As Ding Dong kept shaking his head, the four beauties were eliminated one after another.

The eldest sister Hongxia saw that the four younger sisters who were eliminated, except for the younger sister Hongping who had already entered the tent with 1200 million yuan, who seemed nothing had happened. Very sad.

The eldest sister Hongxia is thinking, now she is the only one left, so she must persevere and take Ding Dong's 200 million into her pocket.

So, she was both happy and nervous, looking at Ding Dong's eyes for a while, looking at the envelope in Ding Dong's hand for a while, and looking at the four younger sisters with complex expressions.

Three minutes passed, but Hongxia still didn't expect that she didn't want to give up this great opportunity, so she didn't dare to guess randomly.She thought, if she is not nine-tenths sure, she will never give the answer. Anyway, I am the only one left now. In fact, this is no longer a rush-answer question.Think about it for yourself, there is no time limit anyway.

All five pairs of eyes were looking at Hongxia.

Fortunately, Hongxia was not too flustered under the watchful eyes of everyone. She frowned and calmly searched for answers.

Another 3 minutes passed.

Hongxia's four beautiful sisters couldn't say anything, but Ding Dong had run out of patience. He thought that although there was no set time for guessing, he was tolerant enough to give her such a long time to think, and he couldn't wait until tomorrow Morning?You can't wait forever, can you?

"Hey, my big beauty, where are you laying eggs? Why is it so difficult?" Ding Dong urged with a smile, "Please answer quickly, please?"

"Honey, I'm sorry! It's not that my eggs are hard to lay, it's that the eggs in my belly haven't grown well yet." Hongxia giggled.

"Okay then, okay then, I'll give you another [-] seconds," Ding Dong felt that Hongxia spoke very intelligently, so when he got excited, he gave him more time.He explained: "My baby, listen carefully, if you don't answer when the time comes, you can only be considered as giving up."

Hongxia didn't open her mouth to answer, but just nodded.She knew that time was limited and she had no time to answer.She pursed her lips, breathed in unison, frowned, and was racing against time to search for answers.

Time passed quickly, and ninety seconds passed without knowing it.

"In the last ten seconds, I started counting," Ding Dong counted loudly while breaking his fingers in order to prevent Hongxia from missing the answering time: "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four ,three……"

Before Ding Dong could finish counting, Hongxia suddenly jumped up from the sofa and shouted excitedly: "Ha, ha, God help me too! I have the answer! I have the answer!"

Hearing Hongxia said that he had the answer, Ding Dong also became happy. He said a little excitedly: "Okay, my beauty, since you already have the answer, you can quickly answer the question."

"It's four 200 million cash checks." Hongxia said firmly.

Hongxia's four beauties all thought at the same time—it's nonsense!

At this time, Ding Dong, who had been waiting for the answer, immediately patted Hongxia's perky buttocks with his thick black-haired hand, and laughed lewdly.

Seeing Ding Dong's expression, Hongxia knew that she got the answer right, and she was immediately elated and beamed with joy.

Ding Dong didn't want to tease everyone back and forth this time, he thought, if he continued teasing, maybe Hongxia would go crazy under the great joy and sorrow.Everything has a degree, or enough is enough.After all, they are all women, after all, they are all women who have not experienced strong winds and waves.

At this moment, five pairs of beautiful big eyes stared at the big kraft envelope in Ding Dong's hand.

Under the gaze of ten eyes, Ding Dong suddenly lifted up the big kraft paper envelope, then turned the envelope down, and shook it vigorously a few times. Immediately, four cash checks fluttered down from the envelope. , One floated onto the coffee table, two floated onto the sofa, and one floated onto the carpet.

Wow!It's four cash checks.

There was no need for Ding Dong to say anything, the four beauties Hongxia, Hongyun, Hongye, and Hongguo immediately bent their slender waists, looking for the cash check with their own names on it.

Hongyun, Hongye, and Hongguo all found cash checks with their names on them.All smiles.

After Hongxia picked up her 200 million check from the carpet, she turned around, faced Ding Dong with a bright smile, and said, "Honey, I..."

Before Hongxia could finish speaking, Ding Dong stretched out his hands and patted Hongxia's ruddy face lightly, and said with a smile: "Little baby, don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten, I'm here I will fill out another check for 200 million for you."

Hongxia's heart sank after hanging for dozens of seconds, and immediately hugged Ding Dong, stood on tiptoe, like a chicken pecking at rice, kissing the bearded face repeatedly.

Two minutes later, Ding Dong joked, "Hongxia, if you keep busy like this, it will affect my work."

"What job? Are you okay today?" Hongxia asked.

"I mean if you hug me, I won't have time to write you a check." Ding Dong said.

Hearing what Ding Dong said, Hongxia immediately stopped what she was saying, and at the same time let go of her arms, saying repeatedly: "Yes, I can't delay your work! I can't delay your work! This is the top priority!"

Hongxia immediately amused Ding Dong.While grinning, he filled out a check for 200 million yuan in cash and handed it to Hongxia, not forgetting to encourage him: "Baby, this is a good start, I hope you can make persistent efforts, Forever climbing the peak."

Hongxia took the check with a smile on her face, and kissed the check affectionately. Then, while putting it in her bag, she asked Ding Dong, "Honey, what time are we leaving today?"

"After dinner." Ding Dong replied.

"Shall we take the plane or the bullet train?" Hongxia asked.

"Move the car."

"Where is our first stop?" Hongxia asked curiously.

"I haven't thought it through yet." Ding Dong raised his head and arched his mouth.

"My God, who doesn't plan out the route before going out to play?" Hongxia asked, "Honey, are you kidding me?"

"Who is joking with you?" Ding Dong said solemnly.

"Then where did you buy the train ticket?" Hongxia asked again.

"Ticket? Haven't bought it yet." Ding Dong glanced at Hongxia.

"What? I'm going out at night, and I haven't bought a ticket yet?" Hongxia's eyes widened, a little excited, but she calmed down quickly. She didn't want to and didn't dare to get angry with Ding Dong, so she said slowly: " Honey, if I hadn't bought it now, if it was later, I might not be able to leave tonight."

Hongxia became nervous. She was afraid that if she could not leave tonight, something would happen tomorrow. Anyway, nights are long and dreams are full.

"There's no need to buy tickets now." Ding Dong said bluntly.

Hongxia thought to herself, it’s the peak tourist season now, and there are so many people on the bus, how can anyone go out without buying a ticket in advance, looking into Ding Dong’s eyes, she asked, “Honey, are you kidding me? It’s the peak tourist season right now.” .”

"What is the peak season and not the peak season? For me, there is no such thing as a peak tourist season. They are all the same."

"Oh, haven't you decided whether you want to leave tonight or not?" Hongxia suddenly enlightened and said smartly.

"Nonsense, if you agree to leave today, you will definitely leave today." Ding Dong was a little excited, and raised his voice and said, "Even though this is not a job, you still have to keep your word. Don't you know me by now?"

"Then I won't be able to leave without a ticket." Hongxia was still a little anxious.

"My baby, don't be nervous, let me tell you the truth, the station master is my good friend, I can get on and off, even if I don't have a ticket, I can go."

"Oh, that's how it is!" Hongxia finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Ding Dong, "Then I'll go upstairs to prepare your luggage for you now?"

"Need not!"

Hongxia was surprised and asked, "Are you ready?"

"No!" Ding Dong shook his head.

"Then let me prepare it for you?"

"I don't have any luggage this time."

"God, go out for 15 days without luggage? How can you bear it without changing clothes for so many days?"

"Whoever says no to change, buy new ones at that time."

When Hongxia heard this, she was stunned. She stood motionless, staring blankly at Ding Dong.

Ding Dong, what's the matter?Why did he become so casual all of a sudden, and why did he suddenly treat RMB as toilet paper?In the past, he was relatively generous to our sisters, but he was still generous to himself.

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