Immortal Artifact

Chapter 94 The Enemy Meets

Chapter 94 Enemies Meet

For Wang Han's voluntary surrender, it was an incredible thing for the disciples who came here to watch the battle.After all, what is often heard in sects is how powerful and powerful Sifang Pavilion is.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Sifang Pavilion isn't powerful.How can it be easy for a power to be ranked among the superpowers?However, what the younger generation of Sifang Pavilion faced was Xiao Hansheng, a super pervert with dual souls, and Xiao Hansheng's particularity was beyond their imagination.

Just looking at Wang Han's strength in the mid-term of the Earth Immortal, one can tell that Wang Han's strength is definitely not bad among the younger generation, it can only be said that his opponent is too strong.

When Xiao Hansheng saw the confused again, he was a little embarrassed, after all, he had something to ask for, but he didn't make the younger generation of Sifang Pavilion so miserable.

Seeing Xiao Hansheng in a daze, he felt a little embarrassed, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "It's okay, this is the calamity that Wang Han should have. After this calamity, if he can repent, then his future achievements will be limitless. If he can't repent, then It's his life, and he can't blame anyone else."

After Xiao Hansheng heard the confused persuasion, the stone in his heart finally fell.

Seeing Xiao Hansheng put down the stone in his heart in a daze, he smiled at Xiao Hansheng and said, "I have acquainted with you this time, but I have a faint understanding in my heart, so I plan to retreat and practice here. As for the battle to enter the dilapidated Lower Immortal Realm , I can’t go there with you.”

When Xiao Hansheng heard the confused words, he was happy for him.After all, after cultivating to a certain level, it is very difficult to gain new insights and make new breakthroughs, so Xiao Hansheng will not disturb the best time to practice for his own selfishness.

After a while, he suddenly said in a daze: "It's still more than half a month before we go to the competition of the Twelve Factions Alliance. You can go to the ancient books hall of my Sifang Pavilion to have a look. You may be able to find something you are interested in there."

When Xiao Hansheng heard this, his thoughts moved, "Although I have been in the realm of cultivation for a long time, I still lack the foundation and have never systematically understood the realm of cultivation. Why don't you take this opportunity to learn more?"

Xiao Hansheng didn't refuse, and said gratefully: "More love from seniors!"

Seeing this in a daze, he smiled and nodded.

A day later, Xiao Hansheng successfully entered the hall of classics in Sifang Pavilion.

In the hall, Xiao Hansheng saw the dazzling array of books, which filled Xiao Hansheng with joy.Xiao Hansheng didn't read those classics such as exercises, and Xiao Hansheng believed that those that he could read were not advanced exercises.Therefore, what Xiao Hansheng is most interested in is to find some books that introduce the situation of the cultivation world.

Not long after, Xiao Hansheng found a book called "Tian Hai Zhi". When he saw the name of the book, Xiao Hansheng suddenly thought of Kou Ba, and thought that Kou Ba took good care of him and saved his life in a critical moment. There is endless gratitude for Kou Ba, "Senior Kou, don't worry! I will definitely take care of Kou Laner!" Xiao Hansheng also secretly vowed to find Kou Laner as soon as possible.

Xiao Hansheng felt a lot of emotion, and opened "Tian Hai Zhi", and at the beginning it was about the overall situation of the world of comprehension.According to "Tian Hai Zhi", this so-called realm of self-cultivation is only a small area in the east of the entire great world.In the endless west, north, and south, there are still large areas that people cannot set foot in.When Xiao Hansheng saw this section, he was a little skeptical, "How come there are so many places in this world?" However, Xiao Hansheng continued to look down, and he was sure that there were indeed other places in this world.For example, there are saints in the extreme north, and there is the Western Paradise in the extreme west, where they practice something called Buddhism.

After the explanation of "Tian Hai Zhi", Xiao Hansheng was convinced that there are so many places in this world, but what made Xiao Hansheng strange was, "What kind of cultivation state should Buddhism be?" This aroused Xiao Hansheng's curiosity, of course This curiosity was immediately suppressed by Xiao Hansheng.Xiao Hansheng was sure that he would never set foot in those places in his life, so Xiao Hansheng didn't pay too much attention.

He turned his gaze to the direction of the cultivation world.

Xiao Hansheng focused on understanding the customs, characteristics of special products, distribution of forces and other characteristics of the cultivation world.Xiao Hansheng read this book carefully and gained a lot.When you're done reading, put the book back in its place.

Xiao Hansheng continued to look for other discourses about the world of comprehension.After a while, Xiao Hansheng found a book called "Miscellaneous Briefs on the Distribution of Super Powers".Xiao Hansheng checked the date of completion of the book, and it was written ten thousand years ago. 1 years is like a flick of a finger in the world of comprehension, so it can be judged that this book has great reference value.So Xiao Hansheng read it with relish, and wrote down the characteristics of the exercises of the major forces and the main characters.More importantly, Xiao Hansheng found out about the power distribution of superpowers in the book, and Xiao Hansheng immediately became interested.

It is written in the book: No. 1 among the superpowers is the Fazong, who entered the Tao with formations and has incredible power, so it is the first; Three, the martial arts dominate the world; the fourth Zhenyi sect, the swordsmanship is superb, unstoppable; the fifth God of War sect, the strength is super strong, almost invincible in the world; .Xiao Hansheng looked at the rankings of these sects with a dignified expression.After all, I have already confirmed that there are Zhenyi sect and Qianhuan sect who have turned against each other. These two sects are actually ranked in the top ten, and they can be photographed in front of them.


Of course, there are many sects that did not appear in this book, such as Gujia, Sky City and so on.The strength of these two sects is definitely superior to many super sects, but unfortunately they are not listed in this book because they do not have enough background, "Perhaps when this book is written, these two sects are not well known. Naturally, it will not be valued by the author of this book." Xiao Hansheng secretly said.

Xiao Hansheng continued to look for the books he needed.

It wasn't until someone transmitted the sound to Xiao Hansheng that Xiao Hansheng came out from the hall of classics.

When Xiao Han gave birth to the main hall, he saw dozens of people standing in the main hall.The suzerain Wang Xing said to these people: "Shortly there will be a battle for places in the dilapidated Lower Immortal Realm. I hope that one of you can win this championship and help the 12 people from Sifang Pavilion enter the Lower Immortal Realm. Do you understand?"

The disciple below shouted: "Disciple understands!"

At this moment, Xiao Hansheng looked up and saw Wang Han looking at him with hatred.As for the eyes of other people looking at Xiao Hansheng, they were not very friendly.

The suzerain said calmly: "Let's go!" In an instant, these dozens of people began to cross the void, heading towards the broken entrance of the lower fairyland.

The broken entrance to the Lower Immortal Realm is located in the northwest of the Realm of Comprehension.And there seems to be a strange force at the location of the Lower Immortal Realm, shielding the broken Lower Immortal Realm.Whenever someone wants to forcibly enter the broken lower fairyland, they will feel the chaos ahead, like a distorted space, people will never be able to get close to the broken lower fairyland.Therefore, if people want to enter the broken lower fairy world, they must enter through the entrance.However, this entrance is controlled by the twelve super sects in the cultivation world, so if you want to enter, you must have a close relationship with one of the twelve major sects, so that you can enter the lower fairy world.Of course, the relatively weak sects among the twelve sects will invite some powerful foreign aid to help them increase their quota of entering the broken lower fairyland on the condition of entering the broken lower fairyland.Therefore, to this day, the battle between the twelve major sects is becoming increasingly fierce.

Therefore, Sifang Pavilion will not put all the treasures on Xiao Hansheng, but will also choose the leaders of the younger generation from other good forces to come to this qualifying match for entering the dilapidated Lower Immortal Realm.Of course, these people will not go directly to the headquarters of Sifang Pavilion, they only need to arrive at the entrance of the dilapidated Lower Immortal Realm one month in advance.

After several days of continuous moments, the group of Sifang Pavilion arrived at the entrance of the Lower Immortal Realm.I saw two people invited by Sifang Pavilion, one Wang Yunhai, is the leader of Daoist Painting School, and the other is Qing Han, the leader of Qinggu School.As for Wang Yunhai, Xiao Hansheng knew him well.After seeing Xiao Hansheng, he also greeted Xiao Hansheng quite familiarly. After all, Xiao Hansheng was also kind to Hua Daozong.Even if he is powerful, he will not show arrogance to Xiao Hansheng, his benefactor.As for Qing Han from the Qing Gu School, he sneered at Xiao Hansheng.I think Xiao Hansheng is just relying on the prestige of Venerable Liuquan.As for escaping from Yue Ziqun's pursuit, in his eyes, it was just a fight between young people.Even everyone of the same generation has to escape so hard, but it's just mediocre.

Of course, Xiao Hansheng would not be angry about such things.As a leader of a faction, he will not easily convince others.Although Wang Yunhai was quite polite to Xiao Hansheng, Xiao Hansheng also knew that he would not be convinced by him.

The group of Sifang Pavilion has arrived at the entrance of the Lower Immortal Realm first, and they still have to wait for people from other sects to come.

However, with a difference of one or two days, the other sects were also present.In one of the factions, Xiao Hansheng unexpectedly discovered the Zhenyi sect, because the Zhenyi sect is also one of the twelve sects in the alliance.

When Xiao Hansheng met Mu Si, the leader of the Zhenyi sect, he was extremely jealous when he met the enemy.Immediately threatened Xiao Hansheng and said: "Boy, you have done well this year! However, your achievements end here, and I will kill you during the competition!"

Xiao Hansheng's threat to Mu Si was directly taken as a wind in his ears, and he went in his left ear and out of his right ear.

At this time, Xiao Hansheng also saw the familiar figure, which was Sun Yuting.When Sun Yuting saw Xiao Hansheng, there was a touch of joy on her face.

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