Ding Dong, what's the matter?He was clearly doing that, why did he still ask me to go in?

Is he drunk?

He only drank a glass of red wine at noon. According to his drinking capacity, this amount of wine was just a drizzle for him, so he shouldn't be drunk.

So is he crazy?

Judging from his words and deeds all morning, he should not be crazy.However, he seems to be a little crazy these days, not a crazy kind of madness, but a wild kind of madness.

Regardless of whether he is crazy or not, whether he is really crazy or fake; whether he is a little crazy or very crazy, to Hongxia, Ding Dong's words are golden words, which cannot be resisted and can only be carried out unconditionally.

There was no other way, since Ding Dong was urging him to go in, he had no choice but to obey obediently.Hongxia touched her heart subconsciously, and walked into the bedroom where a male lead and a female lead were having a sex scene.

When she was not allowed to enter the room just now, she poked her head in to peek, but now that she was allowed to enter, she dared not look directly at the bed, which is full of spring and splendid.

She twisted her neck, walked to the bedside table step by step without looking directly at her, put her mobile phone on the bedside table as quickly as possible, then turned around and left Ding Dong's bedroom in a hurry.

After leaving Ding Dong's bedroom, Hongxia's beating heart calmed down, and she couldn't help laughing, laughing that she was too worthless, and a person who has been here can't see this kind of market.

Hongxia turned her head dejectedly, looked at the open bedroom door, and then walked downstairs.

She shook her head while going down the stairs, and said to herself: "Hey, what a pervert, why didn't I see it before? Fortunately, I didn't marry him back then. Marrying him, I can't finish it. "

However, her voice was so soft that only her own brain could hear it.

Of course, her voice was so soft that no one could hear it, otherwise, if Ding Dong accidentally heard it, it would be completely over, and she would definitely be unable to eat and walk around.

Of course she wasn't afraid of losing the ugly Ding Dong, she was afraid of losing the money in Ding Dong's pocket.Everyone knows that there is no distinction between ugly and non-ugly money.Ugly money is worth as much as handsome money.

Hongye has reached an insurmountable realm for ordinary people.She was not disturbed by Hongxia's coming in and out, she was still doing her work with full concentration and meticulousness.

After finishing the work, Ding Dong lay on the bed with his feet in the air, relaxed and in a particularly good mood, with an indescribable coolness, as if he was sleeping in the clouds or lying in the water, anyway, it was very comfortable.

After resting on the bed for 10 minutes, Ding Dong got out of bed and filled out a 200 million cash check, tore it off with a snap, walked to the bedside, and stuck the cash check on the red-leaved and white jade peak with a snap: "It's The credit is great! The 200 million will be rewarded to it, and I hope it will continue to work hard and make new achievements!"

Immediately, Hongye's face was smiling, and her heart was also smiling. She thought, the loss just now has come back in multiples.She is lucky that she has a unique skill.Otherwise, how could he, a big pervert, spend millions.

Hongye encouraged herself in her heart: "Hongye, you must not relax at all, you must practice your unique skills hard, otherwise all the money in Ding Dong's pocket will be robbed by your four greedy sisters. Come on, Hongye!"

Ding Dong was leaning on the head of the bed, ready to reach out for a cigarette to smoke. Seeing that there were no cigarettes on the bed cabinet, he patted the smooth and fleshy buttocks of the red leaves with his thick, hairy hands: "Baby, go and get the cigarettes in the living room. Bring me the lighter and the lighter."

"Okay, I'll get it now." Hongye immediately got up, reached out and grabbed the clothes on the bed, ready to put them on.

"What to wear, why don't you just go down and get a pack of cigarettes, your skin is too thin." Ding Dong was a little impatient, and lightly kicked Hongye's back with his foot: "Just go down like this, anyway, the bottom They are all your compatriots and sisters, and there are no outsiders, so there is nothing to be ashamed of."

Why did Ding Dong suddenly become like this these two days?Is he really crazy?Not like!His psychology is perverted, but his logical thinking seems to be fine.So what happened to him?

However, Hongye didn't dare to think too much, and of course she didn't dare to disobey. She immediately got out of bed and went downstairs without any clothes on.Walking on the stairs, she cheered herself up in time, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, there is nothing to be ashamed of, they are all her sisters.

Even so, Hongye still blushed a little, and her heart beat a little faster.

Although they were her own sisters, she still covered the two big jade rabbits on her chest with her hands, and walked to the center of the living room as fast as she could.

The four sisters who were sitting on the sofa drinking tea and chatting were all stunned when they saw the red leaves going downstairs without any clothes hanging.

Hongye didn't have the nerve to talk to everyone, and she didn't look directly at the faces of the four sisters. She reached out to grab the cigarettes and lighters on the coffee table, turned around and returned, and before everyone could react, she left the four sisters with a white and slender back.

Four pairs of staring eyes stared at the two white lumps of flesh under Hongye's waist, twisting left and right and going up to the second floor.

On the second floor, Hongye's heart calmed down.

Now, she was thinking, it really wasn't a big deal.If I let myself go to get things naked again, I will definitely not blush anymore, and my heartbeat will not speed up again.

Hongye entered the bedroom, skillfully took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, put it in her mouth, lit the cigarette on her mouth with a sound of "dang", took a puff, and stuffed the cigarette into Ding Dong's mouth Li: "Honey, please smoke!"

Then, she also went to bed, like a well-behaved kitten, snuggling in Ding Dong's arms, and gently licking Ding Dong's chest hair with her tongue.

Smoking, smoking, Ding Dong suddenly thought of something, immediately took a puff of cigarette, and asked Hongye curiously: "My little baby, I think you are usually very shrewd and responsible, why are you so stupid today? Thinking about cheating?"

"Honey, you have wronged me today." Hong Ye thought that the opportunity had come, she sat upright immediately, faced Ding Dong, and explained tearfully, "Actually, I didn't cheat at all."

Seeing Hongye's innocent and wronged face, Ding Dong immediately put the cigarette on his mouth into the ashtray, and held Hongye's tearful face with both hands: "Baby, I wronged you? Say, what's wrong with you?"

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