The train is still heading north of the earth in the night.

It was already late at night, and it was time for people to sleep.The train was quieter than before.The card players seemed to be tired from playing and put away the stalls.The people who chatted seemed to be tired from chatting, and they all closed their mouths and rested.

The pair of lovers "interns" sitting opposite Ding Dong and the others seemed to be exhausted and called it a day.The two fell asleep shoulder to shoulder.

Passengers on the opposite side of the aisle, who watched the video for free, saw that the big life movie was over and had nothing to do, so they all closed their tired eyes, found their own comfortable positions, and fell asleep obediently.

At this time, for some reason, Hongxia did not feel sleepy at all.It may be that she is still unsatisfied after the "fluttering" just now; or it may be that the excitement left by her chat with Ding Dong just now has not subsided.

Her mind was thinking about something wildly, thinking about it, and suddenly remembered her business.That's right, it's been several hours since I got in the car, and the performance of accompanying me should be nothing to say, except that it's inconvenient to do on this occasion, everything else should be done well, and the overall performance should be remarkable, But he still hasn't received any reward from Ding Dong.

She reminded herself in time that the main task of accompanying Ding Dong this time is to do everything possible to get more rewards from Ding Dong.

She thought how lucky she was to be the first one to come out to accompany Ding Dong to "sign" this time. She must seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If there is no opportunity, then this opportunity to "make money every day" is left to his four unscrupulous younger sisters in vain.

Yes, don't miss this opportunity, never come again!

Yes, we must race against time, we must face difficulties, we must see every stitch, not only we must not let go of every opportunity that can be done, but we must also strive to make the impossible possible for the first time.

If you make full use of this opportunity of "making money every day", then you will not be far away from your dream of being a "rich woman".

At this moment, Hongxia is full of confidence and has a plan in mind.

Hongxia first smiled her melon-seeded face into a dazzling rose, and then asked Ding Dong in a joking manner: "My dear, how is my performance since I got in the car? How many points can I score?"

"Not bad! Not bad!" Ding Dong touched Hongxia's beautiful legs and said without hesitation, "At least a score of 90 or higher."

"Really?" Hongxia opened her beautiful eyes wide and continued to ask, "Has that met your psychological standard?"

"Not only has it been achieved, but it has also surpassed." Ding Dong blurted out, but immediately added: "However..."

Hearing Ding Dong say the word "but", Hongxia couldn't help but "Garden" in her heart. Before Ding Dong could finish speaking, she couldn't wait to ask: "Honey, what is 'but'?"

Ding Dong touched Hongxia's pretty face with his hands, and continued: "However, you haven't reached the full score yet, you still have to make persistent efforts to make further progress."

From Ding Dong's eyes and tone, he knew that he was very satisfied with his performance, Hongxia thought, this is an excellent opportunity to make a move.

After she regained her composure, she raised her right hand and twirled her thumb and index finger in front of Ding Dong's eyes: "Honey, what about this one?"

Ding Dong didn't know the meaning of Hongxia's finger twisting, so he imitated it in front of Hongxia's eyes, and asked, "Baby, what does this mean?"

It could be seen that Ding Dong wasn't pretending, Hongxia thought, she can't play charades anymore, let's put it bluntly, anyway, he is in a very good mood now, so he shouldn't be angry.

Thinking of this, Hongxia suddenly gained confidence in her heart.She said coquettishly, "What else could it be? Isn't it your reward."

Only then did Ding Dong suddenly realize, but he didn't express his opinion immediately.

Seeing that Ding Dong didn't express his opinion immediately, Hongxia didn't know what to do for a while.She didn't dare to bring up this topic anymore, thinking, don't be too rash, otherwise, it will backfire, so let's wait and see.

"My baby, don't worry, I won't treat you badly." Ding Dongshu rolled his eyes and thought, this bounty should be given, but to make his bounty reach 100% effect, He said: "I asked you to guess a riddle, and you won a reward of [-] million if you guessed it right."

Hongxia reacted super fast, quickly took Ding Dong's thick hairy hand with her tender hand, and said delicately: "Honey, you know that I am very kind-hearted, gentle, and have many advantages, but I am not good at it. Guess the riddles, but I won’t spoil your fun, I’ll guess the riddles anyway, I just hope you can come up with some simple riddles.”

"Don't be nervous, the riddles I came up with are not difficult at all, and a person like you with common sense in life is guaranteed to guess right." Ding Dong looked at Hongxia's beautiful big eyes and said the riddle: "Open an umbrella in the air, open an umbrella A phenomenon of life."

"Oh my god, it's too difficult!" Hongxia couldn't help but cried out, "It's the first time I've heard this idiom."

"Baby, this is not an idiom, I made it up myself." Ding Dong patted Hongxia's thigh, and said lustfully, "This riddle is not difficult, really, it's not difficult at all! It doesn't need a high IQ, as long as you Just use your imagination. Just calm down and guess slowly."

Regardless of whether it is difficult or not, anyway, he has already revealed a mystery, and he cannot be changed again, so just bite the bullet and guess slowly.

What is the phenomenon of life?Hongxia thought about it, but didn't have a clue.

Hongxia scratched her head, and suddenly realized that, by the way, he is a pervert, and this phenomenon of life must be related to that.

It is easy to guess by narrowing the range, Hongxia immediately became more confident, and her eyes, which had been dull just now, were now emitting an abnormal light.

"Oh, I finally guessed it." Hongxia was very excited.

"What is it?" Ding Dong was surprised.

With a blushing face, Hongxia lay down next to Ding Dong's ear, and said softly, "I just don't want to touch your body, and try to make your stick stand up."

"God, you are such a genius." Ding Dong held Hongxia's face in both hands excitedly, and said, "Beauty, you are amazing, the reward is doubled!"

"Really?" Hongxia's eyes lit up.

"When did I lie to you?"

Hongxia was ecstatic, and excitedly gave Ding Dong a deep kiss.

Then, she raised her right hand again, twirled her thumb and index finger in front of Ding Dong's eyes, and asked sweetly, "Honey, what about this one?"

Ding Dong pinched Hongxia's thigh, then leaned into Hongxia's ear and said, "This is not a place to fill out checks, 200 million will be issued to you when you arrive at the hotel."

"I'm not in a hurry, anyway, you won't go back on your word." Hongxia smiled sweetly.

Ding Dong, who was still in the excitement, couldn't finish it. He had a sudden thought, squinted his natural thin eyes, let out a smirk of "hi", and said to Hongxia who was still immersed in joy: "Oh, baby, you Would you like to try it for a fee?"

As soon as she heard the word "paid", Hongxia suddenly regained her spirits.He stared at his beautiful big eyes and asked softly. "Honey, of course I would like to try for a fee, but I don't know what you want me to try?"

Ding Dong looked at Hongxia bewilderedly, and said, "However, I just don't know if you dare to try."

"Honey, I'm willing to try anything as long as it's 'paid'." Can't wait, Hongxia immediately added: "However, I will never try anything that is life-threatening, no matter how much money is given to me."

Ding Dong asked Hongxia solemnly: "Then I will give you [-] million, will you try it?"

Hongxia didn't even think about it, so she simply replied: "Even if you give me [-] billion, I won't do it, oh dear, don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't want to do it, it's that I dare not do it, you Think about it, people's lives are gone, so what's the point of asking for money?"

Ding Dong gave another "hi" smirk, and while stroking Hongxia's thigh, he said, "Baby, you are worrying too much, how could I let my sweetheart do dangerous things, I just want you to try Put an umbrella in the air, if you really didn't touch my body, let me hold up the umbrella, then I will reward you with another 200 million. Do you want to do this?"

When she heard that it was an umbrella, Hongxia thought to herself, this is too easy, and there is no danger, so she said repeatedly: "I will do this! I will do this!"

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