The madman who eats all the money

Chapter 052 Nancheng, Farewell

Looking at his child's mother, Ding Dong sighed "Oh", and expressed his heart at this moment: "My baby, do you know? If you were pregnant three months earlier, it would be fine, I wouldn't Divided so much money to your four sisters. It is too late now, and it is impossible to get it back."

Hearing Ding Dong's words, Hongping felt sad for a while.I thought to myself, no matter how greedy he is, he can still embody the traditional essence of the Chinese people when he is dying—leaving everything to his children.

This is the innate human nature and innate selfish desires.

Hong Ping wanted to say something to Ding Dong, but she didn't know what to say for a while.At this time, a trace of unease suddenly floated in her heart. She told a big lie in front of a dying person. Was she too innocent...

However, she quickly comforted herself again: "Such a lie may not be a good thing for Ding Dong, he can leave this world safely with hope. In a sense, I have done a miracle. Big good thing."

Seeing that Hongping was silent, Ding Dong comforted her instead: "But it's okay, my money hasn't been divided yet, I can leave all of it to you mother and son."

Ding Dong's words made Hongping feel overwhelmed and extremely sad, after all, she is also a woman of flesh and blood.

Hongping didn't want Ding Dong to be sad, so she immediately persuaded Ding Dong hypocritically: "Honey, don't think too much, my four older sisters are also your son's aunts, and they will love him in the future and spend money on your son of."

Ding Dong thought to himself, what Hongping said makes sense. Besides, these four sisters have added color to my life for so many years, especially in the last days of my life, they gave me joy that ordinary people can't give.So it's not wrong to give them that money.

In Hong Ping's eyes, Ding Dong has always been a man who is greedy for money, sex and full of evil.But at this moment, Ding Dong is an extremely pitiful man in Hong Ping's eyes.

Ding Dong, who regained his composure, grabbed Hongping's hand and said, "Honey, get up!"

"Are you going to have dinner?" Hong Ping's mind was all on money, and she didn't feel any hunger, so she replied, "Honey, I don't want to eat now, let's lie down for a while?"

"You misunderstood, I'm not taking you to dinner, I'm taking you out of here quickly." Ding Dong explained.

"You want to leave quickly?" Hong Ping didn't know Ding Dong's intention, she looked at Ding Dong blankly: "Why?"

"Your four older sisters will be here in a while, we have to check out the room and leave here before they come." Ding Dong said while putting on his clothes.

"Okay, okay, I'll get up now." Hongping asked as she put on her clothes as she didn't want her four older sisters to run into Ding Dong again. "Then where are we going?"

"Don't ask, I'll tell you on the way." Ding Dong smiled at Hongping: "Just hurry up and get dressed, if you're slow, you won't be in time."

Half an hour later, Ding Dong hurriedly left the Binjiang Hotel with his only piece of luggage—a backpack of moderate size, holding Hongping's hand.

An hour later, they boarded the train bound for City C.

With the whistle of "Woo--", the train slowly left the station and gradually left the bustling and noisy Nancheng.

Facing the window, looking at the increasingly smaller and blurred Nancheng, Ding Dong was filled with emotions and thoughts...

He couldn't help but said silently in his heart: "Nancheng who gave birth to me and raised me, Nancheng who brought me dreams, Nancheng who brought me wealth, and Nancheng who brought me beautiful women, but in the end brought me disaster Farewell to Nancheng! On the occasion of this farewell, I will neither scold you nor hate you, not because I don't want to, but because I dare not, because my son will be born in this city soon..."

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