xingjian also hated Xiao Hansheng to the bone. If it wasn't for Xiao Hansheng, Yue Xingjian would not have lost Yue Zishan, his descendant.Although Yue Zishan was killed by his own brother, Yue Ziqun, Yue Xingjian still blamed Xiao Hansheng for his hatred.

In a word, there is no possibility of resolving the hatred between the two, so there is only a life-and-death ending.Therefore, it is a waste to say more than one word.In an instant, Xiao Hansheng and Yue Xingjian fought together.

Yue Xingjian held the Tianjue Mad Saber, carrying the tyrant's fairy spirit, and instantly slashed towards Xiao Hansheng's waist.And Xiao Hansheng took out the Luobao money in an instant to resist Yue Xingjian's Tianjue Mad Saber.Although the Tianjue Mad Saber is not ordinary, it is not as good as an innate treasure like Luobao money.In an instant, Luobao Qian absorbed all the sword energy of Yue Xingjian's Tianjue Mad Saber.At this moment, Xiao Han yelled fiercely: "Fall!" In an instant, Yue Xingjian's Tianjue Mad Saber fell to the ground.Xiao Hansheng used spiritual energy to transform his hand, and grabbed Yue Xingjian's Tianjue Mad Saber in his hand.

At this time, Yue Xingjian was a little stunned. After all, he had heard Li Xiao's narration before, and knew that Xiao Hansheng had a strange treasure in his hand that could drop the treasure in his hand.Therefore, when he saw the 'copper plate'-like thing in Xiao Hansheng's hand, he was also on guard.However, when Xiao Hansheng yelled "Luo", he felt the power of Luo coming from the "copper plate", and he couldn't hold his Tianjue Mad Saber no matter what.

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng snorted coldly.In an instant, he picked up the Luobao money and swung it at Yue Xingjian.

The biggest function of falling treasure money is not fighting, but Xiao Hansheng has a tendency to develop it into a fighting weapon.After all, the material of Luobao money is strong enough, even the least good at fighting can make people unable to compete.

At this time, I saw the chaotic air lingering on the Luobao money, and the thick mountainous chaotic air swept towards Yue Xingjian, and the oppressive Yue Xingjian felt like he couldn't open his mouth to breathe.

In an instant, Yue Xingjian got up and dodged to one side, and Xiao Hansheng's unhesitating luck was even more miraculous than Yue Xingjian.In an instant, Xiao Hansheng gained the upper hand and beat Yue Xingjian.

At this moment, this scene was deeply imprinted on Ao Dongzong's hearts.He was fighting with Yue Xingjian just now, for Ao Tian, ​​the head of the Aodong Sect, who was at a disadvantage, the speed of the change was beyond Ao Tian's imagination.Unexpectedly, a single person could easily reverse the situation.

Suddenly, Ao Tian, ​​the head of Ao Dongzong, shouted: "Now is a good time to destroy Sky City, everyone, take action!" In an instant, Ao Dongzong violently attacked everyone in Sky City up and down.

This shot made everyone in Ao Dongzong feel very happy. After all, in the previous few months, it was the city of the sky that suppressed them and made Ao Dongzong hold their breath up and down the mountain.Seeing someone helping him, he naturally had to fight hard.

As for the people in Sky City, seeing Yue Xingjian, the backbone, retreating after being beaten, they all wanted to leave here.However, Yue Xingjian didn't give the order, so these people couldn't retreat, so they could only support themselves.

At this moment, in the void, a huge figure suddenly appeared, tall and majestic, overlooking the people of Ao Dongzong.At this time, the figure shouted: "Retreat from the gate of Sky City." Hearing this voice, all the people under the gate of Sky City jumped out of the battle circle.

Aotian, the head of Ao Dongzong's expression changed greatly, and he shouted: "All the disciples of Ao Dongzong have retreated."

However, Aotian's reminder came too late, and the tall figure turned out a palm and printed it down like a mountain, and everything the palm passed was shattered.People with weaker cultivation bases have been blown to dust under the strong wind generated by the palms, which makes Aotian quite frightened.Seeing his own disciples in distress, Aotian would not refuse to save them.Immediately using the Xuan Gong, a huge yellow fist met the palm coming down, and they met in the void in an instant.Just like that, punches and palms froze in mid-air.And the figure overlooking the world snorted coldly, and in an instant, that yellow palm collapsed, and it couldn't last for a quarter of an hour!

When the huge palm fell, countless disciples of the Aodong Sect were turned into ashes, and the Nascent Soul flew around.This is a doomsday scenario.

When everything slowly returned to calm, Aotian knelt on the ground with both legs, blood slowly flowed out from Aotian's mouth, extremely bright red!

At this time, the phantom that was ten thousand feet tall gradually shrank, and instantly turned into a young man in white clothes with long hair loosely hanging in the air, and this person was Yue Ziqun!

At this time, Aotian stared at Yue Ziqun who was slowly walking towards him, and said slowly but firmly: "Your strength is far beyond the highest strength of the immortal level! I have seen the appearance of a master of the immortal level with all his strength!"

Yue Ziqun stared at Aotian indifferently, "Are you finished? Then you can die!" In an instant, Yue Ziqun put his fingers together, and a sword energy of an invisible sword pierced Aotian's sea of ​​consciousness, and an invisible sword energy strangled Aotian. The Nascent Soul of Heaven.

Aotian's body fell down slowly, dying with regret!And the disciples of the Aodong sect saw their head was killed, their eyes were tearing apart, and they almost wanted to find Yue Ziqun to fight for their lives.Yue Ziqun glanced at Ao Dongzong's sect, and slapped him, and in an instant, these people disappeared from the world!

The strength of Yue Ziqun's performance was hard to fathom.It should be said that Yue Ziqun should be the real number one master of the young generation in the cultivation world, because his performance is so shocking that even the masters in the fairyland of mountains and heavens are like killing chickens and cows.

At this time, Yue Ziqun cast his eyes on Xiao Hansheng, and said to himself: "You are also worthy of his inheritance?!"

Then he flashed over to the place where Xiao Hansheng and Yue Xingjian were fighting.Suddenly a sword light flashed across and hit the Luo Bao coin directly.In the blink of an eye, Luo Bao's money kept shaking, and it seemed like it was about to fall.

Yue Xingjian took this opportunity and jumped aside, Yue Ziqun said indifferently: "Leave him to me!" Hearing this, Yue Xingjian left without hesitation, because he believed in Yue Ziqun's strength!

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng was looking at Yue Ziqun vigilantly, because he felt as if a peerless beast was staring at him, making his hairs stand on end.

Yue Ziqun looked at Xiao Hansheng, and said with a light smile, "Your destiny is not shallow! But, that's all it is!"

Xiao Hansheng sneered, "How can you decide my destiny?"

Yue Ziqun stopped talking to Xiao Hansheng, and immediately took out something in his hand, which was in the shape of a wing.As soon as this wing-like thing was taken out, Xiao Hansheng could feel the violent beating of Luobao money, as if he was under great pressure.Xiao Hansheng's expression changed.Seeing the change in Xiao Hansheng's expression, Yue Ziqun said casually: "This pair of wings are the wings of the golden-winged roc. It has the way of flying, and the way of falling that can suppress your treasures and money!" Obviously Yue Ziqun is right I am very confident in my own things.

The next moment, Yue Ziqun attacked Xiao Hansheng, only to see Yue Ziqun put his fingers together, and there was a sword aura towards Xiao Hansheng.Xiao Hansheng had no choice but to use Luobao money to resist.However, at this moment, due to the suppression of the wings, the chaotic atmosphere on the Luobao coin disappeared and turned into an ordinary 'copper plate'.Seeing that the copper plate was blown away in an instant, Xiao Hansheng also had nothing in his hands, and he relied on his hands to fight Yue Ziqun.Xiao Hansheng is quite confident in his body because of practicing "Ming Dao Lu".So, he bullied himself to Yue Ziqun's side, hoping to defeat Yue Ziqun with his physical strength.Seeing Xiao Hansheng bullying him, Yue Ziqun didn't feel afraid, and immediately pulled his legs to fight with Xiao Hansheng's legs, making a dull sound.After an exchange of blows, the two retreated to the side, and then collided again.

However, every time they collided, Xiao Hansheng felt more chilled as he got older, because he felt that Yue Ziqun had similar fluctuations as himself.

As the battle intensified, Xiao Hansheng felt that his legs were about to break, but Yue Ziqun didn't seem to feel it.Xiao Hansheng knew that he was not his opponent. 36 tricks, walking is the best strategy, Xiao Hansheng summoned back his treasure money without hesitation, and fled.

And Yue Ziqun followed Xiao Hansheng instantly.Xiao Hansheng used "Xiaoyao Shenxuyou", and Yue Ziqun also used it, and he used it more proficiently.In the process of Xiao Hansheng's escape, Yue Ziqun faced Xiao Hansheng's dense sword light, making it difficult for Xiao Hansheng to follow, some of which he couldn't catch, directly pierced Xiao Hansheng's shoulders and thighs.Xiao Hansheng walked all the way, spilling blood all the way, so miserable.

Xiao Hansheng fled half of the comprehension world, and Yue Ziqun also chased and killed Xiao Hansheng half of the comprehension world.After the monks along the way saw this scene, it spread wildly.

At this time, some people began to say that Xiao Hansheng was nothing more than that, he was chased and killed by another young man so miserably, how could he deserve the evaluation of "You are very good" by Venerable Liuquan?

Later, someone tried to test Yue Ziqun's strength and deliberately blocked Yue Ziqun's way.Yue Ziqun burst out with a sword light, and no one was his enemy!

There were masters at the peak of the immortal level who challenged Yue Ziqun, but they were beaten to death by Yue Ziqun's sword light.

This matter instantly caused a sensation in the entire cultivation world.When the monks in the realm of comprehension realized Yue Ziqun's formidable strength, but could still see Xiao Hansheng running away, someone sighed: "Sure enough, you are worthy of being the person who said 'you are very good' by Venerable Liuquan! He can keep escaping from Yue Ziqun's pursuit. Venerable Liuquan is strong!"

And this incident also alarmed Venerable Liuquan, and Venerable Liuquan went directly to Yue Ziqun.

The two fought a peerless battle in an unknown place, and no one knew the outcome.It's just that I never saw Yue Ziqun chasing and killing Xiao Hansheng again.

I just knew that Venerable Liuquan came back from injury, and said a word, "His strength is indeed strong!" Then he retreated to practice.

Since then, there has been a strong man comparable to Venerable Liuquan in the realm of comprehension, let alone such a young man!This made the forces in the comprehension world have to weigh the strength of Sky City.

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