Hongguo stared at the expressionless Ding Dong with her big beautiful eyes, waiting for his answer.

How she wished that Ding Dong would say, "My baby, you answered completely correctly, and I will reward you with 200 million yuan."

"My baby, you are so silly and cute." Ding Dong gently scratched Hongguo's nose with his hand, and said with a smile, "I can't say it yet."

"Why?" Hongguo narrowed her eyes and pursed her mouth: "Anyway, I will talk about it sooner or later."

"My little fool!" Ding Dong gently tapped Hongguo's eyebrows with the index finger of his right hand, and said, "Your three sisters haven't answered the question yet, how can you tell me the answer in advance?"

"Oh," Hongguo finally realized it. She was extremely embarrassed for a while, and said to herself, "I'm so stupid! I'm so stupid!"

No wonder, Hongguo is the first to participate in similar activities.It's not stupid, it's just not thought of.What's more, she was crazy about money.

At this time, Ding Dong gently patted Hong Ye's beautiful legs sitting on the left, narrowed his eyes, curled his mouth, and said with a long tail: "Miss San, it's your turn to answer."

Hongye is already waiting for Ding Dong's roll call.

She turned her head, turned sideways, raised her slender hands, and slowly stretched them into Ding Dong's T-shirt. While gently stroking Ding Dong's chest hair with her delicate hands, she asked in a coquettish voice: "My big Handsome guy, I'm not very good at this, and I haven't found my own answer yet, can I give the same answer as my sister?"

"Of course." Ding Dong didn't hesitate at all, stretched out his thick hairy hand, and pinched Hongye's fleshy buttocks gently.

With Ding Dong's approval, Hongye is very happy.She changed her tone and repeated Hongguo's answer word by word: "You are thinking about how to make the four beauties Hongxia, Hongyun, Hongye, and Hongguo get some rewards."

Hongye already knew the rules of the game, so after answering the questions, she didn't ask Ding Dong whether the answer was right or not.

Ding Dong looked at Hongyun, raised his chin, and said softly: "Oh, baby, don't I need to ask you any more?"

Hong Yun knew that it was her turn to answer, and since she was sitting across the red leaves, even if she wanted to reach out to flirt with Ding Dong, she couldn't reach him, so she had to use another way, taking advantage of her eyes, and squeezed Ding Dong. One stroke of Liu Yemei, two strokes of Danfeng's eyes.

Ding Dong has already felt her enthusiasm for showing love from afar, squinting his eyes, smiling, and nodding to Hong Yun a few times.

Hongyun didn't have her own answer either. She imitated Hongye and repeated Hongguo's answer verbatim: "You are thinking about how to let the four beauties, Hongxia, Hongyun, Hongye, and Hongguo, also get some rewards."

After Hongyun finished answering, without Ding Dong's reminder, Hongxia knew it was time to answer by herself.

She stood up, reached out and grabbed the cigarette case on the coffee table, opened the case, took out a long-mouthed panda from inside, put it on her nose and swished it twice, then put it in her mouth again, and took the cigarette on the coffee table. The lighter sounded loudly, and with a "dang", it ignited the panda.

After taking a sip, she stuffed the panda on Ding Dong's mouth, and said in a childlike voice, "Honey, please listen to my answer while smoking."

Ding Dong pulled Hongxia to sit on his fat legs, put his arms around her slender waist, and asked with a smile: "My baby, do you want to repeat the answers of your younger sisters too? "

"Except for my little sister, the rest of our four sisters are heart-to-heart, of course the answer is the same." After speaking, Hongxia suddenly blocked Ding Dong's mouth with her red lips.

Ding Dong pressed the panda that had only sucked twice in the ashtray, picked up Hongxia who was sitting on his lap, stood up and turned around three times.

Although Ding Dong didn't speak, he just hugged Hongxia, but judging from his movements and expressions, Hongping's four beautiful sisters already knew the answer.

At this time, the four beauties were overjoyed, and they hugged Ding Dong together, and gnawed wildly on his bearded face.

Hong Ping, who had been sitting on the sofa, turned a blind eye to the lively scene in front of her.She was neither jealous nor angry.She was thinking, hum, it's only 200 million, what's there to be excited about, it's far worse than my 1200 million!

Unexpectedly, just when the four sisters thought that 200 million had already been obtained, Ding Dong suddenly pushed everyone away and said loudly: "Beauties, be quiet! Beauties, be quiet! Stop making trouble! It's annoying enough! My head You guys have made a big fuss."

Ding Dong's sudden and abnormal behavior made Hongping's four beautiful sisters dumbfounded, shocked and at a loss.

Immediately, the four beauties who were dancing and dancing stopped talking and looked at each other stupidly, all of them were extremely embarrassed.

The luxurious and spacious living room was as quiet as death.

Ding Dong bent down to pick up the briefcase on the coffee table, and while walking up the stairs, he said coldly: "I'm tired, so I won't accompany you, I'll go upstairs to sleep, you guys can play for a while, why not?" You can play with it, as long as it doesn't make any noise."

At this time, because Hongping didn't count on the 200 million, she seemed to be an outsider, so she was not stunned, shocked, and at a loss like the four beautiful sisters.She shouted loudly towards the stairs: "Hey, my handsome Ding, do you need someone to sleep with you?"

Ding Dong, who had already walked halfway up the stairs, stopped, turned around, and smiled brightly: "Sister, I wanted you to accompany me, but none of you got the reward for answering the inscription correctly, I think even if you want to accompany me I won't be in a good mood to accompany you. I don't want to sleep on the bed watching your bitter faces. Besides, I don't want to force you to smile. "

Hong Ping still wanted to say something, she lowered her head and thought for a while, then raised her head and was about to speak when she saw that Ding Dong had already gone up to the second floor.

Hongping had no choice but to close her half-open mouth, and said in her heart: "Bah! What is it, you don't want to see our bitter face? Who wants you to see it? If it weren't for the bulge in your pocket, We don't want to see you ugly bastard."

Hongping can only say such things in her own heart. If Ding Dong notices something, then needless to say, her good life will come to an end immediately. It is also impossible.

Hongxia and her five sisters are all the same, they came for Ding Dong's wealth.

There is no way around this, people love money.

The moment Ding Dong swaggered upstairs, Hongxia and the other four sisters were devastated and in great pain, as if they had been abandoned forever, as if they were separated from a vault by an iron gate.

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