After twelve hours of driving, the train finally entered the newly built Beishi Station.

Beishi is a beautiful and prosperous metropolis, an ancient cultural city with a long history, and a tourist city that is well-known and yearned for by everyone in the world.

The beautiful Beishi in front of them is the first stop of Ding Dong's trip.It was exactly six o'clock in the morning when we arrived at the destination.Now is the time when spring and summer are at the turn of the season, and the sky in Beishi is already bright at six o'clock.

Nowadays, it is the peak tourist season, and although it is still morning, Beishi Station is already crowded with people.

Walking out of the gate of the station hall, Ding Dong, who had been sitting for twelve hours, took a deep breath and felt that the morning air in Beishi was extraordinarily fresh and pleasant.

Hongxia looked up at the clear blue sky, then at the row upon row of tall buildings in front of her, and asked Ding Dong beside her, "Honey, where are we going now?"

"Baby, guess what I want to do most now?" Ding Dong patted Hongxia's fleshy buttocks with his hands, and then put his hands on Hongxia's shoulders.

Hongxia has been wanting to get money all the time these few days, so she turned her head and asked Ding Dong with a smile: "Honey, is there any reward for guessing?"

"Hey, you female money addict, you've been thinking about getting money early in the morning." Ding Dong lightly flicked her tender face with his hand on her shoulder.

Hongxia arched her cherry mouth to Ding Dong, and said coquettishly, "Honey, I'm not alone. Now everyone in the world is looking at money. Think about it, how can I, a fashionable woman who is growing day by day, fall behind?"

"Well, even if what you say is reasonable, then you can guess, guessing 50." Ding Dong said lightly.

When she heard that it was only 50 yuan, Hongxia quickly pouted her small cherry mouth, and said in a coquettish voice, "Honey, it's just that little? Are you knocking on rolling candy?"

"Baby, don't think it's too little. This time I'll pay you 500 million. I guess you won't be able to guess it." Ding Dong gave Hongxia a dismissive look.

"Honey, why do you doubt my IQ so much?" Hongxia asked stupidly.

"To tell you the truth, this has nothing to do with your IQ. It has something to do with your understanding of me." Ding Dong said solemnly.

"My God, we've been together for so many years, yet you think I don't understand you." Hongxia said with a downcast face, "You look down on me too much, don't you?"

Ding Dong knew that she was a little angry, and hurriedly put his arms around her waist and explained: "Baby, you misunderstood. People's thoughts, moods and interests can change at any time. Even if you know me the day before yesterday and yesterday, you don't necessarily know me today. me."

Hongxia knew that she couldn't beat Ding Dong, so she said impatiently: "Okay, okay, okay, I can't beat you, I don't want to argue, so you still let me guess?"

"Of course I'll let you guess." Ding Dong continued to hug Hongxia's slender willow waist.

Hongxia is a woman who pushes every inch, and she still hasn't forgotten about the bid, so she asked childishly, "Honey, how much is the reward?"

"Okay, okay, okay, since you think it's too little, let's multiply 50 by two. I don't know if you have the ability to take it." Ding Dong pinched Hongxia's fleshy buttocks gently again.

Hearing that Ding Dong had raised the bid to 100 million, Hongxia nodded with satisfaction and began to use her brains.

She remembered that Ding Dong said last year that watching the sea of ​​clouds from the Yanzui Peak in Beishi was a rare experience in life, a wonderful enjoyment of being ecstatic.

She was thinking that since Ding Dong preferred Beishi for this trip, he must be very eager to see the sea of ​​clouds on Yanzui Peak.And now is the best time to climb Yanzui Peak.

Hongxia thought it was safe, so she gave the answer: "Honey, what you want to do most now is to go to Yanzui Peak to see the sea of ​​clouds. How about it, your little one is smart, right?"

"Yes, you are indeed very smart," Ding Dong said, spreading his hands to Hongxia, "but it's a pity that you didn't guess this time."

"Honey, are you kidding me? Have I guessed it right?" Hongxia asked eagerly.

Ding Dong shook his head and said, "Honey, I'm not joking."

"You lied to me, I must have guessed right." Hongxia insisted.

"A wrong guess is a wrong guess. Why don't I admit it?" Ding Dong's tone became rough.

Hongxia still couldn't believe that she had guessed wrong, so she arched her mouth and said angrily, "You don't want to pay that 100 million, do you?"

Hearing what Hongxia said, Ding Dong's face suddenly sank, and he said seriously, "Oh, Hongxia, who do you think I am, Ding Dong? What about me? I always keep my word and keep my word."

Seeing that Ding Dong was in a hurry, Hongxia knew that she had misunderstood Ding Dong, so she softened immediately and hurriedly apologized: "My dear, don't be angry, I misunderstood you, I'm sorry, I was crazy about money. "

Seeing Hongxia's attitude of admitting her mistake very much, Ding Dong calmed down, and he said softly, "Baby, it's not that your IQ is not enough, but that my question is wrong, I'm sorry!"

Hongxia believed Ding Dong and admitted her mistake, but she still wanted to know the answer, so she asked, "Honey, can you tell me the answer?"

Ding Dong said bluntly: "Of course I want to tell you the answer, otherwise, you will still miss the one million. Okay, baby, listen carefully, my answer is 'what I want to do the most right now Just quickly find a star-rated hotel to stay, take a hot bath, drink a bowl of eight-treasure porridge, and then have a good night's sleep'."

This answer was far beyond Hongxia's expectation.

He also slept for a few hours after having a good time in the car just now. He was obviously out on a trip, so why would he think of finding a hotel to sleep in first?What's the matter with him?He wasn't like this before.

Hongxia couldn't figure it out, anyway, she felt that Ding Dong had changed in all aspects in the past few days, and she almost didn't know him anymore.

In fact, Ding Dong was not like this. As long as there is a good place to play, unless he is exhausted, he will definitely go there non-stop.

The past few days are different. He knows that he is already in the terminal stage of cancer, and he cannot overdraw his remaining energy prematurely. He must combine work and rest, maintain good physical strength, and spend the last [-] days in the most "best" state.

Ding Dong was thinking that if he lacked physical strength, even if he had enough money to command the five sisters, even if he had the desire to inspire people, he would be unable to live up to his ambition and regret for the rest of his life.

Of course, Hongxia couldn't understand Ding Dong's changes these days, because she didn't know that Ding Dong was already a terminally ill patient who needed maintenance.

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