The madman who eats all the money

038 Chapter 1 at a glance

Ding Dong didn't know that Hongxia scolded him in her heart, if she knew, he wouldn't have pushed her into the abyss one meter away.

I don't know if the two of them were tired, or they wanted to calm down and concentrate on experiencing the feeling of flying through the clouds. They put down all their work and looked up at the cloudy sky with their feet on their backs.

1 minute has passed...

5 minute has passed...

10 minute has passed...

Three 10 minutes passed...

An hour has passed...

Suddenly, a gust of cool wind blew past her naked body with a whirring sound, Hongxia shuddered involuntarily, and subconsciously crossed her hands to protect her towering jade peak.

She is not covering up because of shyness, but wants to bring a little warmth to Yufeng who is exposed at the highest end.

Inadvertently, Ding Dong noticed Hongxia's abnormal behavior and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"Honey, do you feel cold?" Hongxia didn't answer Ding Dong's question directly, but asked rhetorically.

Coincidentally, at this moment, Ding Dong couldn't help shivering, and then said: "It's starting to get cold. Baby, do you know that the weather here is like a child's face, it changes as soon as it changes."

"Honey, shall we withdraw?" Hongxia asked Ding Dong for advice.

"Okay, just now we were gods in the sky, now let's go back to the earth and be happy gods." Ding Dong sat up slowly while talking.

Hongxia also sat up slowly.

The weather here is really a child's face, it changes as soon as it changes.In a blink of an eye, the clouds cleared and the sky was clear.

Just as Hongxia was about to put on the veil, she accidentally noticed dozens of men, women and children staring at her body ten meters away from the feldspar.


Hongxia screamed.

She thought to herself, this is over, it must have been clear just now.

Ding Dong also saw these dozens of greedy gazes, but he was not frightened, and his heart was very calm. While putting on his clothes, he comforted Hongxia: "Baby, there is nothing to be nervous about. At this moment, the best way is to You just need to be supercilious, but if you can’t be supercilious, then you can take these eyes as the eyes of a magpie, or a squirrel, or a hare.”

After Ding Dong's dialing, Hongxia really didn't feel nervous anymore, as if she was really in a no-man's land, she slowly put on her clothes leisurely and contentedly.

After both Ding Dong and Hongxia put on their clothes, the two looked happy, arm in arm, and returned to the only way they had just come.

After passing by the dozens of spectators calmly and calmly, they all started talking behind them.

Hongxia didn't want to hear what everyone was saying, but she was too close, so she could still hear them clearly.

"Hey, creative! These two people are so romantic, they really know where to choose..." A young man's voice.

"Hey, they are too daring to do such a thing on such a dangerous mountain..." a young woman's voice.

"Oh my god, these young people are too self-respecting to do such a shameful thing in this kind of place..." the voice of a grandpa.

"This, it's too embarrassing, this is a scenic area, it's a public place, hey, why do young people nowadays do everything..." the voice of a grandma.

"Mom, in broad daylight, they sleep here without clothes on, are they hooligans?" A boy's voice.

As they drifted away, Hongxia heard that everyone was still talking, but she couldn't hear what they were talking about.

On the way down the mountain, Ding Dong's whole body was relaxed and his face was full of spring. He was thinking, since he entered the countdown of his life, he has really lived a wonderful and enjoyable life, compared to the past few decades. But also colorful.

Thinking, thinking, he regretted a little, he should have lived like this long ago.

Hongxia also felt relaxed all over her body, with a glow on her face, she was thinking, what a joy today, since she became a real fairy for a while, and she also received a reward of 1000 million yuan.

It would be great if it could be 1000 million a day.

Hongxia immediately laughed at herself in her heart: "Hey, don't get too fancy."

Ding Dong suddenly put his arms around Hongxia's slender waist, and asked lewdly, "Honey, did you have fun today?"

"Honey, I had so much fun." Hongxia said sweetly, "I wish I could be this happy every day."

"My baby, don't worry, I will create conditions to make you happy every day." Ding Dong patted Hongxia's perky buttocks.

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